
Showing posts with the label arkansas

What is 4th of July to Fort Smith Arkansas.

What is 4th of July to Fort Smith Arkansas. When we still have Confederate monuments downtown. Where they have annual bike rallies in which they sell Confederate flags. When Confederates put flags on their trucks and intimidate our children up and down our streets. When Confederate flags wave through the neighborhoods of our children that are walking home from school. Where their dogs are barking at our children to harrass and terrorized them until  they cannot move and we as adults have to stand and tell them that everything is okay. What is 4th of July to Fort Smith Arkansas. When we have a black mayor who does nothing for his own race and will celebrate America's Independence and ignore his own Freedom day that Juneteenth represents. The same mayor that used the platform of integration and segregation as a reason to be elected. And that same segregation and integration that is represented in Juneteenth was avoided. Will boast of white applause and ignore our black sisters in

Larry: 200,000 to support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Robert - Once President-elect Trump takes office, we need to be ready to defend our progressive victories and respond to Republican attempts to jeopardize health care for millions of Americans, undo our progress on addressing climate change, and give tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of working families. What Bernie proved during his presidential campaign is when millions of people come together, we can accomplish things that no one ever thought possible. We have a lot of tough fights ahead of us, but we can win those fights if we do it together. Your small-dollar donations and dedication to the progressive values we share is what makes our work possible. You have been and continue to be the greatest strength of our organization and this movement. Our Revolution remains committed to empowering you to continue making progress in your community, and we've been working hard to develop comprehensive state-based organizing plans which take into account tens of thousa

Meagan: pray, think, and act

  My Faith Matters More Than Ever! View this email in your browser Dear Robert, As the host of My Faith Matters LIVE, it has been my privilege in 2016 to have you join me in conversations about the power of faith with incredible people who are making a difference in the world, like: Ben Carson Kirk Cameron The Kendrick Brothers David Barton Rev. Samuel Rodriguez Phil Robertson Eric Metaxas Laura Ingraham Bishop E.W. Jackson Dr. David Jeremiah These shows are making a difference because they are built on two very simple premises – first, our  faith matters , and second,  conversation  is essential for any meaningful change. In 2016, My Faith Votes also brought you access to several powerful, live events –  Kirk Cameron’s Revive US  in theaters across the nation,  World Outreach Church’s Give Thanks at Bridgestone Arena, and  Q Commons  – that celebrated God’s faithfulness and challenged us to think well and pursue good, even when the path is not

Stefanie: Fighting to elect progressive women

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MyFaithVotes: Americans stand with Israel

  Obama Administration Dishonors Israel View this email in your browser Dear Robert, I want to share an article we just posted to our website.   Obama Administration Dishonors Israel, Breaking Decades Long Tradition  Ryan Higgins,  Vice President of National Engagement, My Faith Votes   December 29, 2016 For the first time in thirty-six years, the United States has refused to protect Israel’s borders. On December 23, 2016, in a blatant and dishonoring move and under the cover of the holiday weekend, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to pass U.N. Resolution 2334 which condemns Israel for its settlement growth in Eastern Jerusalem. Israeli-Palestinian settlements have not been a part of any U.N. resolutions since 1980 – until now and with the help of the Obama administration. This message was intended for:   You were added to the system March 4, 2015. For more information  click here .  Upda

Conservative Action News: Facebook's Fake News Crusade Exposed

Conservative Action News  Weekly Bulletin December 23, 2016 Trump picks Kellyanne Conway to serve as counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, who served as President-elect Donald Trump's campaign manager and has been a senior adviser to his transition team, will serve as counselor to the president in the incoming administration. [ more...] Manhunt for Berlin attacker continues; police treating assault as act of terrorism The manhunt for the perpetrator of an Islamic State-claimed attack on a Christmas market in Berlin continued Tuesday as German police said "we may still have a dangerous criminal out there." [ more...] The Real Danger Of Facebook's Fake News Crusade Might Be Unavoidable There's already a practical study to solidify concerns of abuse: Remember when Facebook curators routinely suppressed conservative news from the "Trending Topics" portion of the website? We had no idea that was occurring until a disgruntl

