
Showing posts with the label democrats

Jim Messina: do exactly what John McCain would not let us do

Robert -- A 54-page, $10 million proposal by top Republican strategists titled "The Defeat of  Barack Hussein Obama " shows in vivid and gruesome detail what the President and all of us are up against. The proposal laments that voters "still aren't ready to hate this president" but lays out a plan to portray him as "slick" and "cocky" -- and notes that they need to hire an "extremely literate conservative African-American" to insulate against charges of racism. It says the President ran as a "metrosexual, black Abe Lincoln" and includes plans to spend millions on inflammatory TV ads using everything from Rev. Jeremiah Wright to images of the September 11th attacks to show the truth about Obama's alleged secret plan to destroy America. In the words of one of these guys, they want to "do exactly what John McCain would not let us do" in the last election. And the plan was for it to be financed by a single bi

Stephanie Cutter: workers and managers affected by Mitt Romney and his business partners.

Robert L. -- On the campaign trail,  Mitt Romney  points to his private sector experience as his chief qualification to be president. So we took a look at that experience, and put together a new site, , on it.  Take a look for yourself here.  Let me sum up how Romney economics works: Romney and his partners bought companies across the United States, often loading them up with debt in the process. Too often, they slashed pensions, benefits, and jobs, while paying themselves and their shareholders straight from the debt they'd accumulated. Because of that debt, several of these businesses went bankrupt, leaving workers without jobs, without pensions, and without health care -- all while Romney and his partners walked away with millions. Everyone understands that businesses rise and fall -- and sometimes fail -- and no one is challenging Romney's right to run his business as he saw fit or questioning private equity as a whole. But when a handful of peo

Katherine Archuleta: Check out this message from the President -- it'll put a smile on your face

Robert L. -- Today's one of my favorite holidays. I get a chance to be grateful for my daughter, who made me a mom, and I take some time to remember my own mother, whom I loved very much. President Obama knows there's no tougher job than being a mom. It's one of many things I admire about him. Watch this video of the President talking about the moms in his own life:   This year the girls are making handmade cards for their mom. Thanks for helping the President do a little something extra by signing the First Lady's card -- she's going to love it. Check out this message from the President -- it'll put a smile on your face -- and if you know anyone else who should see this or who might want to sign the card, please pass it on: Seriously: Don't forget to call your mom. -Katherine Katherine Archuleta National Political Director Obama for America

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: it's our children -- our nation's future -- that we're all fighting for every single day.

Dear robert, I've said it before: as the mother of two young boys, finding the right balance between work and family isn't easy. But we do it, we figure it out, because  it's our children -- our nation's future -- that we're all fighting for every single day. I see it all the time in the amazing women I'm honored to serve with in the U.S. Senate. All of us are working to make sure that our daughters and sons -- and the daughters and sons of all Americans -- have the opportunity to prosper just as we've been able to. We're making sure that the rights and protections that previous generations fought for and won are not rolled back. And we're fighting for their ability to live out the American dream. This Mother's Day, I can't think of a better way to honor all the mothers in the country -- past and present -- than with a contribution to EMILY's List. They're the ones working tirelessly to elect the pro-choice Democratic women w

Pres Barack Obama: I'm lucky enough to get to marry my best friend

Robert L. -- If you're lucky enough to get to marry your best friend, you'll know what I'm talking about. Michelle amazes me every day, and in the years we've been together, nothing inspires me more than watching her be a mom to our two girls. Each of us has amazing women in our lives who give us strength and encouragement, and no matter what we do on Mother's Day, it never seems like enough. This year, I wanted to try something a little different. I know Michelle treasures every single person who is part of this movement we've built, so I'm hoping each of you will sign my card to her today. It'll mean a lot to her. Will you join me in wishing Michelle a happy Mother's Day? Thanks, and happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Barack

Pres Barack Obama: I decided it was time to affirm my personal belief that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry

Robert L. -- Today, I was asked a direct question and gave a direct answer: I believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. I hope you'll take a moment to watch the conversation, consider it, and weigh in yourself on behalf of marriage equality: I've always believed that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally. I was reluctant to use the term marriage because of the very powerful traditions it evokes. And I thought civil union laws that conferred legal rights upon gay and lesbian couples were a solution. But over the course of several years I've talked to friends and family about this. I've thought about members of my staff in long-term, committed, same-sex relationships who are raising kids together. Through our efforts to end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, I've gotten to know some of the gay and lesbian troops who are serving our country with honor and distinction. What I

Jonathan Parker: Today we are saying -- with a unified voice -- that we are standing with Claire McCaskill

Dear robert, They've gone from outrageous to downright terrifying. The Tea Party's rhetoric is so heated that the Capitol Police had to assign extra security to Claire McCaskill after a leading activist at a Tea Party rally told the crowd:  "We have to kill the Claire Bear, ladies and gentlemen." As if this violent talk wasn't enough, one of Claire's Tea Party-endorsed opponents was at the rally and refused to condemn the activist's remarks -- and the campaign's spokesman openly applauded the dangerous statement. In fact, only one of Claire's three right-wing opponents has spoken out at all about the threatening language used against this United States Senator and said that she "understood his frustration!" This is unacceptable.  Today we are saying -- with a unified voice -- that we are standing with Claire McCaskill  and against the heated, extreme rhetoric of the Tea Party. We need you to join us and show Claire that EMILY's

