
Showing posts with the label politics

I’m more convinced than ever that we should eliminate the filibuster

  Friend — My good friend Adam Schiff asked me to reach out and give you an update about our fight in the Senate to protect voting rights and make our democracy stronger. And to tell you why we can’t win this fight alone. I was just appointed to the Senate this year to fill the vacancy of Vice President Kamala Harris. With no time to waste, I immediately got to work to defend this seat in 2022 and hold our Democratic majority in the Senate. Every day, I’m working to reform the immigration system, make healthcare universal through Medicare for All, and fight climate change by passing a Green New Deal.  We have to deliver. That’s what people voted for in 2020. But Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have made it clear they will govern from the minority and are using the filibuster to prevent our country from moving forward and passing any major legislation. That’s why I’m more convinced than ever that we should eliminate the filibuster – right now. Ending the filibuster in the Senate

President Clinton’s recent note

  Dear Robert, As you may have seen from President Clinton’s recent note, the Clinton Foundation just released its Impact Report. I hope you’ll take a moment to read it. It includes a compelling profile of our work to help Puerto Rico and Caribbean communities prepare for the intensifying impacts of climate change, which I thought you might appreciate. READ MORE ABOUT OUR IMPACT Through the unprecedented events of last year, the Clinton Foundation stood strongly by the communities we serve. As always, The Clinton Global Initiative team worked alongside partners and local leaders to cultivate a powerful community of change-makers who are helping to foster an inclusive, resilient, and prosperous Caribbean region. We couldn’t do this work without your partnership and support. Thank you, as always — and have a happy and healthy summer ahead! Sincerely, Luke Schiel Director, Clinton Global Initiative SUPPORT OUR WORK The Clinton Foundation has received high ratings from leading charity eval

The Senate majority is in danger

  Robert, My fellow Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen said I could reach out with an important ask in this critical time. Let me take a moment to explain why this is so urgent. Donald Trump almost flipped Nevada in 2020 – and the Cook Political Report just DOWNGRADED our chances of winning Nevada's Senate seat. McConnell and his special interest allies are all in to take my seat: They've spent nearly $1 million to flip this seat red, and if the Cook Political Report is any indication, it's working. That’s why I need your support today. If we lose Nevada, Democrats lose control of the Senate. If we lose, we hand Mitch McConnell Senate control. Please, split a contribution of $5 or more right now to Jacky Rosen and me to help defend Nevada's critical seat and our Senate majority. Nevada will decide Senate control. If we don't turn this around right now, we lose the Senate majority – and we're falling short of our fundraising goal. So we're counting on every member of

Laura is fighting for all Kansans

                                  Paid for by Laura Kelly for Kansas, Kevin McWhorter, Treasurer Laura Kelly for Kansas P.O. Box 2098 Topeka KS 66601 United States

Help me defeat Marco Rubio.

  Hey friend — Adam Schiff and I stood shoulder to shoulder during the first impeachment trial and have been through the absolute wringer together in Congress. Adam knows a good fight when he sees one – so he suggested I reach out to you. Why? Because I  just  announced that I'm running for the U.S. Senate to unseat Marco Rubio. Flipping Florida's Senate seat is one of our best chances to protect and expand our slim majority in the Senate. And with that balance of power on the line, everybody from Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump, to outside dark money groups are trying to defeat our campaign. So that's why I'm making an important ask of you at the start of our campaign: Will you make a contribution to our campaigns of $10 or more today? Every dollar you give will help ensure we have the resources, from the very beginning, to defeat Marco Rubio and flip Florida blue. If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Val Demings an

Afghan interpreters (video)

  Here’s a former interpreter for the US Army in Iraq who put his life on the line to help our troops. He knows the personal security risks of being left behind. Watch our new video to learn more about these Afghan interpreters. And when you’re done, sign our petition calling on President Biden to take fast action to get these people to safety. SIGN THE PETITION We need to do right by our Afghan interpreters. They need our help. Time is running out. - VoteVets   PAID FOR BY VOTEVETS ACTION FUND

I have a few updates for you

  I get it: It can be hard to keep track of everything going on in Washington. And it can be easy to feel discouraged about what’s not happening fast enough, or what’s not happening, period. So I want to give a quick rundown of how I see the lay of the land, and how we’re making some progress even though we’re in the middle of some tough fights. But first, I’m asking: We have a big end-of-quarter fundraising deadline coming up, and we have less than a week to hit our goal. If you’re in a place where making a financial contribution makes sense, please chip in $3 or whatever you can to support our re-election campaign, help elect Democrats up and down the ballot, and fight for the bold reforms that we need as a country. If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically: DONATE NOW: $3   DONATE NOW: $15 DONATE NOW: $28   DONATE NOW: $50 DONATE NOW: $100   OTHER AMOUNT  > So here’s how I see it: All the pieces are starting to come together f