
Showing posts with the label mobile

Sherrod Brown: I’m fighting right now to end tax breaks for the wealthiest in this country

Dear Robert L., This week, MSNBC's Michael Smerconish and I had a discussion about the incredible amount of special interest spending we've seen in our race. If you have a minute, take a look. Michael asked me a great question -- Senator, why you? Click here to watch the video. The special interests are playing hardball this year -- and we need to stay on top of our game. Watch the clip of me on MSNBC here, then contribute $10 or $20 to help us hit the $400,000 we need in July to fight back. Karl Rove's group, Crossroads GPS, is up with their new $1.1 million attack on Ohio TV. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent $3.8 million. The 60+ Association has thrown in their own $2.4 million worth of attacks. The list goes on. Robert L., you and I both know why they're coming after me this year. The corporations and millionaires that fund these secretive groups know I'm a strong progressive voice for the middle class. You can help us fight back by makin

Russ Feingold: The DISCLOSE Act would expose the corporate special interests trying to buy our elections

Robert, <><> <><> Democratic senators just announced a vote on the DISCLOSE Act for this Monday, major legislation that would take unlimited political spending out of the shadows -- and kill off a lot of it in the process. Progressives from all over the country are coalescing around this major vote on Monday. Members of Progressives United are joining with supporters of Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Patty Murray (D-WA), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Al Franken (D-MN), Jon Tester (D-MT), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bill Nelson (D-FL) and others to build support for it before the vote. This is going to be a big push. As a citizen leader of this movement, can you join them? Add your name to the petition in favor of the DISCLOSE Act now, before the vote on Monday. Click here. So-called "social we

Stefanie Brown at the NAACP Convention: The crowd took a look at Romney -- and didn't like what they saw.

Robert -- Today,  Mitt Romney  spoke at the NAACP convention in Houston and said: "If you want a president who will make things better in the African-American community, you're looking at him -- you take a look." The crowd took a look -- and didn't like what they saw.  Romney vowed to repeal Obamacare -- the law that will help as many as 7 million more  African Americans  get access to affordable health care. He criticized President Obama's record on the economy -- yet, thanks to the President, tax credits have helped an estimated 2.2 million African-American families and 4.7 million children by allowing working families to keep more of what they earn, and nearly 1.4 million African Americans were kept out of poverty. The African-American community, just like the rest of the country, can't afford a Romney presidency. Join African Americans for Obama today and fight for our community -- and our President -- in this election:

Barack Obama: I don't believe anyone, or any interest, should have the power to buy an election

Robert -- The Romney campaign and Republicans beat us in fundraising for the second month in a row, and by a significant margin -- they raised $35 million more in one month alone. We may never beat them at the fundraising game. But the gap is growing, and if we don't reverse the trend, we will lose. Each of us has to do our part.  Help close the gap -- donate $3 or more today. The other side's plan to win this election is rooted in the most cynical politics. Their philosophy seems to be that the individuals with the most money deserve the loudest voice in government. From now until November, they will spend more than anyone ever has in a presidential election and rain TV ads down on voters. They have a plan to win a campaign -- but they don't have one to create jobs or help middle-class families get ahead. I don't believe anyone, or any interest, should have the power to buy an election. And I believe that people like you, chipping in what you can when you can, are mor

Truth Team: What President Obama Believes

Robert -- President Obama is wrapping up a campaign bus tour through northern Ohio and western Pennsylvania, where he's been talking to people about his commitment to investing in American workers and creating jobs here at home. Yesterday, he backed up his words with actions by standing up to China's unfair trade practices, and showed his faith in American workers and industry yet again. As we've continued to learn this week,  Mitt Romney  has bet against America as a private citizen, as a businessman, and as an elected official. Check out this week's tipsheet for details, and be sure to let others know about the stark differences between President Obama's and Mitt Romney's records when it comes to protecting American jobs. #1 Standing tall against unfair trade practices Yesterday, President Obama filed a case with the World Trade Organization against China's unfair trade practices. China has imposed more than $3 billion in unfair taxes on more than

EMILY's List: We are so grateful for this incredible community

Dear robert, When we say every dollar you give makes a difference, we mean it. Your support is helping us do big things: training women candidates, polling key independent women voters, and of course the bread and butter: electing more pro-choice Democratic women.  We are so grateful for this incredible community -- all of you who step up again and again to make change in our country. Just take a look at what your contributions did in June: In New Mexico's 1st District, thousands of EMILY's List donors helped health care advocate  Michelle Lujan Grisham pull off an incredible primary win in a very tough race .  The direct contributions to Michelle's campaign, from donors like you across the country, helped Michelle stay up on the air and get her message out to voters. With one victory under her belt, Michelle's ready to lead the way to taking back the House in November. In New York's 6th District, WOMEN VOTE! ran a groundbreaking program,  motivati