Sarah Benzing: Sherrod always fights for middle class Americans

Image Sherrod always fights for middle class Americans -- and that’s why special interests are spending millions to defeat him. These guys have spent $5 million already attacking Sherrod’s record. They think if they bury us in smears and attack ads, we’ll back down. But Sherrod doesn’t give up that easily -- and neither does the strong grassroots network standing alongside him. We want to get our No Fear Fund up to $1 million this month to show them just how unafraid we are. Click here to help us have a Million Dollar May. Thank you, Sarah Sarah Benzing Campaign Manage

Kathleen Falk: I humbly ask for your vote Today. I want to save Wisconsin for our children's Future

Open, Honest, Accountable. Bringing Wisconsin Together.     I want to work for you. I ask for your  vote  Tuesday. The odometer on my 10-year-old car is just about to hit 200,000 miles. All this last year, I have worked side-by-side with you as we have fought against Scott Walker's extreme agenda that hurts our basic Wisconsin values. I have heard your voices, your concerns, your worries and your hopes for a better Wisconsin in 28 days. I remember the man in Wausau who no longer is considered "unemployed" -- he hasn't worked for so long he has given up hope now. I think of the woman in Green Bay who worries about what she and her three children will do without health care. The mom and dad of two young children in Milwaukee who see their kids' class sizes mushroom and worry about what next year's cuts to schools mean to their children. Then there’s the man in Waukesha who pleaded to heal our state because his brothers and sisters don'

Dr. Dan Murrey: the official sauces of the 2012 Democratic National Convention

Dear robert, Back in February, we launched a search for the best BBQ sauces to become the official sauces of the 2012 Democratic National Convention. We were looking for the best sauce in three different categories that represent the different regions of the Carolinas – a western North Carolina tomato-based sauce, an eastern North Carolina vinegar-based sauce, and a South Carolina mustard-based sauce. We were excited to receive 30 different sauce submissions from around the country. The sauces ranged from homemade to nationally recognized brands. After the sauce submission deadline, we gathered a group of qualified BBQ judges – including myself – to help us pick a winner in each category. Want to know who the winners are?  Watch this video to find out! After you watch the video, head over to our  merchandise store and order your own official sauces of the 2012 Democratic National Convention. While you’re our site, you can pick up the 2012 Convention BBQ pack – the sau

Kathleen Falk: the Falk Express Grassroots boots-on-the-ground force is ready to go

Open, Honest, Accountable. Bringing Wisconsin Together.     Dear Friend, The polls open in 24 hours, and the grassroots boots-on-the-ground force we’ve built together over the last year is ready to go. I am so honored to have the endorsement of almost every single organization that has been the heart and soul of this grassroots movement from the beginning -- the grassroots coalition of hardworking people in Wisconsin who actually stood in the streets with you all year. First we marched in protest against the governor and his extreme agenda, and then we collected the signatures needed to do something about it. This campaign has been about you from the beginning, and with your help we'll blow past the primary on Tuesday and move right on to defeating Gov. Walker. I'm ready to go; I've been with you from day one and I'll be there every step of the way. We have 24 hours to keep our TV ad up - help us keep our message on air with a contribution of $8 righ

Jim Messina: the President's accomplishments

Robert -- One of the first lessons I learned in politics is that when you're attacked, you have to defend yourself. The Koch brothers and other Romney allies are running millions of dollars in false, negative ads against President Obama in critical battleground states right now -- six months out from Election Day. We have a powerful story to tell about what we've done these past three years -- and we're not going to let anyone tell it for us. Today, we're launching our own TV ad about the President, and it's a positive one, highlighting what we've done together in the last three years. It's a message we need every voter to hear. Will you pitch in $5 or more to support the campaign and help get our message in front of voters today? div align="middle"> As we speak, the super PAC that spent an astounding $42 million helping Romney during the primaries is up with $4 million in ads touting their candidate, and Koch brothers-backed Americans for P

Stephanie Cutter: Romney's List of Attacks on American Women's Constitutional Rights

Robert -- I think the first item in this week's tipsheet -- The Life of Julia -- lays out the impact this election will have on millions of American women more clearly than anything this campaign has done so far. It's a great tool for the Truth Team and our goal of making sure everyone gets the facts they need. So let's get to it: #1 The Life of Julia The Life of Julia is an interactive online tool that looks at how President Obama's policies help one woman over her lifetime compared to  Mitt Romney 's plans. Whether it's allowing young people to stay on their parents' health insurance until age 26, expanding access to Pell Grants, or passing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that allows women to stand up for their right to equal pay for equal work, President Obama has fought to help women of all ages. Under a Romney administration, Julia's story would look a lot different: Romney would reverse many of President Obama's accomplishments to pay

Pres Barack Obama: Before I Go on Stage

Robert -- Michelle and I are getting ready to go on stage for the first big rally of 2012. We know not everyone can be there, but we still want you to be part of it. If you can, please tune in to the livestream here: Start time's 12:45 p.m. Eastern. Thanks, Barack ----- More than 1.9 million people like you power this campaign.  If you can, please donate today.