
Showing posts with the label lawyers

Hillary Clinton: KENTUCKY WIN

Dear Robert,   I owe our 35-point win in Kentucky yesterday to your incredible support. So let me ask you -- do you think we should let the TV talking heads have the final say in this race? Or should we do what we have always done, and fight together for what you and I believe in? I have never for one moment forgotten what this race is about -- the millions of people who are looking to you and me for the leadership America needs. It's about getting our economy moving again. It's about bringing the war in Iraq to a responsible end. It's about fulfilling America's energy needs while protecting the planet for our children and grandchildren. It's about making sure that every man, woman, and child in America has health care. Now we have just three races left, and your help is absolutely critical in these final two weeks. So let's do it. Let's keep fighting and winning together, as we have all along. Contribute today and let's keep driving towar


Dear Robert,   Tonight's victory in Indiana was close, and a margin that narrow means just one thing: every single thing you did to help us win in Indiana helped make the difference.  Every call you made, every friend you spoke to about our campaign, every dollar you contributed made tonight's victory possible. And I couldn't be more thankful for your hard work.  Every time we've celebrated a victory, we've celebrated it together. And tonight is no exception. This victory is your victory, this campaign is your campaign, and your support has been the difference between winning and losing.  Thank you so much for making this campaign possible. Let's keep making history together.  Sincerely,  Hillary Rodham Clinton 


Dear Robert,   Thanks to you, we won a critically important victory tonight in Pennsylvania. It's a giant step forward that will transform the landscape of the presidential race. And it couldn't have happened without you.  There will be much more to do beginning tomorrow. But tonight, let's just celebrate the fact that you and I are part of a remarkable community of people tough enough, passionate enough, and determined enough to win big when everything is on the line.  Thanks so much for all you do.  Sincerely,  Hillary Rodham Clinton 


Dear Robert,   Over the course of this campaign, I have seen the promise of America in your courage and character, your energy and ingenuity, and your compassion and faith.  Your spirit has inspired me every day in this race. While I traveled this country talking about how I wanted to help you -- time and again, you reached out to help me. To grab my hand or grip my arm, to look me in my eyes and tell me, don't quit, keep fighting, stay in this race for us. There were days when I had strength enough for the both of us -- and on the days I didn't, I leaned on you.  This has always been your campaign, and tonight, there's no one I want to hear from more than you. I hope you're as proud as I am of what we've done and that you'll take a moment to share your thoughts with me now at my website.  I want to congratulate Senator Obama and his supporters on the extraordinary race that they have run. Senator Obama has inspired so many Americans to care about politi

Hillary Clinton in Puerto Rico

Dear Robert,   Another big win! Today in Puerto Rico, the voters spoke with a powerful voice to say that this race is not over yet. And thanks to your support, we're celebrating another great victory.  When all the votes in Puerto Rico are counted, our popular vote lead will be even bigger. More than 17 million people have cast their ballots for our campaign, more votes than any candidate has received in the history of the Democratic Party. Now there can be no doubt: the people have spoken and you have chosen your candidate. We are winning the popular vote.  Every time the pundits count us out -- every time they declare the race over -- you, the voters, send a clear message that you have another idea. And you and I just keep winning races together.  Now there are just two contests left, the final primaries in South Dakota and Montana. I know I can rely on your support for these last two races, just as I have throughout the campaign.  Thank you so much for everything,  Hilla


Dear robert,   Have you noticed the pattern?  Every time our campaign demonstrates its strength and resilience, people start to suggest we should end our pursuit of the Democratic nomination.  Those anxious to force us to the sidelines aren't doing it because they think we're going to lose the upcoming primaries. The fact is, they're reading the same polls we are, and they know we are in a position to win.  In three days, we're facing a critical March filing deadline -- another chance to show the strength of our campaign. Let's take these three days to make something absolutely clear: we aren't going to simply step aside. You and I are going to keep fighting for what we believe in, and together, we're going to win.  Contribute today to help us raise $3 million by the March filing deadline at midnight Monday.  Every time we are challenged to prove the strength and durability of our appeal to voters, we meet our goals. We did it in New Hampshire, we di

Hi! My name is Caroline Pla, and I love football. -- I need your help - the Archdiocese, saying girls aren't allowed.

