
Showing posts with the label paralegals

Kirsten Gillibrand: stand with the capable women of our armed forces who are ready to serve

Robert, Secretary Panetta’s announcement that he is lifting a ban on women in combat was a long overdue step forward for women. But already Republican Senator Jim Inhofe has threatened to introduce legislation to block it, saying that it could be “detrimental to our fighting forces and their capabilities.” This is an insult to women everywhere. In Iraq and Afghanistan, 152 women have died and more than 800 have been wounded. They are already making the ultimate sacrifice. Just like it was wrong to discriminate against servicemembers because of whom they love, it is wrong to deny credit for combat roles to qualified women solely because of their gender. Allowing women to officially serve in combat roles opens up opportunity for women to fullfill their potential and rightfully take senior leadership roles within the Armed Services. Today there is only one female four star general. Secretary Panetta's policy change will be an historic moment to change that inequity. We

Emily's List: Let's give Hillary the roaring ovation she deserves

robert, Hillary Clinton 's service to our country has been nothing short of extraordinary. She's dedicated herself to shattering glass ceilings for women and girls around the world. Her tenacity, courage, and strength helped her make history again and again -- and have inspired a whole new generation of women leaders. Join us in celebrating Hillary's tireless service and remarkable leadership -- and let her know that you can't wait to see what's next. Sign your name to the EMILY's List thank you card for Hillary Clinton and let her know how she's inspired you. I'm so grateful every day for this community that does so much for women in leadership. Let's give Hillary the roaring ovation she deserves for everything she's done throughout the years. Stephanie

Joe Biden: Whether the action we take saves one life or 1,000, it matters.

Robert -- The President did something big last week. He proposed a set of major reforms to help protect our children and our communities by curbing gun violence, and he's already announced 23 executive actions that will go a long way in helping keep our kids safe. This is an important start -- but I have no illusions about what needs to be done and how difficult it will be. Every step we intend to take will preserve the tradition of responsible gun ownership in our country and uphold the Second Amendment. And while we'll never end gun violence entirely, if we can save the life of even one child, then we have a responsibility to act. This action includes not only what we can do, but what Congress can do. To make a real and lasting difference, they must act soon.  The President has called on Congress to act on four specific legislative measures: closing background check loopholes, banning military-style assault weapons and limiting high-capacity ammunition magazines, making our

Sherrod Brown: stand alongside Jeff in the Senate

Dear Robert L., You and I know better than anyone what happens when the special interests get mad. In the last election, they spent $40 million trying to defeat me. But you and I also know that standing up to them is still the right thing to do. And that’s why I’m writing to you today on behalf of my friend Jeff Merkley. Jeff is a dedicated progressive who’s taken on the toughest fights on behalf of the middle class. And just as my own progressive values put me at the top of the special interests’ target list in 2012, Jeff is sure to be hit with a ton of attacks as he fights for re-election in 2014. I’m hoping you’ll stand with Jeff the way you’ve stood with me. His campaign is trying to raise $10,000 by January 31st to build his grassroots foundation. Can you contribute $5 or more to help? Jeff and I serve together on the Senate Banking Committee. I've seen his work first-hand. When Jeff takes on China's unfair trade practices and stands up to secure American jobs, when he fi

Emily's List: Enough is enough. Our pro-choice Democratic women are leading the fight

Breaking news: Violence Against Women Act reintroduced in House and Senate robert, If Republicans want to prove they care about women, they're off to a pretty bad start in 2013. House Republicans let the Violence Against Women Act expire last December -- for the first time in nearly 25 years.   The GOP's callous abandonment of the more than 1.3 million women abused by a partner each year is absolutely outrageous.  But our pro-choice Democratic women -- like Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan, and Barbara Mikulski in the Senate, and Louise Slaughter, Nancy Pelosi, and Gwen Moore in the House -- are on the case, speaking out bravely and introducing new legislation to get the landmark law back on the books.   Join us in sending our women leaders a message that the EMILY's List community is behind them all the way.  Sign our petition and tell the amazing women fighting to pass VAWA that you're standing with them. The Republicans have made their 2013 priorities pretty clear: b

