
Showing posts with the label politician

Raj: deal with Iran over its nuclear weapons capabilities jeopardizes our national security. Period.

Robert, Today's deal with Iran over its nuclear weapons capabilities jeopardizes our national security. Period. Obama's endless negotiations and postponements have resulted in a reckless deal that gives Iran the upper hand. It's time for a president who makes our national security a priority. What we have right now isn't leadership. It's an irresponsible and reckless deal that places American interests on the backburner. Speak up if you agree. Sign our petition today to prevent a nuclear Iran. Thanks, Raj Shah RNC Research Director

Donna: enough money to take care of Americans in need.

robert, Yesterday, I walked up to the White House with progressive leaders from Social Security Works, Democracy for America, MoveOn, PCCC, and other grassroots organizations and delivered over 2.5 million signatures urging President Obama to champion Social Security expansion. I firmly believe we must not only ensure the safety net for every person in this country, but also that we need to adjust those payments so they reflect the real cost of living. If you agree we need to expand Social Security, add your name. It’s time for politicians in Washington to stop thinking small. The days of Democrats negotiating amongst themselves to cave into Republican demands are done. There should be no ifs, buts, or willing to considers,  ever . If you agree Democrats need to think big, add your name to expand Social Security. And that applies to every issue we talk about in Washington -- gun violence, the social safety net, climate change -- Democrats need to think big. W

SarahPac: Iran got the deal they have been dreaming about.

Dear Friend,  Our world just got a lot more dangerous. Last night, Iran got the deal they have been dreaming about. The Obama Administration, lead by John Kerry, just allowed Iran to develop nuclear weapons.  Congress must act within 60 days to stop this deal. They must set aside it’s petty arguments and unite to stop a bad Iran deal that gives Iran sanction relief, lifts the arms embargo, and nuclear weapons. As reported by CNN, intel reports have Iran making a nuclear weapon in at least a year. The Obama Administration lead by John Kerry just put our lives at risk, but there is one glimmer of hope. Congress can squash a bad Iran deal and it’s time to let them know how you feel! Donate $15 so we can use our influence to stop this bad deal! Congress needs a message and we need to deliver that message !  This same regime exports terror all across the region and now they will have the capability to create nuclear weapons.  Donate now to crush this BAD IRAN DEAL ! At the end o

Dr. John: the United States became the first country to reach Pluto

This morning, the United States became the first country to reach Pluto -- and the first country to explore the entire classical solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. NASA's New Horizons interplanetary probe has been making its way to Pluto since January 19, 2006, and has been providing the world with the sharpest photos ever seen of our Solar System's most prominent "dwarf planet." Today, it made its closest approach to Pluto yet -- about 8,000 miles -- at around 07:49:57 EDT. Here's the photo they took -- which, despite traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), took four and a half hours to reach us here on Earth as it crossed the 3 billion miles between here and Pluto: That we were able to get so close to Pluto today is a feat whose probability scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson likened to "a hole-in-one on a two-mile golf shot." He's right. Every once in a while, a photo comes

Amy: Hillary lied just about every step of the way

Hi Robert, Did you see Carly chatting with Megyn Kelly on Fox News on Monday? Watch the highlights here: When the topic of conversation turns to Benghazi, well, Carly really just destroys Hillary Clinton's version of the story.  Carly articulates exactly how Hillary lied just about every step of the way: from her email server, to claiming that Benghazi was a protest about a YouTube video, to directly misleading the public about her knowledge of the attacks and her involvement in the cover-up. Hillary Clinton belongs to the political class that says one thing and does another--while the whole time thinking they can pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. You and I know that Carly Fiorina is different--and that's why we're so thrilled to have you standing with our campaign. Make sure to watch Carly chat with Megyn Kelly now. And, if you want to go the extra mile,  make sure to chip in $25 to help expand our support and make sure Car

