Stephanie Schriock: watch our special Strength In Numbers video


Tammy Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren, and Mazie Hirono. Maggie Hassan, and a total of more than 28 of our fearless pro-choice Democratic senators and congresswomen. Almost 1,400 amazing EMILY's List members. True Strength In Numbers.

We all gathered yesterday to revel in our amazing 2012 victories -- and pledged to continue to fight together in pursuit of our progressive ideals. And we did it all on the weekend that we inaugurate President Obama for another four years of fighting for our progress.
And every single one of those amazing women would tell you the same thing: that this inspiring day wouldn't have been possible without you.
We didn't want you to miss a single moment -- click here to see photos, watch our special Strength In Numbers video, and read our wrap-up from yesterday's sellout event!
Click here to see photos from yesterday's event.
Take care, and here's to more and more amazing weekends like this one.

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