National Black Independent Party- Hi! My name is Caroline Pla, I'm 11 years old, and I really love football. When I was 3, I watched my big brother play  Pop Warner football , and I told his coach I would play someday, too. I kept my word. I started playing when I was 5, and now I play in a Catholic Youth league --  but the Philadelphia Archdiocese, which runs my league, is suddenly saying that girls aren't allowed. The idea that girls can't play football is stupid. I've been playing for seven years, and I've never been injured. The guys don't go easy on me, either -- I've worked hard to show them that I'm just as good as they are, and I deserve to be treated the same as them. I thought it was really unfair that they won't let me play next year, so my mom started a petition on asking the Philadelphia Archdiocese to let girls play football. Will you click here and sign it? When I first heard that girls aren't allowed anymore,

Emily's List: Enough is enough. Our pro-choice Democratic women are leading the fight

Breaking news: Violence Against Women Act reintroduced in House and Senate robert, If Republicans want to prove they care about women, they're off to a pretty bad start in 2013. House Republicans let the Violence Against Women Act expire last December -- for the first time in nearly 25 years.   The GOP's callous abandonment of the more than 1.3 million women abused by a partner each year is absolutely outrageous.  But our pro-choice Democratic women -- like Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan, and Barbara Mikulski in the Senate, and Louise Slaughter, Nancy Pelosi, and Gwen Moore in the House -- are on the case, speaking out bravely and introducing new legislation to get the landmark law back on the books.   Join us in sending our women leaders a message that the EMILY's List community is behind them all the way.  Sign our petition and tell the amazing women fighting to pass VAWA that you're standing with them. The Republicans have made their 2013 priorities pretty clear: b

Stephanie Schriock: watch our special Strength In Numbers video

robert, Tammy Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren,  and  Mazie Hirono. Maggie Hassan,  and a total of more than 28 of our fearless pro-choice Democratic senators and congresswomen. Almost 1,400 amazing EMILY's List members.  True Strength In Numbers. We all gathered yesterday to revel in our amazing 2012 victories -- and pledged to continue to fight together in pursuit of our progressive ideals. And we did it all on the weekend that we inaugurate President Obama for another four years of fighting for our progress.   And every single one of those amazing women would tell you the same thing: that  this inspiring day wouldn't have been possible without you.   We didn't want you to miss a single moment -- click here to see photos, watch our special Strength In Numbers video, and read our wrap-up from yesterday's sellout event! Take care, and here's to more and more amazing weekends like this one.    Stephanie

Kirsten Gillibrand: Sign Pres Obama's Congratulations E-card

Robert L., Tomorrow morning on the steps of the U.S. Capitol,  Barack Obama  will be sworn in for his second term as President of the United States. I’m excited to be there to witness this historic event, which is always such a powerful reminder of the great democracy we live in. Please join me in congratulating President Obama on this special day, and let him know that you will stand with him over the next four years. Click here to sign my congratulatory card, and wish the president the best as he takes the oath of office. There is so much to be done during his second term. Over the past few weeks, we’ve mapped out an ambitious agenda. By pulling together now, I am confident we can accomplish it. Sincerely, Kirsten

