Emily's List: Enough is enough. Our pro-choice Democratic women are leading the fight
Breaking news: Violence Against Women Act reintroduced in House and Senate robert, If Republicans want to prove they care about women, they're off to a pretty bad start in 2013. House Republicans let the Violence Against Women Act expire last December -- for the first time in nearly 25 years. The GOP's callous abandonment of the more than 1.3 million women abused by a partner each year is absolutely outrageous. But our pro-choice Democratic women -- like Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan, and Barbara Mikulski in the Senate, and Louise Slaughter, Nancy Pelosi, and Gwen Moore in the House -- are on the case, speaking out bravely and introducing new legislation to get the landmark law back on the books. Join us in sending our women leaders a message that the EMILY's List community is behind them all the way. Sign our petition and tell the amazing women fighting to pass VAWA that you're standing with them. The Republicans have made their 2013 priorities pretty clear...