Alvin: unwavering support for Mia Love

Rematch... Do you think we can win again, robert? Last year, Black America's PAC was instrumental in helping Mia Love become the first Black female Republican in Congress. The victory balloons dropped on Mia's history-making campaign after she narrowly defeated Democrat Doug Owens. Now, the Democrats are setting the stage for an intense rematch of the most expensive and closely-watched House race of 2014. All eyes will again be on Utah's 4th Congressional District, and Black America's PAC will be there fighting to secure victory for our rising star, Mia Love! Will you chip-in your support for Mia Love TODAY? As you know, Mia Love is a fiscal conservative dedicated to defending the Constitution and promoting conservative values. In Congress, she is a strong vote for the Second Amendment, the sanctity of life, small government, lower taxes, repealing Obamacare, ending Common Core, and securing the border. Simply put, Mia is a  true  conservative a

Jon: "Either Congress supports the nuclear deal with Iran, or there will be a war."

I don't know if you had a chance to read the email General Eaton sent yesterday, robert, but he is right: "Either Congress supports the nuclear deal with Iran, or there will be a war." Veterans, military family members, and VoteVets' supporters have a very important voice and role to play in this debate. Make it heard. Sign our petition urging Congress to support the agreement reached by our negotiators designed to separate Iran from their nuclear ambitions.   Thank you for adding your name. Jon Soltz Iraq War Veteran and Chairman VoteVets

Ben: As a Doctor and an American, I was sickened to see the secretly taped video discussing the sale of aborted baby parts.

robert, I’d like to ask you to join me by adding your name to an important petition. This week, I was sickened to see the secretly taped video of a senior Planned Parenthood official discussing the sale of aborted baby parts. In fact, I was more than sickened. I was enraged. There is absolutely no reason why Congress should be funding Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars, and I believe it should stop immediately. Please add your name to my petition calling on Congress to act now. I've spent my whole adult life caring for children and I cannot stand by and watch such barbarism. I believe deeply, as it is written in the Declaration of Independence, that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. First and foremost among these unalienable rights is life, and we created a government in order to protect it -- not fund its destruction. If I am blessed enough to win the Republican nomination and serve as your President, I will do everything in my power t

Ben: the determination of a loving mother who refused to give up on me

robert, Not being a career politician I know that before the American people will consider my solutions for fixing America, they will first ask – who is Ben Carson? To help answer that question, I’ve published a new, easy-to-read short book on my life, simply called  My Life . It is based upon my best seller  Gifted Hands . Before we run out, I would very much like to send you a copy to read and share with your friends and family. If you would be generous enough to make a donation of $25 or more right now, my campaign will send you a copy. At its core, my story is an American story. Growing up on the poorest of streets in Detroit with bad grades and a horrible temper, even I gave up on myself for a time. But the determination of a loving mother who refused to give up on me convinced me I could do anything. I have lived the American Dream. I’m running for President because we must again be a country where every single American has the opportunity to think big, to pursue hap

Barack: This deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction.

Today, after two years of negotiations, the United States -- together with our international partners -- has achieved what decades of animosity has not: A comprehensive, long-term deal that will verifiably prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. This deal shows the real and meaningful change that American leadership and diplomacy can bring -- change that makes our country and the world safer and more secure. We negotiated from a position of strength and principle -- and the result is a nuclear deal that cuts off every pathway to a nuclear weapon. I want to make sure every American knows what this deal means and how it works. Take a look here. Because of this deal, Iran will not be able to produce highly enriched uranium or weapons-grade plutonium, the raw materials necessary to build a bomb. Here's why: Under this deal, Iran will reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium by 98 percent, remove two-thirds of its installed centrifuges -- the machines necessary t

Lindsey: the media will have a louder voice

Dear robert, I'll get right to the point: if the cable news channels or political elite have their way, the media will have a louder voice in our nominating contest than actual Republican voters. Under the current debate rules supported by the RNC,  Brad Pitt would have a better shot of being on the debate stage than real candidates for president . Historically, Republicans in early voting states like Iowa, New Hampshire, and my home of South Carolina have - through the ballot box - been the first to decide which candidates should move on and which should not. Voters should control our nominating process for president - NOT the media. Under the rules from the media and supported by the RNC, the only way to get a ticket to the debate stage is to have a high national polling number. This criterion favors celebrities and candidates who have run previously with high name recognition. If you care about the Iowa Caucuses, New Hampshire primary, or contests in other early state

