Tom Harkin: strong out of the gate

Dear Robert,
Contribute today!
If there is one message I’m taking away from the 2012 elections, it’s this: Get ready early.
2012 showed us that we must expect a deluge of outside spending from exactly the same right-wing special interests that are trying to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid right now in Washington. But it also showed us that, if we start early and get organized, their deep pockets are no match for our grassroots strength.
That’s why today I’m laying the groundwork for 2014 by launching a $25,000 New Year’s fundraising goal -- and I need your support.
In Washington, House Republicans continue to offer proposals that would protect the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the middle class. I’m fighting back -- every day, as hard as I can -- because I believe our country does best when it puts the middle class first. I’ll never stop, because it’s the right thing to do.
But it also makes me someone the special interests in this country would love to send into early retirement.
They’re already looking to see where they should focus their efforts in 2014. We need to show them that we will not be an easy target.
Monday’s end-of-year fundraising deadline is our first big opportunity to show that our grassroots supporters like you will be ready for anything in 2014.
By starting strong out of the gate, we can build the early grassroots movement we need to face down outside spending.
Thank you for helping us make that early investment by contributing before midnight on Monday.
Tom Harkin
U.S. Senator

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