
Showing posts with the label national black independent

Brihannala: Beyond Paper Promises

Black --  It’s time to move pulp and paper companies Beyond Paper Promises .   After decades of work from frontline communities and supporters like you, corporations throughout the supply chain have promised to eliminate forest destruction and human rights abuses from their business. Still, not enough has changed for forests and communities. The goal of our new campaign, Beyond Paper Promises, is to amplify the voices of communities on the front lines of rainforest destruction, driving action to hold companies accountable to their policy promises. Take a moment to explore and share stories from the frontlines at This is Kristina br Hutabarat, from Aek Lung village, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The pulp company Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) took her ancestral land to plant a eucalyptus plantation, in order to produce the raw materials for rayon and viscose fabric:   “This land is our life and the lives of our future grandchildren. We are campaigning so that peopl

Jeff: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the first line of defense

    Robert, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the first line of defense between the middle class and the big banks’ unfair financial practices. From the moment Elizabeth Warren came up with the idea and I helped get it passed into law, Republicans in Congress fought to dismantle the CFPB, the watchdog of Wall Street. Refuse to confirm its director. Slash its budget. Paralyze its ability to act. And simply abolish it all together. But the CFPB prevailed, and since its creation, has returned roughly $12 billion to millions of consumers.  From student loan borrowers to homeowners to low-income consumers exploited by payday lending schemes, the CFPB has safeguarded consumers and fought for their protection. Now, the CFPB is once again under attack from President Trump and the Republicans in Congress, and we must defend it with everything we’ve got.  Sign my petition: Tell Congress to defend and protect the CFPB! When the economy collapsed in 2008, it became cl

Paul: We are busy doing our work

Click here to open this e-mail in its own browser window     Click here to open a plain text version of this email CONSTITUENT HOTLINE 1-888-909-RYAN (7926) Last week, Paul remarked that “ we’re busy doing our work  ,” here in the House. That remains true this week, with a focus on bipartisan bills to help our veterans. These initiatives may not garner a lot of attention in the press, which is why our office wanted to contact you  directly .   Consider the  Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act:  Did you know the VA estimates that it will take approximately  five years  to resolve the backlog of appeals that are currently pending? That’s nearly 500,000 appeals—that’s too many veterans waiting far too long for resolution. Veterans who have a disabling condition as a result of their service to our country should not have to deal with a fundamentally broken system.  The  Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act  would create three “lanes” for vete

Kirsten: Do u approve of the #BillionaireBudget

Robert,  President Trump’s proposed budget cuts would be catastrophic for millions of families. The budget would hurt everyone from low-income families and seniors who depend on Medicaid, to children and veterans who count on subsidized nutritional programs for their next meal.  These cuts aren’t just numbers or charts on a page: They are reckless attacks on our neighbors. This budget will harm people in our communities if we don’t stop it. I'm fighting back, but I need to hear from you: Do you approve of President Trump’s budget? Yes No Thank you, Kirsten This email was sent to To unsubscribe from this email list, please click here. Paid for by Gillibrand for Senate Contributions or gifts to Gillibrand for Senate are not tax deductible.

Team Trump Pence: We honor our Armed Forces

Robert Louis, In tributes across the nation this week, we honored the heroic memory of the fallen men and women of law enforcement. We also vowed to honor their sacrifice by ensuring that those who protect and serve have the support, resources, and training that they deserve. In order to make America safe again we must also restore the tradition of respect and honor that is owed to every member of the law enforcement community in America. Read more about the President’s week below. - Congratulating The Coast Guard Class Of 2017 President Trump delivered a commencement speech at the US Coast Guard academy congratulating the men and women on all their hard work. These fine young cadets are about to take their rightful place on the front line of defense for the United States of America. They deserve not only the congratulations but the gratitude of each and every American. They chose the path of service. They chose hard work, high standards, and a very noble mission to save lives, d

Andrew: Gear up for the G Movement to Save Florida

Paid by Andrew Gillum, Democrat, for Governor This email was sent to Email is one of the most important tools we have to reach supporters like you, but you can let us know if you'd like to  receive fewer emails .  We'd hate to see you go, but if you need to do so, click here to  unsubscribe .  You can support our campaign by making a donation.

Paul: Use the Hashtag #RepublicanResistance to resist the liberals

Robert,  Resist - that's the only thing on Democrats' minds right now. They have no interest in legislating or putting forth constructive policies.  They're only focused on getting back at Republicans after we defeated them soundly in the November elections.  That's why they've flooded Georgia's 6th congressional district with over $10 million to try to flip the district as the first step in their "resistance" against our Republican government. They think that winning this one race will create a domino effect stretching from coast to coast.  This is our chance to stop them, Robert.   I need you to join me RIGHT NOW in standing with Karen Handel, against Nancy Pelosi's handpicked liberal candidate, Jon Ossoff.  Chip in $25 Immediately >>>   Chip in $50 Immediately >>>   Chip in $100 Immediately >>>   Chip in $250 Immediately >>>   Or chip in another amount via this secure link >>>   This is an all-

Chris: Democrats must not fall into the trap of replacing one billionaire for another.

Robert, Today, Governor Bruce Rauner’s billionaire friend Ken Griffin wrote a $20 million check to his reelection campaign. Add your contribution now to show Bruce Rauner and Ken Griffin we will not let them buy the outcome of this election. At the same time, one out of every four human-service agencies in Illinois has had to shut down programming. In St. Clair County, in Springfield, and in and around Chicago, I hear similar stories of utter devastation at the hands of Bruce Rauner. But you have to listen closely and you can only have the conversation in a safe space because no one wants to speak out. They’re afraid. They’re being intimidated by big money. Griffin’s campaign contribution comes as Rauner is trying to keep his fellow Republicans in line during budget negotiations. Rauner has used his personal wealth and his connections to other ultra-wealthy donors to bully and intimidate Republican candidates in Illinois and silence dissent in his own party. Democrat

Jill: National Cannabis Festival: the drug war’s days are numbered

Dear Friend, The more Donald Trump goes off the rails, the more resistance is rising up. As the assault on democracy reaches unprecedented heights, the clearer it becomes that we are the ones we've been waiting for. Thanks to all the grassroots activists leading the charge to an America and a world that works for all of us! In my recent travels up and down the East coast, it is so inspiring to see the momentum for transformative change becoming unstoppable. Here’s a few recent highlights: Yale debate: should public higher education be free? I was invited by the Yale University Political Union to a debate on the issue: should public higher education be tuition-free? I argued that not only should we make higher education free, we should cancel student debt to free young people from indentured servitude to Wall Street and provide a gigantic boost to the real economy. In a vote at the end, it was decided that free public higher education is something our country needs - and wh