
Showing posts with the label presidential elections

BIP: Your Free Presidential March Madness Bracket. Who is the best president ever?


Kirsten: Opponents call it the DARK Act,

Robert – As a mother of two growing boys, I want to know what’s in the food my family eats. (Those cookies have  how much sugar? Maybe just one, then!) That’s why I’m so alarmed about the bill coming to vote in the Senate today. Opponents call it the DARK Act, and it would ban states from requiring labeling on genetically modified foods, keeping consumers from knowing whether the food they’re buying contains GMOs. We should be making it easier for consumers to understand what food they’re serving their families, not harder. I’m joining with my colleagues to call on the Senate to reject the DARK Act and stand up for GMO labeling, but I need your voice with mine.  Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name and urge Congress support GMO labeling! This shouldn’t be controversial: 64 other countries require GMO labeling, and the overwhelming majority of Americans support it. In fact, some states have already taken steps toward requiring GMO labeling, but this bill

Barack: the person whom I believe is eminently qualified to sit on the Supreme Court.

Today, I will announce the person whom I believe is eminently qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. As President, it is both my constitutional duty to nominate a Justice and one of the most important decisions that I -- or any president -- will make. I've devoted a considerable amount of time and deliberation to this decision. I've consulted with legal experts and people across the political spectrum, both inside and outside government. And we’ve reached out to every member of the Senate, who each have a responsibility to do their job and take this nomination just as seriously. Please join me in the Rose Garden at 11:00am Eastern for my announcement. This is a responsibility I do not take lightly. In considering several candidates, I held each to three principles that reflect the role the Supreme Court plays in our democracy. First, a Justice should possess an independent mind, unimpeachable credentials, and an unquestionable mastery of law. There is no doubt t

John: Americans are tired of the negative tone of this election cycle.

robert, We did it. Tonight's big win in Ohio proved that  Americans are tired of the negative tone of this election cycle. As we get more exposure,  Americans are joining our campaign in droves because we're the ONLY campaign focused on solutions and bringing people together. Your ongoing support is critical! Chip in $25 or more right now to ensure we win the nomination. robert, let's win and not only defeat Trump but unify our party and defeat Hillary Clinton this fall. >>Chip in $25<< >>Chip in $50<< >>Chip in $100<< Onward to victory, John Kasich Governor of Ohio & Presidential Candidate

Al: another round of amazing MVPs

robert, It’s time to highlight another round of amazing MVPs. Today we’re focusing on our Senate Switchers. All four of these races are among the most competitive in the country.  And with all four MVPs facing an FEC deadline at the end of the month, there’s no time to waste. Let’s dive right in. ILLINOIS: Tammy Duckworth You’ve probably heard about Tammy. She’s a war hero who lost both legs when her Blackhawk helicopter was shot down in Iraq. Yet the National Republican Senatorial Committee recently attacked her on social media for “not standing up for our veterans.” Yeah, I had to read that sentence a couple times to believe it, too. If that doesn’t prove Republicans are willing to go to desperate lengths to defeat Tammy, I don’t know what would.  If you’re feeling inspired to help out Tammy’s team before the deadline, just click here and make a contribution. If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be divided evenly between Tammy

Mary: Typical Conner

Friend, I was so proud of my husband, Conner, after he won the nomination for Senate. Typical Conner -- he didn’t want to stop and rest once he won -- he wanted to get to work. He immediately set off on a 24-hour road trip to listen to the voices of Arkansans. That’s the man I know. The dedicated, hard-working man who’s a wonderful father, a caring husband, a stellar prosecutor -- and who’ll be a U.S. Senator who really understands the needs of our state. But first we need to get him there.  So Team Eldridge is kicking off our Strong, New Voice Campaign to raise $5,000 by noon tomorrow to boost Conner’s chances. Will you chip in $5 or whatever you can? Born and raised here, Conner and I have always loved this great state and the people who live in it, which is why we chose to make a life and raise our three boys here.  Our roots are as deep as Conner’s commitment to fighting to make life better for all Arkansans. When I think about the kind of state and country Arkansans want to se

Jeanne: American people expect the Senate to do its job.

