
Showing posts with the label grassroots

White House: America's Pride Monument is now complete

THE  WHITE HOUSE     Meet our newest national monument: Today, President Obama designated a new national monument at the historic site of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City to honor the movement for LGBT equality. Watch the video to learn more about the new Stonewall National Monument: Here's what you need to know about America's newest national monument: 1. This is our first national monument to honor the struggle for LGBT rights. The Stonewall National Monument will protect the area where, on June 28, 1969, a community’s uprising sparked the modern LGBT civil rights movement in the United States. In the early morning hours of that day, a riot broke out in response to a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, one of New York City's best-known LGBT bars at the time. The nearby Christopher Park served as a gathering place, refuge, and platform for the community to voice its demand for LGBT civil rights. After the Stonewall Uprising, the quest for LGBT

Tim: The NDAA also bars the President from transferring terrorists

About Tim Services Media Center Legislative Work South Carolina Resources Dear Friends, Thank you for subscribing to my weekly e-newsletter, and please remember to follow me on   Facebook  ,    Twitter  ,   Instagram   and   YouTube  ! Mother Emanuel Anniversary A year ago last Friday, parishioners of Mother Emanuel AME Church were the victims of a horrific hate crime that took the lives of nine people. The gunman hoped to incite a race war; however, his actions did just the opposite. People from all across the state and country came together to support those directly affected by these tragic events. Seeing the victims’ families come forth to forgive the man who took the lives of their loved ones was one of the most amazing things we have ever seen. Their willingness to forgive a man so filled with hate was an example of strength and goodness that was inspiring. My heart and prayers continue to be with the families. I created a tribute   video   in remembrance of the tra

Donald: My first official fundraising email, The bottom line – Crooked Hillary has been a DISASTER

Robert, This is the first fundraising email I have ever sent on behalf of my campaign. That's right.  The FIRST ONE .  And, I'm going to help make it the most successful introductory fundraising email in modern political history by  personally  matching every dollar that comes in WITHIN THE NEXT 48 HOURS, up to $2 million!   Robert, this means any donation you make between $1 and $2,700 (the maximum allowable contribution) will be matched, dollar-for-dollar.  Help make history by giving one of the amounts below: $10 DONATION [$20 WITH MATCH] $20 DONATION [$40 WITH MATCH] $25 DONATION [$50 WITH MATCH] $50 DONATION [$100 WITH MATCH] $100 DONATION [$200 WITH MATCH] ANOTHER AMOUNT TO MATCH Even without this match, this initial effort would have been the most successful first fundraising email in history . I am certain of this. But let me tell you why I decided to match your donations.  The Democrats are desperate, and they're throwing everything they

Will: House Republicans plan to restore America

Dear Friend, We need a better way to stop terrorism and keep America safe . The Orlando mass shooting highlights the need for greater coordination between federal, state and local law enforcement. The unfortunate reality is that many of the challenges we face today are the direct result of years of failed policies that have decreased American leadership around the world. Fortunately, those policies are reversible.  There is a better way. Above: Rep. Hurd discusses national security priorities with CNBC House Republicans recently released  our plan  to restore America's international position to its former level of prominence. Our vision is predicated on these tenets: protecting the homeland, defeating terrorists, tackling new threats, and defending freedom.  Congress must restore American leadership. CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW. 

Marjorie: Our Pro Life meeting with Trump

Hi robert, I'm writing to you from the train on the way from Washington, D.C. to New York City where myself and other pro-life leaders will be meeting with Donald Trump tomorrow. At tomorrow's meeting, I plan to ask Mr. Trump about the pro-life policy commitments he has made and how he would advance the pro-life agenda as president. robert, can I count on your prayers as I prepare for the meeting, and as I put these questions to Mr. Trump? I thought this was a really important meeting to get to, because it will make sure that your voice is heard. I'll be sure to let the presumptive Republican nominee know that I am asking this question on behalf of you and more than 465,000 other SBA List members. Thank you for standing with us. Thank you for standing for the unborn. For Life, Marjorie Dannenfelser President, Susan B. Anthony List Sent from my iPhone

Kirsten: the first Latina elected to the U.S. Senate.

Robert, I am doing everything I can in Nevada to help elect Catherine Cortez Masto to the U.S. Senate, and I need you with me: NPR calls Nevada the “Republicans' best (and some might say only) pickup opportunity this cycle.”  The Washington Post  says a GOP win in Nevada would “ensure their majority for two more years.” Here’s my ask: If you agree that we MUST take back our Democratic Senate – to secure the future of our Supreme Court, advance women’s rights and level the playing field for ALL Americans – I need you to give to Catherine right now. Catherine is just ONE POINT DOWN in the latest poll, so your support could not come at a more critical time. Use this link to give: Catherine epitomizes the very idea of inclusivity and opportunity: She stands to be the first Latina elected to the U.S. Senate. It is a critical message for us to send now that the GOP has made Donald Trump the face of its party. But with th

Rand: My personal video message to all the patriots

Patriot, can you please stop what you are doing right now and listen to my message? CLICK HERE TO WATCH & LISTEN >> In Liberty, Rand Paul

Russ: I've been to all of Wisconsin's 72 counties more than once

My campaign is about going where the people are. Robert -- My campaign is about going where the people are. That's why I've been to all of Wisconsin's 72 counties more than once, and why I've put over 46,000 miles on the campaign van. Since getting into the race, I've spent as much time as possible on the road, listening to my fellow Wisconsinites. And each conversation energizes and inspires me. My desire to serve the people of Wisconsin has never been stronger. And if I'm fortunate enough to win this election, I'll do the hard work it takes to get things done, because Wisconsinites from Ashland to Kenosha have told me that's what our state needs. And I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work! But our current senator, Ron Johnson, doesn't think it's his job to listen to the people he represents -- and it shows. That's why in his last campaign ad, Senator Johnson couldn't point to even one thing he's accomplish

Jill: We are up Two more points. We are the Anti-Hillary and Anti-Trump Campaign

Dear Friend --  First, the good news: a CNN poll released yesterday showed our campaign at 7% nationally! That’s more than  triple  where we were in May, and  almost 2000% ahead of where we finished in 2012. The bad news is this: in another recent poll, 87% of voters said they don’t know enough about our campaign to have an opinion, while only 12% said they did. But put the two polls together, and you’ll realize something amazing -  of the 12% who know about our campaign, more than half are planning to vote for me! Now we need to make sure the other 87% hear about our campaign.  The more we get the word out, the more our support grows. But I need your help. Will you write a letter to the editor to help our campaign get fair media coverage? Our new  letter to the editor page  has tips for writing good letters and getting them published, as well as sample letters and talking points to help you write your own letter. Writing a letter to the editor is an effective way to get

John: National Democrat leaders have targeted Arizona

  Robert,  In my life, I have learned never to take anything for granted - not my family, my freedom, or the honor of representing the people of Arizona.  Serving as United States Senator is a privilege you have to earn, and this election is no different.  Robert, I'm emailing you today because some of the  early polls are showing me neck and neck with my opponent Democrat Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick.  You've been a loyal friend and supporter and I need to know that you will stand with me again today.  I am under no illusion that my re-election will be easy. I'm fighting hard, as I always have, to build a stronger, safer, more prosperous Arizona, and laying out a positive vision for the future of our state and nation.  We know that we've got a serious fight on our hands and I look forward to a vigorous campaign.  Will you make an immediate contribution to help me fully fund our campaign plan and build a strong grassroots organization?  Please follo