Stephanie Schriock: GOP Boss Rush Limbaugh threatens to stop women with guns

robert, This is appalling. Yesterday, on his radio show,  Rush Limbaugh  said:  "You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun." That's right. At a time when we need to have a serious conversation about gun safety and mental health -- and when we still have a Republican House unwilling to protect women through the  Violence Against Women Act  -- Rush Limbaugh decides to spew even more hateful vitriol toward women. None of us has forgotten the vile anti-woman abuse leveled at Sandra Fluke last year by Rush. We can't let this latest outrage go unchallenged. Click here to send a clear message to Rush Limbaugh: your violent language toward women is unacceptable. Our community knows just how devastating gun violence can be, especially for our country's families. Join us today in taking a stand against Rush's verbal attacks against women. Stephanie

Tom Harkin: restore majority rule in the Senate

Dear Robert, When many people think of the  filibuster , they think of the 1939 film  Mr. Smith Goes to Washington . In this classic, Senator Smith talks ceaselessly on the Senate floor to stand up for the little guy against the special interests. It's an unusual and dramatic scene. Today, that scene has been turned upside down.  Senate Republicans routinely use the filibuster to block anything and everything they dislike -- no matter how uncontroversial or critical it is -- to protect special interests at the expense of the little guy. Thankfully, the Senate has an opportunity to fix the filibuster next week, and I -- along with Senators Jeff Merkley and Tom Udall -- plan to do it. Click here to sign my petition to promote transparency and accountability, and get the Senate working again, by fixing the filibuster. Defenders of this kind of obstruction like to point to the traditions of the Senate in support of their cynical actions. But our founding fathers didn't

Jim Messina: Take a look at the President's plan to reduce gun violence, and stand with him in support:

Robert -- Yesterday, President Obama announced his plan to protect our children and our communities by helping reduce gun violence. We won't stop every violent act like the one in Newtown, Connecticut. But if we can save the life of even one child, the President believes each of us has a responsibility to take action. People like you spoke out and demanded action. Your input, along with ideas from leaders and policymakers across the political spectrum, went into the President's plan. Learn more about the plan, and say you stand with President Obama in tackling this critical issue. Most gun owners use their guns safely and responsibly, and the President believes firmly in protecting our Second Amendment rights. But common-sense changes can go a long way in keeping our streets and our schools safer -- and there's too much at stake to stand by and wait for action. The President will not wait. Yesterday, he signed 23 executive actions to start moving our country in the right d

Kirsten Gillibrand: We cannot accept daily shootings on our streets

Robert L., Just a few moments ago,  President Obama  announced his plans to curb gun violence. The president has shown he is prepared to take meaningful steps to try and prevent the nearly 34 deaths that occur every single day due to senseless gun violence. But he cannot do it alone; Congress has to do its part. I am pleased the president will fight for a measure I wrote in 2009 that cracks down on the trafficking of illegal guns. When we pass this legislation, gun trafficking will be defined as a federal crime for the first time, and stiff penalties will allow law enforcement to stop the daily flow of illegal weapons on our streets from out of state. His plan also includes several of the initiatives I strongly support, such as an assault weapons ban, universal background checks and limits on high-capacity magazines. We have to prevent mass tragedies. We cannot accept daily shootings on our streets. The president’s proposals will help save lives, but only if they are enacted

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: stop these assaults on the lives of millions of women in this country

Robert -- Republicans in Congress have already introduced several bills to limit a woman's ability to make her own health decisions -- all in the first 48 hours of the new session. Blatantly ignoring a clear message from voters in the 2012 elections, they hope to:     -- Block Planned Parenthood from receiving federal funds for family planning     -- Ban all abortions even in case of rape and incest, and possibly go as far as banning some forms of birth control and in vitro fertilization     -- Repeal Obamacare Here's where you come in. We need to fight back immediately, and you can make sure Democrats have the resources to do it. Will you donate $5 or more today? As a woman, cancer survivor, and mother -- and as a Democrat who has fought tooth and nail on these issues -- I'm absolutely incensed over these latest attacks on women's health. And I'm not going to sit back and watch while Republicans try to take away our rights.  We can stop these assaults on the healt