Marjorie: statement Senator Ted Cruz and 29 other Senators made

        Dear robert, I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas time. As we celebrate the new life that came into the World to bring life, I want to ask you a question: What’s better than saving one life? Saving  two  lives. Between now and midnight on December 31, every gift you make to our research arm will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $75,000. >> Click here to have your $35 gift automatically doubled to $70 >> Click here to have your $50 gift automatically doubled to $100 >> Click here to have your $150 gift automatically doubled to $300 Planned Parenthood has millions of dollars – including our tax dollars! – to pour into biased “research” to promote their abortion on-demand agenda. The Charlotte Lozier Institute won’t let the nation’s largest abortion business get away with their lies. It was the Lozier team that uncovered the shameful fact that the United States is one of only seven countries in the World to permit elective abor

Kirsten: calling on the Senate

Robert, We have all sat around the kitchen table sorting out our tax returns. Don’t we deserve to know that our leaders are paying their fair share, the way working families across the country do every single year? President-elect Trump is stacking his cabinet with elite bankers and billionaires. Before they’re confirmed, we need to make sure they’re really working for American families, not stashing money overseas or abusing tax loopholes. That is why I am calling on the Senate to require cabinet-level nominees to submit the last three years of their tax returns before their hearings. Stand with me by signing the petition today: Click here to ask the Senate to require cabinet nominees to submit their tax returns! Thanks for speaking out for fair, transparent hearings. Kirsten Contribute This email was sent to To unsubscribe from the Gillibrand for Senate email list, please click here. Paid for by Gillibrand for Senate Co

AmishPac: behind-the-scenes look at how Amish PAC impacted the presidential election

Friend -- One of Amish PAC's organizers, Ben Walters, recently did an  exclusive interview with the Donor Doctor Show podcast. We thought this behind-the-scenes look at how Amish PAC impacted the presidential election by turning out the Amish for Trump in PA would be of interest to you. Be sure to listen here. And don't forget to  sign up for The Donor Doctor email list  if you find this interview interesting. God Bless, Amish PAC Team Donate via Mail Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Paid for by AMISH PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. AMISH PAC 3118 Washington Blvd. Unit #100306 Arlington, VA 22210 This message was sent to from: Amish PAC | | Ben | 3118 Washington Blvd. Unit #100306 | Arlington, VA 22210 Email Marketing by Unsubscribe

BIP: United States Adjustments to ISIS

United States Adjustments to ISIS CJA/454 Robert L. Gilyard September 2, 2014 Gary Howard United States Adjustment to ISIS This paper is an analysis on ISIS terrorism and how the American criminal justice system can adapt to the rising trend of terror. Suggestions to change the situation, proposed changes, positive, and negative effect of the change examination. Explanation and proposed usage of criminal justice management support, financial, training, and human resources tools available to combat terrorism. Situation: ISIS ISIS is a new organization with origination from 2006’s Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). The disbanding of Al-Qaeda organizations and other terror groups combined their resources and financial avenues into a new terror group called ISIS. They are not a new organization; it is a combination of the failed ones. The American media outlets are aiding in their emphasis on image terror. Using Bin Laden’s terror playbook and how he used video and random acts of ter

Jason: Obama passes Aethism just before Christmas

Dear Robert,  You've heard it and felt the sting of it; the "War on Christmas." The fact is, it's not a war on Christmas, it's a "War on Christ"! A war to remove Him from the public square; out of the American culture! But with your support and help, My Faith Votes has stood in the gap during the battle. Our efforts this year, culminating with one of the strongest turnouts of Christians in modern history, is proof a new path is being set for America. This path is only the beginning, and like every beginning, it starts with a birth. We have won some battles, but the war rages.  We pray that you will stay strong in your faith during this Christmas season and into the New Year. My Faith Votes wants to thank you for your support and prayers, and we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year in the strength of Jesus.  In Christ,    Jason Yates, CEO  My Faith Votes  This message was intended for:   You were add

People's Action: powerful new force for democracy and economic fairness

In just over a month, the Republicans will repeal the Affordable Care Act. We will soon return to the bad old days when working families lost their homes to cover hospital bills. Moms and dads will be forced to make impossible decisions: Do I pay for school clothes or fill this prescription? Will this ache, this lump, this store just go away on its own? This is not the holiday message we wished or expected to share with you, but it is the truth. The Republicans are about to control the House, the Senate and the presidency. The only way to fight back is on the ground, door-to-door, neighbor to neighbor. People’s Action and its affiliates are in the states, preparing for this fight. We will expose and educate. We won’t go down without a fight, and neither should you. Will you donate $10 to support this campaign? We can’t do this without you. EXPRESS DONATE If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediatel