
Showing posts with the label Election. elections

Carly: our campaign has gained incredible traction

Robert, Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for joining our team. The career politicians have a big head start. But with your help, we are quickly building the resources and momentum necessary to get on the main debate stage at the Reagan Library in September. Since the first debate, just one week ago, our campaign has gained incredible traction. It’s truly because of the support of Americans like you that we’ve been able to do so much in such a short period of time. Just look at some of the polling that has come out in the last week: We’ve skyrocketed to  4th place nationwide --tied with Scott Walker, and just 1 point behind Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. Two more polls put us in  4th place in Iowa. 2nd place in Nevada. 5th place in New Hampshire. 2nd place in Michigan. We don’t say it enough, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you again for your support. And thank you again for standing with my campaign. All my best, Carly

Waters: We want Jon Stewart to moderate a 2016 presidential debate.

Black Independent Party –  There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it. Petitioning NEW YORK TIMES, Washington Post, Commission on Presidential Debates, CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, CBS, NBC, FOX Broadcasting Company, Wall Street Journal, Al Jazeera, Comedy Central, MTV We want Jon Stewart to moderate a 2016 presidential debate. Petition by M. Waters Stanhope, New Jersey 530 Supporters Sign M. Waters’ petition Over the last 16 years, Jon Stewart has played an influential and iconic role in covering US politics and media. We believe he should continue that tradition as a moderator at one of the 2016 Presidential Debates. Jon Stewart is more than qualified to tackle the moderating job. Mr. Stewart has interviewed 15 heads of state, 22 members of the United States Cabinet, 32 members of the United States Senate, 7 members of the United States House of Representatives, and scores

Steve: Fire John Boehner! Vacate the Chair...

Welcome to               BREAKING NEWS! Special Report: Fire John Boehner! Vacate the Chair...   Read the latest now on       Right now Boehner stands accused of "bypassing the majority," causing "the power of Congress to atrophy," punishing members who "vote according to their conscience" and forbidding members time to properly review legislation before votes. Sound familiar? We already have someone "fundamentally transforming" Congress. Opposition leaders of Congress shouldn't serve as Igor to Obama's Dr. Frankenstein in this sick experiment to deform the greatest nation civilization has ever known. Yet again, the accusations against Boehner are coming from his own party! Rep. Mark Meadows--a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus--is leading the charge, calling for the Speaker of the House to "vacate the chair." This isn't the first cou

Chris: The grassroots is fired up

Robert, As Political Director, it's my role to train future grassroots leaders, engage communities and help our volunteers. The RNC is building the largest, earliest and most data focused field program in GOP history. And the kick-off GOP presidential debate confirmed the energy we're seeing out in the field: 24 million people tuned in to the Cleveland debate, and thousands hosted GOP watch parties that the RNC organized: The grassroots is fired up.  Here's what's going on in the field: More than 2,000 individuals have applied to be a part of our Republican Leadership Initiative (RLI). We are training and deploying field organizers throughout the entire country. Our field program is expected to expand to thousands of paid staff across the country. Like what you see? This is just the skeleton – and we need to go twice as far to take back the White House. Take your commitment to the next level by  becoming an Official RNC Member today. Every donation you mak

Garett: millions were displaced from their homes

Read my story and contribute $3 to VoteVets to elevate the voices of veterans like me who support a diplomacy-first approach with Iran. robert - The last time the U.S. Military was called on in the name of stopping Weapons of Mass Destruction, I was stationed in the Diyala Province in Iraq as a Sniper in the U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division. I participated in combat missions while the infrastructure of the country was destroyed, sectarian violence divided communities, millions were displaced from their homes, countless Iraqis were killed and injured, and our fellow service members were caught in the middle. After helping to secure the scene of a HEMTT Tactical Truck that was destroyed by a roadside bomb in Iraq, and watching two female soldiers medivaced knowing they would likely not survive their injuries, I started to wonder what could have prevented the conflict I found myself deployed to. Aside from the many American troops killed in action during Operation Iraqi Freedom,

SarahPac: it’s that flag, the POW MIA

Dear Friend, The Liberal media has a new target. This target has never said a word, harmed a soul and has been a symbol for remembering our brave men and women who have been captured or gone missing in action. Yes, it’s that flag, the POW MIA flag. A flag that serves as reminder to never forget our fallen service members is now considered racist to some liberals, these militant liberals wish to take this flag down and ban it. How can these liberals call this symbol racist, it just makes our blood boil. What happened to the America we once knew and loved?  Pitch in $10 dollars so that 1,000 people can see this ad exposing liberal lies! These same Liberals who claim the POW MIA Flag is racist will also support the most liberal candidates as they run for President of the United States of America. They have welcomed a Socialist to run on the Democratic ticket! A SOCIALIST!  These Liberal nutjobs will do, and spend all they can to make sure these policies from Fantasyland are en

Steve: Obama 'Paving the Way'

Welcome to               BREAKING NEWS! Evangelists: Obama 'Paving the Way' for Antichrist...   Read the latest now on       Patriots and Red-Blooded Americans, Shock and disbelief have rocked our world. It's unfathomable. Unconscionable. Like a fist to the gut. The day of reckoning is here. We've been warning you about it for years. I'm frightened. What is taking place is dark and sinister. Obama is hammering the final nail in America's coffin--the last deadly blow. By the time America's Fraud President is done in the coming months America will neverrecover. His deed will be done. That's why today I'm calling on you and grassroots America. I'm pleading with you to help us rid the Oval Office of the vile man that has cursed our country. We're so close--impeachment talk is all over Washington! Don't give up now! Please,  donate today whatever you can--$15, $35, $75