Stephanie Schriock: watch our special Strength In Numbers video

robert, Tammy Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren,  and  Mazie Hirono. Maggie Hassan,  and a total of more than 28 of our fearless pro-choice Democratic senators and congresswomen. Almost 1,400 amazing EMILY's List members.  True Strength In Numbers. We all gathered yesterday to revel in our amazing 2012 victories -- and pledged to continue to fight together in pursuit of our progressive ideals. And we did it all on the weekend that we inaugurate President Obama for another four years of fighting for our progress.   And every single one of those amazing women would tell you the same thing: that  this inspiring day wouldn't have been possible without you.   We didn't want you to miss a single moment -- click here to see photos, watch our special Strength In Numbers video, and read our wrap-up from yesterday's sellout event! Take care, and here's to more and more amazing weekends like this one.    Stephanie

Kirsten Gillibrand: Sign Pres Obama's Congratulations E-card

Robert L., Tomorrow morning on the steps of the U.S. Capitol,  Barack Obama  will be sworn in for his second term as President of the United States. I’m excited to be there to witness this historic event, which is always such a powerful reminder of the great democracy we live in. Please join me in congratulating President Obama on this special day, and let him know that you will stand with him over the next four years. Click here to sign my congratulatory card, and wish the president the best as he takes the oath of office. There is so much to be done during his second term. Over the past few weeks, we’ve mapped out an ambitious agenda. By pulling together now, I am confident we can accomplish it. Sincerely, Kirsten

Stephanie Schriock: GOP Boss Rush Limbaugh threatens to stop women with guns

robert, This is appalling. Yesterday, on his radio show,  Rush Limbaugh  said:  "You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun." That's right. At a time when we need to have a serious conversation about gun safety and mental health -- and when we still have a Republican House unwilling to protect women through the  Violence Against Women Act  -- Rush Limbaugh decides to spew even more hateful vitriol toward women. None of us has forgotten the vile anti-woman abuse leveled at Sandra Fluke last year by Rush. We can't let this latest outrage go unchallenged. Click here to send a clear message to Rush Limbaugh: your violent language toward women is unacceptable. Our community knows just how devastating gun violence can be, especially for our country's families. Join us today in taking a stand against Rush's verbal attacks against women. Stephanie

Tom Harkin: restore majority rule in the Senate

Dear Robert, When many people think of the  filibuster , they think of the 1939 film  Mr. Smith Goes to Washington . In this classic, Senator Smith talks ceaselessly on the Senate floor to stand up for the little guy against the special interests. It's an unusual and dramatic scene. Today, that scene has been turned upside down.  Senate Republicans routinely use the filibuster to block anything and everything they dislike -- no matter how uncontroversial or critical it is -- to protect special interests at the expense of the little guy. Thankfully, the Senate has an opportunity to fix the filibuster next week, and I -- along with Senators Jeff Merkley and Tom Udall -- plan to do it. Click here to sign my petition to promote transparency and accountability, and get the Senate working again, by fixing the filibuster. Defenders of this kind of obstruction like to point to the traditions of the Senate in support of their cynical actions. But our founding fathers didn't

Jim Messina: Take a look at the President's plan to reduce gun violence, and stand with him in support:

Robert -- Yesterday, President Obama announced his plan to protect our children and our communities by helping reduce gun violence. We won't stop every violent act like the one in Newtown, Connecticut. But if we can save the life of even one child, the President believes each of us has a responsibility to take action. People like you spoke out and demanded action. Your input, along with ideas from leaders and policymakers across the political spectrum, went into the President's plan. Learn more about the plan, and say you stand with President Obama in tackling this critical issue. Most gun owners use their guns safely and responsibly, and the President believes firmly in protecting our Second Amendment rights. But common-sense changes can go a long way in keeping our streets and our schools safer -- and there's too much at stake to stand by and wait for action. The President will not wait. Yesterday, he signed 23 executive actions to start moving our country in the right d

Sherrod Brown: Ready to Roll up my sleeves and get to work with the 113th Congress