Kirsten Gillibrand: pass the Assault Weapons Ban

Robert L., The only way to respond to the unspeakable horror that occurred in Newtown, Connecticut, is to act. The ready availability of assault weapons is what helped make many of these recent shootings so appallingly deadly. They have no place in civil society—no place in our schools, shopping malls or city streets. That’s why I’m working with colleagues in the House and Senate to pass the Assault Weapons Ban. We’ve launched a new online campaign at , so we can gather support for this bill. By adding your name today, you’ll help us counter the powerful gun lobby and finally get this important law passed. The bill is being introduced this month. We have to act. If there was ever a time when enacting effective gun control legislation was possible, it’s now. Please join us today. Add your name to our petition calling on members of the House and Senate to pass the Assault Weapons Ban immediately. Tell Congress you won’t tolerate any more stalling on

Stephanie Schriock: The PantSuits are here

robert, We saw some truly amazing moments at yesterday's swearing-in ceremonies on Capitol Hill. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi gathered her Democratic women's caucus -- now 60 strong -- on the Capitol steps. And how about watching Tammy Baldwin, Mazie Hirono, and Elizabeth Warren join an historic number of women in the Senate? What the  New York Times  called a "serious display of XX-chromosome strength" we call inspiring and beautiful. Just see for yourself -- we've gathered photos from the day's festivities for you. Click here to see: . These are the memories you helped make. These are the women you helped elect. And these are the images that will inspire millions of girls in the months and years to come to say, "Yes, that could be me one day." Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this incredible day possible. Because of you, we've elected true fighters for women and families, and I can

Jim Messina: President Obama recorded a video to update supporters

Robert -- The President reached an agreement with Republicans and Democrats in Congress on the "fiscal cliff" that prevents a tax hike on 98 percent of Americans and 97 percent of small businesses, while fulfilling the President's promise to ask the wealthiest Americans to begin to pay their fair share to reduce the deficit. President Obama recorded a video to update supporters like you on what's in the agreement and what it means for you -- watch it and share it with friends and family : It's thanks to people like you who spoke up and contacted your members of Congress throughout this debate that we were able to avoid a crippling tax hike. As we address our ongoing fiscal challenges, the President will do exactly what he said he would on the campaign trail -- working for the middle class and all those fighting to get into it, and building an economy from the middle out, not the top down. There will be more soon.

Jennifer Petty: Hit the Ground Running

Dear robert l.,  With the year-end fast approaching, we’re reviewing our year and our online donation records for 21st Century Democrats. This year, we did everything we could to get progressives elected up and down the ticket -- and we did! In doing so, we have depleted our budget and now need to rebuild our financial resources.  That’s why I’m turning to you, to see if you could make your 2012 online contribution today.  Please Make Your 2012 Contribution Today Currently, we are working with Senator Tom Harkin and his newly proposed bill on the filibuster, which is critical in getting Washington working again.  And we are always out recruiting progressive candidates to run for office. So we continue to need funding.  Please Make Your 2012 Contribution Today So please be as generous as you can today and make your 2012 online contribution. Even a gift of $5 will go a long way.  Please make your 2012 contribution today, so we can hit the ground running in 2013!   Thank you,  Jenni

Tom Harkin: strong out of the gate

Dear Robert, If there is one message I’m taking away from the 2012 elections, it’s this: Get ready early. 2012 showed us that we must expect a deluge of outside spending from exactly the same right-wing special interests that are trying to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid right now in Washington. But it also showed us that, if we start early and get organized, their deep pockets are no match for our grassroots strength. That’s why today I’m laying the groundwork for 2014 by launching a $25,000 New Year’s fundraising goal -- and I need your support. Will you contribute $3 to help us reach our fundraising goal before the midnight deadline on Monday? In Washington, House Republicans continue to offer proposals that would protect the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the middle class. I’m fighting back -- every day, as hard as I can -- because I believe our country does best when it puts the middle class first.  I’ll never stop, because it’s the right thin