
Showing posts with the label democratic party

Bill Halter: I want you to be in the loop right away

Robert -- I'm sharing some exciting news next week about the campaign and our big ideas for Arkansas, and I want you to be the first to know. Follow me on Facebook to make sure you hear the news straight away. Our team is working hard on the issues that Arkansans care about, but without a strong network of folks like you behind us to help spread the word, we'll only get so far. You all -- our grassroots supporters -- are going to determine the outcome of this race. So, as often as possible, I want you to be in the loop right away when there's news or an important announcement about the campaign, and one of the best ways to do that is also one of the simplest. Stay in touch here: Thanks, stay tuned, Bill P.S. -- Not on Facebook? Let me know you're with me by  adding your name here.

Barack Obama: many times in my life when I've been counted out

Robert -- There have been many times in my life when I've been counted out -- told that I couldn't do it, told not to speak out for what I believe in, told to not even run in the first place. I've only gotten this far because I've had people like you with me every step of the way. Right now the other side is trying to obliterate the hard work we've put in on the ground in this campaign by flooding the airwaves with factually inaccurate, negative attack ads. If they win, they're going to dismantle everything we've accomplished together over the past three and a half years, and turn back the clock to the same failed policies that got us into this mess in the first place. We cannot let that happen. Please donate $5 or more today: Thanks. It means a lot to know you've got my back. Barack

Martin Sheen: as passionate about politics as I am

Dear Robert L., No way I’m missing this. I’m coming to Cleveland on Monday, October 22 for Sherrod’s Great Debate Watch Party. Will you enter for a chance to join us? To be automatically entered for a chance to win airfare, hotel, and a plum seat at the party, click here and make a contribution of any size right away. Presidential debates are always exciting -- even without a team of Hollywood writers scripting every word. And it’s even more exciting to watch them with people who are as passionate about politics as I am, especially folks like Sherrod and his supporters. I promise, no matter how many debates you’ve watched -- real and staged -- you’ve never seen one the way you can at the Great Debate Watch Party. And since Sherrod’s campaign will cover your airfare and hotel, all you have to do is enter ( you can get automatically entered by clicking here to make a contribution ) and then think about which lucky friend is going to get to come with you. You’re not going to get an

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: I sure came out of the debate last night fired up

Robert -- Anyone who watched last night's debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney saw just how stark a choice the American people face in this election -- and that President Obama is the right choice to keep moving this country forward. On one hand, you have Mitt Romney, who offered absolutely no specifics for how he'll achieve any of the promises he made during the debate. His arguments are based on myths and bad math. And on our side, you have President Obama, who has not only shown that he knows how to get our economy back on track, but has offered real and concrete steps to continue to build the middle class, create jobs, and foster the growth of small business. This is the kind of leadership our country needs -- and it's up to us to make sure he wins on Election Day and has a Congress he can work with. Donate $5 or more today to make sure President Obama and Democrats across the country have the resources they need to win. I don't know about you, but I sure

Stephanie Schriock: Breaking: Improved ratings for Baldwin, McCaskill, Berkley, Hirono

robert, This is huge. One of the country's top election analysts just released updated Senate race ratings and Tammy Baldwin, Claire McCaskill , Shelley Berkley, and Mazie Hirono all got upgrades. But we know what happens next. Right-wing SuperPACs are flooding the airwaves with their millions , trying to erase every inch we've gained. If we don't keep the pressure on right now, then we can forget about upgrades and forget about holding the Senate. Let's keep the momentum going -- rush a contribution to EMILY's List right now. With just 33 days left until Election Day, our amazing candidates are counting on you. We're moving things in the right direction -- but at the end of the day, ratings aren't wins. And elections are never easy. Every race -- from the Presidential to these critical Senate races -- is going to be extremely close. But we all have to fight harder every day and keep doing everything we can for these candidates. Please give today. Thanks

David Axelrod: Sign Barack and Michelle's Anniversary Card

Robert -- My friends Barack and Michelle Obama will have been married 20 years exactly this Wednesday . That's also the day that Barack will face off with Mitt Romney for the very first presidential debate of this election. I suppose you can't plan everything -- even when you're president of the United States. But there's something we can all do to help send them off into the last month of this election feeling good: Add your name and well-wishes to a 20th anniversary card for Barack and Michelle. This race will be close until the very end, and Wednesday will be an important day for the campaign. But let's take a moment to show Barack and Michelle that we wish them well in life, not just in politics. Add your name to the card today: Then, let's dig in and get ready for the next 35 days. David ----- More than 3 million people like you power this campaign. If you can, please donate today.

