
Showing posts with the label republican party

Kirsten: Trump destroying America poll

Robert, It has been just three weeks since President Trump took office, and it seems like not a day goes by without some horrifying new threat to our most fundamental values. With so much at stake, we cannot afford to give President Trump and the GOP even an inch. That’s why I’m fighting with everything I’ve got to protect our progress – and I’m heartened and inspired to see Americans across the country fighting with me. I have some ideas in mind about what issues we will face next. But you’re on the ground standing up to President Trump and his agenda every day, and I want to hear your thoughts.  Will you take a few minutes to share your priorities for the fights ahead? Here’s the link: Thank you, Kirsten This email was sent to To unsubscribe from the Gillibrand for Senate email list, please click here. Paid for by Gillibrand for Senate Contributions or gifts to Gillibrand for Sena

Elizabeth: Hi team, meet my boss Mindy

Hi team, meet my boss Mindy. (Yes, even United States Senators have bosses.) Back in 2011, I had never run for office before -- not even student council. And a popular, handsome Republican with $10 million in the bank held the Senate seat I was considering running for in Massachusetts. I needed help -- so I asked around, and everyone told me that I needed to talk to Mindy Myers. Mindy is from Pennsylvania -- her dad was a bus driver and her mom worked at Sears (like my mom!) -- and she's also one of the very best Democratic campaign managers in the country. I convinced Mindy to move to Boston, run my campaign, and teach a first-time candidate how to fight and win. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans may try to keep me quiet, but I won’t stop speaking out and fighting back. And a big part of the reason for that? Mindy. I’m introducing you to Mindy Myers because I have terrific news: She’s agreed to become the Executive Director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee t

People's Action: Conservative billionaires made some outrageous New Year’s resolutions.

Outrageous! Conservative billionaires made some outrageous New Year’s resolutions. The Koch network resolved to spend $400 million to spread junk science about climate change, undermine living wage bills and destroy Obamacare. And they are doing just that. The Heritage Foundation promised to spend over $100 million to demonize immigrants and push legislation that ends the promise of Social Security. And they are doing just that. The Family Research Council resolved to spend $15 million dollars to block hate crimes legislation, defund women’s health care and attempt to add forced “conversion therapy” to the GOP platform. And they are doing just that. In 2017, will you make a resolution to fight back? Please, kick in just $2 and we can train more organizers to resist the extreme right wing agenda . People’s Action is a nationwide network of community organizers. We have something that can’t be bought - a grassroots movement. We turn outrage into action. But we do

Bobby: President of the Senate Pence made the right decision

Great news! Our efforts supporting Betsy DeVos were successful. The Senate voted this afternoon to confirm her as Secretary of Education. Secretary DeVos will support equal opportunity in education for children across the United States. Our videos highlighted her dedication to giving families educational choices for their students. This will not be the last battle in this fight, but it was a great win. Will you support us as we continue to fight for conservative principles and win the war of ideas that's being waged in Washington and across the country? This is important work, and we need your support.  Please chip in $15, $50, or even $100 or more today. Thank you, Governor Bobby Jindal

Martin: The Truth Behind "Sanctuary" Cities

          : Over a hundred years ago, the racist anti-immigrant cartoonist, Thomas Nast, did his best to whip up anti-immigrant sentiment in the U.S.  The time was the 1880's. His cartoons portrayed the Irish as monkeys, Catholic Bishops as crocodiles climbing onto America's shores to eat up white Anglo-Saxon Protestant families, and hordes of lawless immigrants swarming off of boats to take up degenerate lives of crime in America's cities. Fast forward to the present. The Know-Nothing Party has finally taken the White House with Donald Trump's presidency. What is his top target where cities are concerned? Not infrastructure, bridges, jobs, schools, or restoring dwindling numbers of sworn officers on the streets, rather bringing "sanctuary cities under control" by cutting off any and all federal funding possible. If you are one of those Americans who works or lives in a metro area of the United States, you might scratch your head and ask: What

Tim: #BlackHistoryMonth We are the soul of the Nation

                                                                     February 6, 2017     About Tim Services Media Center Legislative Work South Carolina Resources Dear Friends, Thank you for subscribing to my weekly e-newsletter, and please remember to follow me on   Facebook  ,   Twitter  ,   Instagram   and   YouTube  .  Investing in Opportunity Act  I am excited to introduce my new bill, the   Investing in Opportunity Act  ,  because it encourages private investment and it gives families living in economically distressed areas the opportunity to move forward and succeed – without creating a new government program. The Investing in Opportunity Act provides a bridge to a better future. I talk about the bill   here  !       Iran Sanctions Recent actions by Iran have once again demonstrated their reluctance to curb their confrontational nuclear missile program. These dangerous, provocative actions by a country considered a state sponsor of terror should carry cons

Jill: Democrats keep looking for that long lost spine.

Dear Friend, It sounds too good to be true. But it's not. And it couldn't come at a better time. Just as Donald Trump and his billionaire Cabinet begin wreaking havoc and Democrats keep looking for that long lost spine... along comes a super-powered Green candidate, running a breakthrough campaign in an absolutely winnable race. This is the game changer we've been waiting for. So please. Just for a moment. Drop everything. Check out Cheri Honkala, my 2012 VP running mate extraordinaire, who's running in the March 21st special election for Pennsylvania State Representative for the 197th district. Please make a donation to Cheri's campaign  by going here  and clicking on the donate page. Do your part to help win this Green revolution at the ballot box. If we each do a little something, we can indeed change everything. And here's the show stopper. if we can raise $40,000 this week to show her “viability”, Cheri has been assured the assistance

Jon: a series of punches at sore spots of Trump's ego

"It lasts just 30 seconds. But in that half minute, the ad lands a series of punches at sore spots of Trump's ego, all delivered by a weightlifting unidentified veteran.” - CNBC robert - The ad we ran yesterday was nothing short of a complete success. Not only did Donald Trump likely see it while watching Morning Joe (he tweeted right after the commercial break it aired in), but it was viewed by more than 1 million people online. We told you we had something good up our sleeve, and this success was only possible because of the thousands of supporters who chipped in to make it happen. But here’s another promise for you: we. won’t. stop. We are going to continue to elevate the voices of veterans and military family members harmed by Donald Trump’s policies. Sometimes we’ll do it in huge, seven-figure ad buys. And sometimes we’ll be creative. But we can’t do it alone. Make a $3 contribution to VoteVets today to help us continue to elevate the voices of veterans a

Allen: sign the PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION for Clint Lorance

Dear Friend,  President Obama refused to pardon an innocent U.S. soldier last month before he left office.  Now I'm asking you to sign this  PRESIDENTIAL PARDON PETITION FOR ARMY 1LT CLINT LORANCE  urging President Trump to do what Obama refused to: send this innocent soldier home where he belongs!  In July, 2012, 1LT Clint Lorance was sent to Afghanistan to replace a platoon leader who was seriously wounded in a Taliban attack. On his third day on the job, Clint and his men were on patrol when a U.S. helicopter radioed that a motorcycle was sitting outside of the village near a road only used by the Taliban.  When the motorcycle started gunning toward the platoon, 1LT Lorance ordered his marksman to fire.   Two of the riders were killed. The other was captured in the village, where days earlier a U.S. soldier was shot in the neck.  Friend, those of us who have been stationed in Afghanistan know the tactics and actions of the enemy.   Without a doubt, these men posed a threat to