Kirsten: absence of any federal law defining gun trafficking as a crime

This is the infuriating reality of gun violence, Robert: In one year, 10 states supplied nearly 50% of the guns recovered in crimes across the country –  that’s about 21,000 guns illegally carried over state lines used in criminal offenses. And there are STILL no federal laws preventing someone from driving guns across state lines to sell to violent criminals. This is not a Republican or Democratic issue – it is a human issue with a commonsense solution: By cracking down on illegal gun trafficking, we can stop the flow of illegal guns and save innocent lives. Yesterday, I proudly introduced the bipartisan Hadiya Pendleton and Nyasia Pryear-Yard Gun Trafficking & Crime Prevention Act of 2015, which would make gun trafficking a federal crime and provide tools to law enforcement to get illegal guns off the streets and away from criminal networks and street gangs. But I need you with me: Will you add your name now and tell Congress to crack down on the flow of illegal gun tra

Nick: trickle-down economics looks more like Chicken Little Economics with every passing day.

An introductory note from Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor: If you've seen my film  Inequality for All  then you may recognize  Nick Hanauer . He's the Seattle-based entrepreneur who appeared in it to talk about the damage income inequality is doing to the middle class. Last year we joined together to ask Democracy for America members to call on President Obama and the Department of Labor to make more workers eligible for overtime. More than 73,000 of you signed that petition. Thanks to the leadership of organizations like the Center for American Progress and the Economic Policy Institute, as well as your activism with us through Democracy for America, President Obama announced last week that he will  direct the Department of Labor to expand the number of workers who can receive overtime pay. That's just the first step. Now we need to tell the Labor Department we support the proposed rules. Democracy for America, Nick, and I are joining forces to ask DFA members li

Jeff: a coalition of progressive allies to support debt-free college.

    Robert,   I don't need to remind you that 2014 was a tough year for Democrats. When I ran for re-election I was up against millions of dollars in outside conservative spending.   But I won that race because of the grassroots support of people like you. You fought for me -- and now, we are fighting together for the issues that matter most.   I'm joining a coalition of progressive allies to support debt-free college.   Will you join us in supporting debt-free college? Click here to sign the petition!   I believe that if you are a student in America, you should be able to attend a public college or university and graduate without debt.   In my home state, the average student with debt graduates owing more than $25,500.   Most of us can agree that no one should have to go $25,500 in debt to get an education. That debt burden isn't just bad for the students who have to carry it. With that kind of millstone around their necks, graduates are b

Scott: Here is my record

gangsta rap, I am running for President of the United States and right from the start, I would like you involved. You are the one who will make an immediate impact. Here is your invitation ... your opportunity to  make a critical difference from Day One.   Join our team, gangsta rap! Your online contribution of $10, $35, $50, $100, $175, $250, or even $500 will make a big difference. Our nation doesn't want -- and can't afford -- four more years ... or eight more years ... of the same old stale liberal ideas from another D.C. Insider ... the same policies that have inflicted untold damage on our country. Here is my record:  For four years, our Administration has brought bold, sweeping conservative change to Wisconsin and by nearly every measure, things are better than ever. Whether it is our economy, job creation, business start-ups, tax and regulatory relief, or school performance, we are living proof that conservatism works every time. Join our presidential race an

Major General (Ret.) Paul: keep the U.S. military out of another war

robert - Late last night, our partner nations in the P5+1 reached an agreement that represents our best chance to prevent a nuclear Iran. This was a tough but fair negotiation, and the choice before Congress is stark and it is clear: either support this nuclear deal with Iran, or there will be war. Iran is on the brink of producing a nuclear warhead, and if they are not made to roll back their program peacefully, the only alternative is the full force of the U.S. military. And even then, we would not end Iran's nuclear ambitions. We would merely delay, but guarantee, the rise of a nuclear Iranian state. Tell Congress: The best way to separate Iran from any nuclear ambitions is to keep the U.S. military out of another war and support the tough deal struck by our negotiators. This is the most important foreign policy decision facing our Congress since we decided to go into Iraq. People who root for this deal to fail have not thought through the alternatives. We will limit Iran