Dear Robert L., You might have January 1 circled on your fresh new 2013 calendar -- but before we close the book on 2012, we have a little more work to do.  Out of state special interests spent more than $40 million against me last year, and I want to raise $10,000 grassroots dollars to close out this historic year.  That's 1,000 supporters at $10 each. Can you help right now? A new year means a new start for our  grassroots network . I know what you're thinking -- New Year’s Eve is 2 days from now. I know $10,000 seems like an ambitious goal. But I know my grassroots supporters, too -- and we can get this done. We've never missed a deadline before. So before the ball drops 2 days from now, help me keep our grassroots network going strong. Give $10 or more today. Thank you for all of your support. And have a safe New Year. Sherrod

Kirsten Gillibrand: first step is to protect three Democratic women

Robert L., We've reached an important milestone this year: there are now 20 women in the U.S. Senate, more women than ever before. But even as we celebrate our accomplishment, we have to look forward. The first step is to protect three Democratic women senators up for re-election in 2014:  Jeanne Shaheen , Kay Hagan and  Mary Landrieu . We're less than two months past Election Day and Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS is already airing ads attacking Kay and Mary. These women are counting on us to be able to respond right now because the attacks will only pick up in 2013. Donate $5 or more directly to these three women today, before the December 31 FEC deadline, and help them hold onto their seats. Click here to make your donation right now, before the December 31 FEC deadline. Jeanne, Kay and Mary need your help to fend off the attacks and prepare for the tough races ahead. Jeanne, Kay and Mary are all from key swing states, making their races all the more critical.

Amy K. Dacey: keep that pipeline of pro-choice, Democratic women going

robert, Member since:  Pending Member ID:  Pending It still takes my breath away when I think of all we accomplished this year -- and I know I'll never get tired of hearing the words "Senator Elizabeth Warren" or "Senator Tammy Baldwin" or "Governor Maggie Hassan." The EMILY's List community made these historic victories -- and so many others -- possible, and I could not be more proud. There's only one thing this community can't do, and that's rest for a single minute . Our stunning achievements in 2012 depended on early, strong support from all of you. That's why there's no time to waste in getting ready for the next cycle. Become an EMILY's List member right now for the special rate of just $10. We need your strong and early support if we're going to succeed in 2013 and 2014. We've got a lot of work ahead of us. We must re-elect senators Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire and Kay Hagan from North Carolina

Kirsten Gillibrand; The Pantsuits are Coming

Robert L., We made history. In January, we will have 20 women in the Senate and 78 serving in the House. Not only that, but one-quarter of all new members of Congress are women. You helped us raise more than $1 million for progressive women candidates in 2012, giving them the resources they needed to run winning campaigns. But we can’t rest now. My Off the Sidelines PAC is preparing for 2014, so our Democratic women are ready for the far-right attacks we know are coming. We have to start this year strong to not only defend, but also to build upon our gains. Help us raise $25,000 before the FEC deadline of December 31, so we can increase our numbers and keep control of the Senate. Click here to donate $3 or more to Off the Sidelines before the FEC filing deadline on December 31, just three days away. We need to raise $25,000 before the end of 2012, so we can hit the ground running in 2013. I once said that if Congress were made up of 51 percent women, we wouldn’t be d

Jennifer Petty: Hit the Ground Running

Dear robert l.,  With the year-end fast approaching, we’re reviewing our year and our online donation records for 21st Century Democrats. This year, we did everything we could to get progressives elected up and down the ticket -- and we did! In doing so, we have depleted our budget and now need to rebuild our financial resources.  That’s why I’m turning to you, to see if you could make your 2012 online contribution today.  Please Make Your 2012 Contribution Today Currently, we are working with Senator Tom Harkin and his newly proposed bill on the filibuster, which is critical in getting Washington working again.  And we are always out recruiting progressive candidates to run for office. So we continue to need funding.  Please Make Your 2012 Contribution Today So please be as generous as you can today and make your 2012 online contribution. Even a gift of $5 will go a long way.  Please make your 2012 contribution today, so we can hit the ground running in 2013!   Thank you,  Jenni

