Stephanie Schriock: GOP Boss Rush Limbaugh threatens to stop women with guns


This is appalling. Yesterday, on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh said: "You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun."

That's right. At a time when we need to have a serious conversation about gun safety and mental health -- and when we still have a Republican House unwilling to protect women through the Violence Against Women Act -- Rush Limbaugh decides to spew even more hateful vitriol toward women.

None of us has forgotten the vile anti-woman abuse leveled at Sandra Fluke last year by Rush. We can't let this latest outrage go unchallenged.

Click here to send a clear message to Rush Limbaugh: your violent language toward women is unacceptable.

Our community knows just how devastating gun violence can be, especially for our country's families. Join us today in taking a stand against Rush's verbal attacks against women.


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