Jamie Citron: National LGBT volunteer call with First Lady Michelle Obama

Robert L. -- In the past year, LGBT Americans and allies have seen incredible progress -- from the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" to the President's statement affirming his personal support of marriage equality. End this Pride Month on a high note: This Wednesday, June 27th, First Lady Michelle Obama will be joining members of the LGBT community and allies for a conference call to discuss what we can do to support President Obama in this election, so he has the chance to finish what he's started. The First Lady knows how to fire up a crowd -- even on the phone -- so this is not a call to miss. Here are the details. Can you make it? What: National LGBT volunteer call with First Lady Michelle Obama When: Wednesday, June 27th 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time When you RSVP today, we'll send you the details you need to join the call on Wednesday. At Pride festivals across the country, we've been building

Sherrod Brown: We want to make sure what happened in 2008 never happens again

Dear Robert, Generally when you gamble, you put your own money at risk. And if you lose, you pay up. But when it comes to our nation’s largest financial institutions, it works a little differently -- they gamble with other people’s money (and the stability of the American economy), and if they lose, they expect the government to cover them. It’s a principle we’ve all come to know as Too Big To Fail (TBTF). And even though TBTF institutions nearly toppled the American economy in 2008, they’ve continued to grow. To me, this is simple -- Too Big To Fail is just too big . That’s why I’m joining with former Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold and his organization, Progressives United, to build momentum for placing sensible limits on Wall Street mega-banks and protect American taxpayers. Click here to join us in the fight to end Too Big To Fail policies today. Over the last 15 years, the assets of the largest U.S. banks have grown and grown. And thanks to the size

Martin Sheen: Sherrod is one of those fighters

Hello Robert, I’m Martin Sheen . You know me best as an actor, but I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, and early on in life decided I wouldn't sit on the sidelines when it came to issues of economic and social justice. When a true leader crosses my path -- one who doesn’t just talk about progressive values but embodies them -- I act. And I hope you will, too, by supporting Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown. Sherrod is dedicated to the middle class, to seniors, and to women and families. He doesn’t work for the special interests -- he works for the middle class people who make Ohio great. Sherrod needs our help -- and this country needs the progressive voice of Sherrod Brown. This month, his campaign needs to raise $500,000. Click here to contribute today. We place a sacred trust in our elected officials. We expect them to stand up with courage and conviction for the things we believe in. That’s exactly what Sherrod has done . He showed up on Day One a fighting progre

Michelle Obama: I'm Barack's date for the next dinner

Hi, This is going to be fun: I'm Barack's date for the next dinner he's having with supporters. See you there? Hope to see you soon, Michelle

Senator Maria Cantwell: The 2012 Democratic National Convention is doing it differently.

Dear robert, The 2012 Democratic National Convention is doing it differently. This is the first time in history that a convention is not taking corporate, lobbyist or PAC contributions. They are relying on a grassroots network -- made up of people like you -- to give what they can to make this convention a success. But if you give $5 or whatever you can right now, you get an added bonus. Your name will automatically be entered to win airfare and accommodations for the week of the convention. You will be in Charlotte on Labor Day for CarolinaFest2012 – a free family-friendly event that will celebrate the Carolinas and the South. You will witness all of the speeches, rallies and parties that make every Convention week special and on the final night, you will be at Panther Stadium to hear President Obama speak. Every Convention is different and un

Stephanie Cutter: Truth Team Special Report: Result of Romney's First Day on the Job for Mass

Robert -- President Obama gave  a speech in Cleveland on Thursday  laying out the clear choice in this election -- between moving forward and creating an economy built to last, or going backward to the policies of the past decade. Those are the policies that  Mitt Romney  supports. He believes that if you take away protections for consumers and workers and cut taxes even more for the wealthiest Americans, the market will solve all our problems on its own. We tried that approach over the last decade, and it benefited a few -- but it also crashed our economy and hurt the rest of us. It didn't create good jobs or pay down our debt -- it caused the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We don't want to go back to that. We have to talk with our friends, families, and neighbors about the choice we have in this election, and I think there's a lot of good stuff in this week's tipsheet that will help you do just that. #1 Setting the record straight on spendi