Tom Harkin: strong out of the gate

Dear Robert, If there is one message I’m taking away from the 2012 elections, it’s this: Get ready early. 2012 showed us that we must expect a deluge of outside spending from exactly the same right-wing special interests that are trying to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid right now in Washington. But it also showed us that, if we start early and get organized, their deep pockets are no match for our grassroots strength. That’s why today I’m laying the groundwork for 2014 by launching a $25,000 New Year’s fundraising goal -- and I need your support. Will you contribute $3 to help us reach our fundraising goal before the midnight deadline on Monday? In Washington, House Republicans continue to offer proposals that would protect the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the middle class. I’m fighting back -- every day, as hard as I can -- because I believe our country does best when it puts the middle class first.  I’ll never stop, because it’s the right thin

Russ Feingold: never took our eye off the ball

Robert, We saw more corporate meddling in this year's election than any election in recent memory. But don't expect it to let up any time soon. Corporate interests and a handful of eccentric billionaires aren't just out to buy an election. They're out to buy what happens  after  elections: the policies that affect how all of us live our lives every single day. That's why, together, we're fighting back right now against a right-wing lobbyist-backed deal to slash essential benefits for America's elderly, disabled, and poor. That's why we speak out when corporate and wealthy interests try to rig the game by slanting the playing field in their favor -- both in and out of election seasons. And that's why we must hit our year-end $100,000 goal.  We have to be organized to take back the field. Help ensure we're strong before we enter the New Year. Contribute $5 today, and help reach our year-end goal. Progressives United never took o

Kirsten Gillibrand: Stop these Senseless Deaths

Robert L., Since last Friday's tragedy in Newtown, Conn., many of you have reached out to me with your concern that we must do something about gun violence in America. I share your resolve, as this has become very personal to me. My own two boys are ages nine and four, the same ages as the children attending Sandy Hook Elementary School when those precious lives were taken. We have an obligation to do better for all of our children. I hope you will read this op-ed that I wrote in the Daily News earlier this week, and make your own voice heard, by demanding common-sense gun safety laws: We have an obligation to act and prevent tomorrow’s senseless deaths! There are no words to express my sadness and outrage over the loss of so many young innocent lives.  Politicians have rushed to offer words of sympathy for the victims, but Americans expect more from us.    And they deserve more from this Congress.  Congress has ducked a serious national debate over common-sense gun laws

Stephanie Schriock: The talk of washington

robert, Hey, what's on your calendar for  Sunday, January 20 ? How about a fabulous brunch with amazing Democratic women --  where you and a friend are the VIP guests and sharing a table with newly-sworn-in Senator Elizabeth Warren? That's right, you and a guest could be discussing hot topics with some of the country's top women leaders.  All you have to do is enter our Strength in Numbers Contest -- the winner gets  2 VIP tickets to our EMILY's List 2013 Inauguration Brunch. We'll take care of everything -- your flight, hotel, the works. Contribute to EMILY's List right now and you'll be automatically entered. The contest closes in just 18 days, so don't delay. Your hard work and dedication made this historic election possible -- and this is our chance to show our appreciation. Our event is already the talk of Washington, and I want you there. Don't miss this chance to join this once-in-a-lifetime event. Contribute to EMILY's List and au

Russ Feingold: Pres Reagan video against Social Security Cuts

Robert, News is breaking: Social Security benefits were put on the chopping block in the latest round of deficit talks in Congress. But Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit. Even Ronald Reagan said so. So why are the Republicans who claim they want to close the deficit today demanding Social Security benefit cuts? And why are reports surfacing that these cuts are likely to be in the final deal? Right now, our best chance to stop it will be in the Senate. We have to be ready. Watch this video clip of Ronald Reagan defending Social Security, then sign Progressives United's petition telling senators to reject cuts to Social Security, or to other crucial benefits: Social Security is not the cause of our deficit problem. Any adjustments to social security must be done as a separate matter, without cutting benefits, not as a snake-oil solution to an unrelated deficit problem -- and never in exchange for allowing corporate interests and the wealthiest Am