Robert, President Obama just nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. The president has fulfilled his constitutional duty by nominating a new justice. And as a U.S. Senator, I’m ready to do mine and dutifully consider his choice. But Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans would rather put partisan gamesmanship ahead of our Constitution. They are set on opposing President Obama’s nominee no matter what. It’s infuriating. We need to tell Republicans that no matter how they feel, the American people expect the Senate to do its job.  Will you add your voice to demand Senate Republicans consider Merrick Garland and hold an up-or-down vote on his nomination? Click here to demand Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans hold a vote on Merrick Garland’s nomination. – Jeanne

Bernie: No one said a political revolution would be easy.

When we started our campaign  10 months  ago, Robert, I don't think you could find a single person who would believe you if you said Bernie Sanders would win nine states by this point in the campaign. Last night  we beat all the polls in almost every state. We earned a significant number of delegates, and are on track for the nomination. Here's why: What you will not hear from the political and media establishment is that,  based on the primary and caucus schedule for the rest of the race, this is the high water mark for the Clinton campaign. Starting  today , the map now shifts dramatically in our favor. Arizona, Idaho, and Utah are up  next Tuesday . Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington State caucus the Saturday  after. Then it's Wisconsin's turn to vote. That means we have an extremely good chance to win nearly  every state that votes in the next month.  If we continue to stand together, we’re just getting started for our political revolution: Make a $3 contrib

Rand: Obama's entire philosophy of law is up for debate

Dear Patriot, President Obama thinks he can propose a new nominee to the Supreme Court and force through in his last few months in office. But let’s face it.  This is a a HUGE conflict of interest.  Maybe the biggest of his presidency.  Many of the president’s own executive actions on immigration, climate change, and Obamacare, are under review by the Supreme Court right now. He has every motivation to nominate a sympathetic judge. But just because the president gets to nominate, doesn't mean the Senate  must  confirm.  And let me tell you, I am not simply going to let him have his way without a heck of a fight.  I’m going to do everything I can to make sure the Senate does what is necessary to uphold the Constitution. Patriot, President Obama thinks he should have the power to create immigration law out nothing. He thinks he has the power to basically cripple entire industries like coal without ever having been given that power by Congress. It’s a complete Cons

Jeff: Ohioans know Ted.

    It’s hard to win a national election without winning in Ohio, Robert.  That’s been true for a long time. It's not just true for the presidential campaign -- this year it's going to be equally true in our quest to take back control of the Senate. That's why we need to help former Ohio governor Ted Strickland win the crucial Ohio Senate seat in November. I’m joining progressive leaders from across the country to build support for Ted with a 24-hour moneybomb.   Chip in right now and let’s go all-in for Ted! Express Donate: If you've stored your info with ActBlue, your donation will be split evenly between Ted Strickland and Senator Jeff Merkley's Opportunity and Renewal PAC and will go through immediately: $5 $15 $35 $65 Ted rallied Democratic voters from across the state to win yesterday’s primary election. That’s because Ohioans know Ted.  They know he’ll make good on his commitments to stand up for working families while standing up to t

Will: Veterans continue to suffer.

Dear Friend, Our nation’s veterans continue to experience long and frustrating   wait times and technical challenges when simply scheduling medical appointments  . The Department of Veterans Affairs should be using modern technology to reduce wait times and make scheduling more efficient.  On top of this, the VA has been unable to implement an electronic health record system that is secure and interoperable. Despite billions of tax dollars and reports outlining deficiencies, we have seen little to no improvement.   Veterans continue to suffer. To address these issues, I am holding a hearing to examine the VA’s implementation of cybersecurity reforms, their development of an interoperable electronic database, and how to best utilize private-sector, ‘off-the-shelf’ technology in order to benefit veterans. My subcommittee will be hosting special guests Congressman Seth Moulton (D-MA) and Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris-Rodgers (R-WA) to discuss their legislation

Liz: cronies in Washington kill our fossil fuels industry

Friend, At least 6,000 That's at least how many pink slips Hillary Clinton wants to hand out to Wyoming families in her first 100 days as president. Hillary Clinton is now promising to "put a lot of coal miners out of business" during her first months as president. Barack Obama launched the war on coal, but it's clear Hillary is dedicated to seeing it through. And that's not all  - Attorney General Lynch is threatening to take legal action against energy companies that dare to question the administration's junk science about climate change. We have already lost thousands of energy jobs in Wyoming.  And if we don't fight effectively to end the war on coal and all fossil fuels, we will lose thousands more. Every town in our state will feel even more pain from the devastating effect of misguided Washington policies. This is the danger we are facing here in Wyoming. And it's not just our state that will suffer. If the war on coal and all fossil fuels

