Stephanie Schriock: The PantSuits are here


We saw some truly amazing moments at yesterday's swearing-in ceremonies on Capitol Hill.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi gathered her Democratic women's caucus -- now 60 strong -- on the Capitol steps. And how about watching Tammy Baldwin, Mazie Hirono, and Elizabeth Warren join an historic number of women in the Senate?

What the New York Times called a "serious display of XX-chromosome strength" we call inspiring and beautiful. Just see for yourself -- we've gathered photos from the day's festivities for you. Click here to see:
Click here to see photos.

These are the memories you helped make. These are the women you helped elect. And these are the images that will inspire millions of girls in the months and years to come to say, "Yes, that could be me one day."

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this incredible day possible. Because of you, we've elected true fighters for women and families, and I can't wait to see what they do.


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