Barack Obama: I hope I made you proud

Robert -- I hope I made you proud out there explaining the vision we share for this country. Now we need to go win this election -- the most important thing that will happen tonight is what you do (or don't do) to help in the little time we have left: Thank you, Barack

Barack Obama: Before I go on Stage

Robert -- In just a little while, I'll go on stage to meet Mitt Romney in the first presidential debate here in Denver. I couldn't be prouder to represent you out there. Robert, it's because of you that affordable health care is within reach for millions more Americans. It's because of you that we've seen 30 straight months of job growth and middle-class families have seen their taxes cut. Together, we've done a lot -- but there is so much more to do to keep this country moving forward. That only happens if we win this election. Before tonight's debate, will you chip in $5 or more to help finish this campaign strong? Can't wait to see what you do tonight. Barack

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: The Answers Hinge on you

Robert -- There are some very big decisions for Democrats coming up in the next few weeks. How many last-minute organizers can we put on the ground in the battleground states? How many calls can we make to get folks to the polls for President Obama and Democrats? Those decisions are being made in the next week or two, not next month. And the answers hinge on you, Robert. This month's FEC deadline is at midnight. Can you chip in right now? I know we send you a lot of emails, but this is important. When the clock strikes midnight tonight, this critical fundraising deadline will be over -- and this game will be set. If you can, please chip in $5 or more to help President Obama and Democrats right now: On behalf of every Democrat out there fighting this year, thank you. Just a few weeks to go. Debbie Debbie Wasserman Schultz Chair Democratic National Committee P.S. -- The election is only 37 days away -- your donation means more now than ev

Howard Dean: This is where the rubber meets the road

Robert -- We're facing our most critical fundraising deadline yet tomorrow at midnight -- the money we raise now will be used to get us through the final month of the election, and across the finish line on November 6th . As a former chair of the DNC, I know how important this final month is. People are already voting in Iowa, and other states will start voting in a matter of days. This is where the rubber meets the road. Whether we win or lose on Election Day will be determined by whether Democrats have the resources we need to go after every single vote. There is one surefire way you can help -- by chipping in $5 or more today: I know that, together, we can win this thing. Gov. Howard Dean

Bill Clinton: We cant take anything for granted

Robert -- They want to cut taxes for high-income Americans while the middle class shoulders the burden. They want to let Wall Street write its own rules again, and remove the financial regulations President Obama has put in place to prevent another crash. They want to cut the budget in a radical way, decimating programs that help the middle class, poor children, seniors, and those in science and technology that will create the good jobs of the future. They want to turn Medicare into a risky voucher program that could actually raise costs for seniors by as much as $6,400 per year. This week, both campaigns -- Mitt Romney's and President Obama's -- face the biggest fundraising deadline yet. If we want President Obama in that White House for another four years, we can't take anything for granted, especially critical moments like this. Donate $5 or more today, and let's bring this home for President Obama and Democrats across the country:

Barack Obama: Forward

Robert -- Your response right now determines how strong our campaign will be in these final 38 days. It determines how many organizers we can hire to get out the vote, how many ads we can run with our message, and how many field offices we can open. Thirty-eight days to go -- this is our one shot. Donate $3 or more today and let's head into October with the momentum. It bears repeating: This deadline requires all of us doing our part because we're choosing to run a people-powered campaign, and that's the only way this works. It's also what sets us apart. Donate $3 or more today before the critical FEC fundraising deadline: Forward. Barack

Lily ledbetter: we need to keep fighting for the people

Hi Gilyard, When Claire McCaskill co-sponsored an Equal Pay For Equal Work bill with my name on it, it felt like a huge victory in my years-long fight for fairness. I was so happy that bill passed. But do you know who opposed fairness? Congressman Todd Akin — when he voted no on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. In fact, just two days ago he was asked "Why do you think it is okay for a woman to be paid less for doing the same work as a man?" His response: "I don't think the government should be telling people what you pay and what you don't pay." We can't let this man have a vote in the Senate — make a $5 donation to Claire's campaign and help her hit their $600,000 fundraising goal before it's too late. The choice between Claire and Todd Akin is about as cut and dry as it gets. Even setting aside Akin's reprehensible and ignorant comments on reproductive rights last month — and I'm not sure who can — Claire is still the one fighting

