
Showing posts with the label national black independent party

What is 4th of July to Fort Smith Arkansas.

What is 4th of July to Fort Smith Arkansas. When we still have Confederate monuments downtown. Where they have annual bike rallies in which they sell Confederate flags. When Confederates put flags on their trucks and intimidate our children up and down our streets. When Confederate flags wave through the neighborhoods of our children that are walking home from school. Where their dogs are barking at our children to harrass and terrorized them until  they cannot move and we as adults have to stand and tell them that everything is okay. What is 4th of July to Fort Smith Arkansas. When we have a black mayor who does nothing for his own race and will celebrate America's Independence and ignore his own Freedom day that Juneteenth represents. The same mayor that used the platform of integration and segregation as a reason to be elected. And that same segregation and integration that is represented in Juneteenth was avoided. Will boast of white applause and ignore our black sisters in

Joe Biden speech on Black People.. 1992 Crime Bill

We have predators on our streets that society has in fact, in part because of its neglect, created…they are beyond the pale many of those people, beyond the pale. And it's a sad commentary on society. We have no choice but to take them out of society….a cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally … because they literally have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity….we should focus on them now….if we don't, they will, or a portion of them, will become the predators 15 years from now.” And: “The consensus is A), we must take back the streets. It doesn't matter whether or not the person that is accosting your son or daughter or my son or daughter, my wife, your husband, my mother, your parents, it doesn't matter whether or not they were deprived as a youth. It doesn't matter whether or not they ha

Happy Juneteenth (Black New Year) by President Robert L. Gilyard

First Of, I would like to thank all the people of different races that help us celebrate our freedom because my own people will not celebrate it in fear of upsetting whites and their feelings. Juneteenth means more to me than it does most of the people of my race because I know the historical background of it. My ancestors were the first victims of police brutality. I have been harrassed by police officers who have told me "They love getting Nggers like me." I have been arrested falsely several times and police have physically attacked me. There have been time where they have attempted to beat me to the ground. I stood my ground and never resisted. I always took my beating like a strong Black man while I watch others cry about police officers that talk to them the wrong way. I am not better, I am stronger. They fear that attribute about me. They will not get me to lose my self control and it frustrates them utill they have to be violent and create fake charges of crimes.

History behind Juneteenth June 19th

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. T he oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.   Dating back to 1865, it was on  June 19 th  that the Union soldiers, led by  Major General Gordon Granger , landed at  Galveston, Texas  with news that the war had ended and that the  enslaved were now free . Note that this was  two and a half years  after  President Lincoln’s  Emancipation Proclamation  - which had  become official January 1, 1863 . The Emancipation Proclamation had little impact on the Texans due to the minimal number of Union troops to enforce the new  Executive Order . However, with the  surrender of General Lee in April of 1865 , and the  arrival of General Granger’s regiment,  the  forces  were finally strong enough to  influence  and  overcome the resistance. Later attempts to explain this  two and a half year delay  in the receipt of this important news have yielded 

Barack: Obama Presidential Center is coming...

Dear friends,  When Michelle and I first began thinking about what the Obama Presidential Center could be, one thing was clear to us both: We didn't want to build only a monument to the past—we wanted to build a Center for the future. We hoped to create a place that would nurture and inspire the young people who walked its halls and played in its parks. A place that would invigorate the community that gave us so much. A place that could anchor Chicago as a destination for anyone who wanted to make a difference.  That's why what happened this week is such a big victory. After a thorough review, a judge dismissed a lawsuit against the City of Chicago that sought to prevent the construction of the Obama Presidential Center in Jackson Park. It's a win that will benefit the whole city.  The campus we've got planned will be far more than a museum—it will be a tribute to Chicago's rich history, its defining legacy of progress, and its extraordinarily bright future. I

Liz: irresponsible big government policies -

Don't want to receive emails anymore?  Unsubscribe here . Friend, Democrats have shown they are incapable of leading. Radical Democrats have pushed irresponsible big government policies - Medicare for All and the Green New Deal - which will drastically increase the national deficit and cause our debt to skyrocket. These are programs our children and grandchildren will end up paying for.  Donate now to help Republicans retake the house! There is no plan to pay for these massive programs, but we all know what will happen. Liberal Democrats will raise taxes on middle class families. There is only one way to stop that from happening, and that is for Republicans to take back the House in 2020.  Chip in now to support President Trump's conservative agenda. After conservatives cut taxes for families and small businesses, we have experienced sustained economic growth, historic low unemployment, and more jobs. I want to continue with a pro-growth agenda which will ease the burde

Elizabeth: , I have a plan for that.

Some Democrats in Washington believe the only changes we can get are tweaks and nudges. If they dream at all, they dream small. Some say if we all just calm down, the Republicans will come to their senses. But our country is in a time of crisis. The time for small ideas is over. Big problems call for big solutions. If we are going to save our democracy, build an economy that works for everyone, and clean up the corruption in Washington, we need big, structural changes. And yes, I have a plan for that. It starts with you and me rolling up our sleeves and being a part of this fight — side by side. We can’t build our movement without grassroots donors like you. Can you chip in right now to say you’re in this fight all the way? When I’m president, we will… Pass the biggest anti-corruption plan since Watergate Break up big ag, big banks, and big tech Make it easier for workers to join a union Pass a wealth tax, and use a big hunk of that money for Universal Child care and earl

Bill: double down” on our efforts

Robert,  This summer, some parents will wonder how to keep their kids healthy and active while school’s out. Parents and caregivers of younger children will try to find ways to squeeze in precious time to talk, read, and sing to their babies and toddlers. And in places like the Caribbean region that are especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change, people will be bracing for the possibility of more hurricanes. I’m proud that the Clinton Foundation is providing tools and resources to assist all of these communities, parents, and caregivers. And not just this summer, but all year long. But we need your help.   As we “double down” on our efforts to put people first, my family and I also want to double your gift.   If you click here RIGHT NOW to make your donation to the Clinton Foundation, Hillary, Chelsea, and I will personally double your impact  and match your gift, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000. Over the coming days, you’ll be hea

Adam: protections for Dreamers

  Friend, Ever since Donald Trump took office, hundreds of thousands of immigrants have wondered if they’ll be able to stay in the only country they’ve ever known.  Yesterday, the Democratic Majority did something about it by passing the Dream and Promise Act to finally protect Dreamers and other immigrants once and for all and to allow them to become full-fledged citizens. That’s the first step, but it’s not the last one. Now this important bill goes to the Senate that Mitch McConnell likes to brag is a “graveyard” for legislation. It’s up to us to force them to act. We owe it to the young people who were brought here as children, who grew up knowing the United States as their only home, to finally pass a real solution in Congress that will allow them to continue to work, study, and live in the country they call ‘home’ without fear of deportation, and to become citizens. Mitch McConnell needs to hear that. Will you add your name to my petition demanding the Senate do