Katy: Don’t let President Obama off the hook

Friend - We have heard this story a million times - corporations simply are not paying their fair share in taxes. Right now Pfizer is trying to take advantage of a loophole allowing them to dodge their $35 billion responsibility to the American people. Sign the petition: President Obama should instruct the Treasury Department to change the rules to prevent corporate tax dodging. We have a unique opportunity to demand a response from the administration if our petition on the White House website reaches 100,000 signers by March 26th. Don’t let President Obama off the hook - he should still stand up for all Americans during the last year of his presidency. Click here to urge President Obama take action.  Then when you sign the petition, you will get a confirmation email from the White House. Please be sure to click through that email to verify your email address.  Thank you for all you do, Sarah Chaisson Warner Dear Robert, Sign the petition: President Obama should inst

Jon: there is no one -- and I mean no one -- who will do more for veterans and military family

robert - There it is. Moments ago, Tammy Duckworth was declared the runaway winner of Illinois' Democratic primary for U.S. Senate. That means it will be Tammy vs. Mark Kirk in November -- a man who has smeared her record of service while embellishing his own. Let's make him pay by getting her campaign off on the right foot: Split a $3 contribution between Tammy Duckworth and VoteVets right away. You can do that here: Tammy Duckworth is family, and there is no one -- and I mean no one -- who will do more for veterans and military family members in the U.S. Senate. That's why you can be proud to split your contribution between her and VoteVets right away. All my best, Jon Soltz Iraq War Veteran and Chairman VoteVets 

Nick: your investment in this campaign is an investment in Baltimore.

Robert, We crowded your inbox today. But it was worth it!  We’re just 27 donations of  $25 or more  from meeting our goal!  Your contributions help: Keep our radio ads running Get our campaign message on TV faster Help our organizers register voters Fuel our ground game But most importantly, your investment in this campaign is an investment in Baltimore. Together we will bring the  New Leadership  this city needs and the  Lasting Results  our residents deserve.  Will you be one of the 27 to carry us over the finish line? ~Nick

Hillary: Thank you Florida, illinois, Ohio and North Carolina

Friend -- Polls are beginning to close -- and while we don't know what will happen in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Illinois, and Missouri tonight, I do know one thing. I am so grateful for you. Because of you, our volunteers, and the more than 950,000 Americans who've contributed to this campaign, we've built a strong, nimble organization across the country -- our delegate lead continues to grow, and we're getting even closer to securing this nomination and winning this election. But we can't get complacent. This race is going to go on for a while.  I need you to chip in right now if you're with me. The results on the other side make this clearer than ever: This may be the most consequential election of our lifetimes. President Obama used to talk about the gap between the magnitude of our challenges and the smallness of our politics. The gap has grown beyond anything we could have imagined -- some of what we've seen and heard from Donald Trump and other

Katie: we can bring Pennsylvania and our country the leadership we deserve.

Friend -- The past few months have been simply amazing. Our campaign has connected with thousands of voters across Pennsylvania, we've received endorsements from groups as varied as the League of Conservation Voters and SEIU, and we're steaming ahead towards Primary Day. But these last weeks before the primary are our most important yet. That’s why I’m coming to you directly. In a race as tight as this one, there’s no room for error.  Every fundraising goal is a must-hit if we want to end Pat Toomey’s failed leadership and bring Pennsylvania values to the U.S. Senate. My team tells me we need to raise $10,000 by midnight Wednesday to stay on track to hit our end-of-quarter goal. Friend, can I count on you to pitch in $5 now? Pennsylvania can’t afford six more years of Toomey -- to say nothing of a Republican Senate majority combined with a Donald Trump presidency. But that nightmare has a real chance of coming true if each and every one of us doesn’t give this election our

Tim: Helping the millions of American families whose lives have been torn apart

                                                                     March 14, 2016     About Tim Services Media Center Legislative Work South Carolina Resources Dear Friends, Thank you for subscribing to my weekly e-newsletter, and please remember to follow me on  Facebook  ,  Twitter  ,  Instagram   and  YouTube  ! Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage   This week, I, along with Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) and civil rights movement icon Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), will host the Faith and Politics Institute’s 2016 Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage to South Carolina. Participants, which will include more than three dozen members of Congress, will learn about South Carolina civil rights pioneers and the 400-year old Gullah Geechee cultural heritage. We are scheduled to visit historic sites such as Zion and Brookland Baptist Churches in Columbia, the Orangeburg massacre site where three students were killed on February 8, 1968 while demonstrating against se