
Showing posts with the label obama

We owe Donald Trump an open mind and the chance to lead

          Below is the text of Hillary's speech on Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention. Take a look, or  watch the full speech here . Black Independent Party -- The morning after the last election, I said, “We owe Donald Trump an open mind and the chance to lead.” I meant it. Every president deserves that. And Trump came in with so much set up for him: A strong economy, plans for managing crises, including a pandemic. Yes, we Democrats would have disagreed with him on many things, but if he had put his own interests and ego aside -- seen the humanity in a child ripped from her parents at the border or a protester calling for justice or a family wiped out by a natural disaster -- that would have been a good thing, for America and the world.     I wish Donald Trump knew how to be a president, because America needs a president right now. Throughout this time of crisis, Americans keep going: checking on neighbors, showing up to jobs as first responders, hospitals, gro

federal agents helped make 1,485 arrests as part of the nine-city anti-violent-crime Operation Legend . .

  FIVE STORIES PRESIDENT TRUMP DOESN'T WANT YOU TO MISS Education Cannot Be Paused for a Pandemic -The Hill “More than our physical health is being affected by this novel coronavirus. With the nation moving towards virtual living to continue social distancing, we are risking under-educating a generation. Children need the option to have an in-person education,” physician and Congressman Michael Burgess writes. AG Barr Says Feds Have Made Nearly 1,500 Arrests in ‘Operation Legend’ - New York Post “Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday that federal agents helped make 1,485 arrests as part of the nine-city anti-violent-crime Operation Legend . . . Barr said federal charges can put away violent criminals for longer periods of time. He slammed what he said are often soft penalties in local cases,” Steven Nelson reports. 🎬  WATCH:   When crime spiked this summer, President Trump took action Blackouts Expose Perils and Costs of California’s ‘Electrify Everything’ Push - Forbes “Th

we will unveil new leaders. —Barack

Hi friends, A crisis has a way of sharpening our focus.    Part of this is human. When we suffer a loss, or become ill, we take stock of what’s important. We appreciate the parts of our lives that maybe we took for granted. We revisit our values and our relationships, and we think about how we might honor them if we had another chance; if we had more time. Crises force us to reflect.    But crises also reveal. A housing crisis reveals the shaky foundations of an economy that works only for those at the top. A mass shooting shows the ease with which weapons of war can be obtained by those who wish to inflict intolerable pain. A deadly pandemic hits our most neglected communities hardest, magnifying disparities in health, wealth, and access to care. A man is killed, face down on the street under the knee of a police officer in Minnesota, and centuries of racial injustice and pain are thrown into high relief.   The crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, met soon thereafter by the kil

First Lady: ‘Be Best’ is Advocating that Every Child Find a Loving, Safe and Forever Family

First Lady: ‘Be Best’ is Advocating that Every Child Find a Loving, Safe and Forever Family “America’s kids need us now more than ever,” First Lady Melania Trump writes.   “The disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have had a serious impact on America’s children and those who care for them, from parents and teachers to child welfare workers and foster families . . . We are doing all we can to establish commonsense solutions that best serve our children in the welfare system.”   Click here to read more. “Millions of people will continue to have access to affordable short-term health plans . . . [after a] three-judge panel of the court upheld by a 2-1 margin a Trump administration rule extending the maximum duration of a short-term plan to just under a year,” healthcare expert Sally Pipes writes in the  Washington Examiner . “The biggest, most sophisticated Mars rover ever built—a car-size vehicle bristling with cameras, microphones, drills and lasers—blasted off for the red planet

For too many Virginia families, opportunities for health and success are out of reach.

Dr. Cameron Webb is a doctor, lawyer and father running for Congress in VA-05. You're receiving this message because you care about electing Democratic leaders with the moral clarity to address our broken health care system, the climate crisis, and the lack of social mobility for hardworking families. If you would not like to receive our emails, please  click here. We hope that everyone is staying safe during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and that you continue to follow the range of recommended practices to protect your health and the health of your neighbors in these uncertain times. Team Webb is now working entirely remotely, and we’ve taken the step of canceling all in-person fundraising for the foreseeable future. These changes to our strategy—while necessary—do make grassroots online outreach and fundraising even more critical than before. Cameron and the rest of the team will continue working to ensure that all Virginians have opportunities for health and success, and we hop

Michelle Obama’s remarks at the Girl Up Summit

Hi there, During these difficult times, we have been so moved by the extraordinary ways that girls and grassroots leaders have taken action to support their communities. The challenges are daunting: more than 1.5 billion students around the world have faced school closures due to COVID-19. And we know from past crises like Ebola that the challenges girls face intensify in times of crisis, from violence at home to economic hardship to lack of access to education.  Many of these girls receive critical support from grassroots organizations around the world. We recently gathered a group of leaders from the Girls Opportunity Alliance network for a virtual conversation with Michelle Obama about their inspiring efforts to continue to support girls during COVID-19, which include launching virtual classes, delivering books and radios to help girls learn remotely, and providing food and essential supplies to girls and their families. Mrs. Obama stressed the importance of their tireless work and

Rep. John Lewis embodied that mission throughout his eighty years,

Hi there,   Late last night, the world lost a legend. In the  statement  President Obama released in light of the heartbreaking news of Representative John Lewis’ passing, he describes an inspiring conversation they had after their last public appearance together: “It’s fitting that the last time John and I shared a public forum was at a virtual town hall with a gathering of young activists who were helping to lead this summer’s demonstrations in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Afterwards, I spoke to him privately, and he could not have been prouder of their efforts—of a new generation standing up for freedom and equality, a new generation intent on voting and protecting the right to vote, a new generation running for political office. I told him that all those young people—of every race, from every background and gender and sexual orientation—they were his children. They had learned from his example, even if they didn’t know it. They had understood through him what American citizens

Obama Foundation: President Obama 2020 Message to graduates.

Hi there, Tonight, President Obama will offer a special message to this year’s graduating class of high school and college seniors, as part of YouTube’s virtual commencement, “Dear Class of 2020.”  While our nation grapples with anguish and grief, rituals like graduation still serve as important rites of passage; moments to acknowledge and celebrate. We hope President Obama’s message can offer some optimism to this year’s class. Even as we face the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racism, it will be up to this generation to set the world on a better path.   You can watch the President's message today at 6:40 pm ET. The full commencement—including a message from Mrs. Obama, begins at 3 pm ET.   As we celebrate the next generation of leaders, we know the stress and trauma of racism and police violence are ever-present. President Obama recently joined Congressman John Lewis, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative Bryan Stevenson, writer and survivor of police bru