Inc Legal: Independent Paralegal Services for under $100

We offer independent paralegal services. They work for themselves and often do no work for lawyers at all. These are the type of paralegals who often help people file for bankruptcies when they don't want to hire a lawyer. They do all types of legal documents, tax returns, notary services, bookwork, accountant services and more. They can give you legal suggestions, but not real legal advice, even though they often know as much about some types of legal matters as most lawyers. Most people can save a lot of money by using a paralegal to fill out their legal forms and not use a lawyer. However it is up to each person to make sure they understand what they are doing and what their legal rights are. A paralegal just fills out the correct legal forms, they DO NOT give you legal advice. Many normal legal functions can be done without the use of a lawyer. Examples are bankruptcy, wills, adoptions, name changes, divorces and so on. An independent paralegal can save you thousands of dollar

American Bar Accredited legal aid and Docs prepared under $100 each

Paralegals and legal assistants do a variety of tasks to support lawyers, including maintaining and organizing files, conducting legal research, and drafting documents. Duties Paralegals and legal assistants typically do the following: Investigate the facts of a case Conduct research on relevant laws, regulations, and legal articles Organize and present the information Keep information related to cases or transactions in computer databases Write reports to help lawyers prepare for trials Draft correspondence and other documents, such as contracts and mortgages Get affidavits and other formal statements that may be used as evidence in court Help lawyers during trials Paralegals and legal assistants help lawyers prepare for hearings, trials, and corporate meetings. However, their specific duties may vary depending on the size of the firm or organization. In smaller firms, paralegals duties tend to vary more. In addition to reviewing and organizing information, paralegals may prepare wr

Barack obama: Just when the Pundits thought it was over

Robert -- Just when the pundits and everyone else thought they knew the equation in this race -- you're changing it. I just learned that, for the first time since April, we closed the gap. We outraised Mitt Romney and the Republicans. We can't let it be the last time. More than 3 million Americans now own a piece of this campaign -- in August alone, more than 1.1 million people stepped up to make a donation. Let's close that gap for good. Show what we're capable of with a donation of $3 or more: What an incredible week. Barack

Kirsten Gillibrand: A Historic opportunity

Dear Robert L., I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your generosity. We have a historic opportunity this year to elect a record number of women to Congress, which is why I've been asking for your help in raising money for some of the women I'm most passionate about. And you've come through beyond all our expectations. You and I both know that if Congress were 51% women, we wouldn't be debating access to birth control. Instead, we'd be debating jobs, the economy, national security and all the issues most important to Americans. That's why it's so important this year for women to get off the sidelines and become engaged in the political process, whether it's by voting in November or running for office themselves. I spoke about the importance of electing more women to office in this video. I hope you'll take a look. In 2012, I believe we're going to take an important step toward increasing the number of women in Congress. By contributing to

Michelle Obama: Thanks for an Amazing Week

Robert, thank you for an amazing week. Barack and I felt your energy up there. But we can't let that energy fade -- because in just 60 days, voters will decide who gets to serve in the White House for the next four years. So every single one of us has got to pull together to finish strong. I know you feel the urgency: Already this week, supporters like you have made more than 500,000 grassroots donations to build this campaign. So if you're fired up, let's keep it going -- let's see how many people we can get to show their support by the end of the day. Can you chip in $3 or more to stand with Barack today? Barack's got something that the other side doesn't: more than 3 million grassroots supporters like you -- and together we're going to win this election the right way. The donation you give today will make a big impact in the final stage of this race. And on November 7th , you can wake knowing that you did everything you could to help us deliv

Bill Clinton: I made My Case, Activate the Clinton Machine

Robert -- This election is different from any other. Governor Romney and his allies are hell bent on taking President Obama down. And you better believe they're going to spend -- and say -- whatever it takes to make that happen, even if they have to make it up, like the phony attacks charging the President with weakening work requirements for welfare or the charge that he plundered Medicare, when in fact he added eight years to its solvency and closed the doughnut hole in the drug program! I want to say thanks to supporters like you. You are the reason the President has a fighting chance. We're not going to win the money race, but we will win the one that matters if we each do our part. Donate $3 or more today, and join me in standing with President Obama: Last night at the convention, I made my case for why we need to re-elect this president. I don't think I have to repeat here how much he's done, how much more we can do t

Barack Obama: I hope I did you proud.

Robert -- I hope I did you proud. Let's go win. Barack -----------------Original Message----------------- From: Barack Obama Subject: Before I take the stage Friend -- Before I go on stage to accept the nomination, there's one thing I need to say: Thank you. It's because you've got my back that I'm here. And if we win this, it will be because of you, too. Can you pitch in $3 or more right now? I can't tell you how grateful I am. Barack P.S. -- This is my last campaign, and knowing you're with me means everything. I can't do this without you.