
Showing posts with the label petition

Emily's List: Enough is enough. Our pro-choice Democratic women are leading the fight

Breaking news: Violence Against Women Act reintroduced in House and Senate robert, If Republicans want to prove they care about women, they're off to a pretty bad start in 2013. House Republicans let the Violence Against Women Act expire last December -- for the first time in nearly 25 years.   The GOP's callous abandonment of the more than 1.3 million women abused by a partner each year is absolutely outrageous.  But our pro-choice Democratic women -- like Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan, and Barbara Mikulski in the Senate, and Louise Slaughter, Nancy Pelosi, and Gwen Moore in the House -- are on the case, speaking out bravely and introducing new legislation to get the landmark law back on the books.   Join us in sending our women leaders a message that the EMILY's List community is behind them all the way.  Sign our petition and tell the amazing women fighting to pass VAWA that you're standing with them. The Republicans have made their 2013 priorities pretty clear: b

Stephanie Schriock: watch our special Strength In Numbers video

robert, Tammy Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren,  and  Mazie Hirono. Maggie Hassan,  and a total of more than 28 of our fearless pro-choice Democratic senators and congresswomen. Almost 1,400 amazing EMILY's List members.  True Strength In Numbers. We all gathered yesterday to revel in our amazing 2012 victories -- and pledged to continue to fight together in pursuit of our progressive ideals. And we did it all on the weekend that we inaugurate President Obama for another four years of fighting for our progress.   And every single one of those amazing women would tell you the same thing: that  this inspiring day wouldn't have been possible without you.   We didn't want you to miss a single moment -- click here to see photos, watch our special Strength In Numbers video, and read our wrap-up from yesterday's sellout event! Take care, and here's to more and more amazing weekends like this one.    Stephanie

Kirsten Gillibrand: Sign Pres Obama's Congratulations E-card

Robert L., Tomorrow morning on the steps of the U.S. Capitol,  Barack Obama  will be sworn in for his second term as President of the United States. I’m excited to be there to witness this historic event, which is always such a powerful reminder of the great democracy we live in. Please join me in congratulating President Obama on this special day, and let him know that you will stand with him over the next four years. Click here to sign my congratulatory card, and wish the president the best as he takes the oath of office. There is so much to be done during his second term. Over the past few weeks, we’ve mapped out an ambitious agenda. By pulling together now, I am confident we can accomplish it. Sincerely, Kirsten

Stephanie Schriock: GOP Boss Rush Limbaugh threatens to stop women with guns

robert, This is appalling. Yesterday, on his radio show,  Rush Limbaugh  said:  "You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun." That's right. At a time when we need to have a serious conversation about gun safety and mental health -- and when we still have a Republican House unwilling to protect women through the  Violence Against Women Act  -- Rush Limbaugh decides to spew even more hateful vitriol toward women. None of us has forgotten the vile anti-woman abuse leveled at Sandra Fluke last year by Rush. We can't let this latest outrage go unchallenged. Click here to send a clear message to Rush Limbaugh: your violent language toward women is unacceptable. Our community knows just how devastating gun violence can be, especially for our country's families. Join us today in taking a stand against Rush's verbal attacks against women. Stephanie

Tom Harkin: restore majority rule in the Senate

Dear Robert, When many people think of the  filibuster , they think of the 1939 film  Mr. Smith Goes to Washington . In this classic, Senator Smith talks ceaselessly on the Senate floor to stand up for the little guy against the special interests. It's an unusual and dramatic scene. Today, that scene has been turned upside down.  Senate Republicans routinely use the filibuster to block anything and everything they dislike -- no matter how uncontroversial or critical it is -- to protect special interests at the expense of the little guy. Thankfully, the Senate has an opportunity to fix the filibuster next week, and I -- along with Senators Jeff Merkley and Tom Udall -- plan to do it. Click here to sign my petition to promote transparency and accountability, and get the Senate working again, by fixing the filibuster. Defenders of this kind of obstruction like to point to the traditions of the Senate in support of their cynical actions. But our founding fathers didn't

Jim Messina: Take a look at the President's plan to reduce gun violence, and stand with him in support:

Robert -- Yesterday, President Obama announced his plan to protect our children and our communities by helping reduce gun violence. We won't stop every violent act like the one in Newtown, Connecticut. But if we can save the life of even one child, the President believes each of us has a responsibility to take action. People like you spoke out and demanded action. Your input, along with ideas from leaders and policymakers across the political spectrum, went into the President's plan. Learn more about the plan, and say you stand with President Obama in tackling this critical issue. Most gun owners use their guns safely and responsibly, and the President believes firmly in protecting our Second Amendment rights. But common-sense changes can go a long way in keeping our streets and our schools safer -- and there's too much at stake to stand by and wait for action. The President will not wait. Yesterday, he signed 23 executive actions to start moving our country in the right d

David Axelrod: President Obama addressed the families of Newtown

Robert -- Our hearts broke  on Friday  as we learned of the tragic and senseless deaths of 20 children and six adults at  Sandy Hook Elementary School  in Newtown, Connecticut. Last night,  President Obama  addressed the families of Newtown, offering the love and prayers of a nation, and vowing to use whatever power his office holds to protect our children from such unthinkable acts of violence. He spoke from the heart -- as a president and a parent.  Watch this speech: As we reflect on the lives lost last week, we must also, as the President urged, consider how each of us can play a part in making our country worthy of the memory of those little children.  I hope you and the ones you love have a happy and safe holiday.  Thanks,  David

Archbishop Desmond Tutu: Brothers and sisters, we are going to move mountains together!

National Black - You may not know his name, but  my friend Liu Xiaobo is a global icon for freedom . He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights. Today, this hero remains in jail, as China's most famous political prisoner. Xiaobo is serving an 11-year term for his activism demanding that the Chinese government make his country more democratic and make its courts more independent. His wife, who has never been convicted of any crime, is under house arrest. This is not just. I was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for my work fighting the racist Apartheid system in South Africa. I am humbled to share the Nobel legacy with someone so brave as Xiaobo. Today, with more than 130 other Nobel Prize winners,  I am calling on the new Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, to release Liu Xiaobo from prison and his wife, Xia, from house arrest. Click here to join us and call for their freedom by signing the petition I s

Jennifer Petty: Save the Michigan Unions

Dear robert l.,  They really are already at it again. Led by Republicans,  on Tuesday , Michigan’s state legislature enacted far-reaching legislation that could cripple hardworking Americans who belong to labor unions.  That’s right, in Michigan, a state that was the center of the union movement. And Republican Governor Rick Snyder has already signed the legislation.  It’s Time to Fight Back -- Please Donate Today This “right to work” effort is what the Republican Party is all about. And like we did in Wisconsin last year, we have to get people on the ground in Michigan, so we can fight back for working Americans. But we need your year-end support, so please donate today.   It’s Time to Fight Back -- Please Donate Today This effort was led by Americans for Prosperity, which is funded by the billionaire  Koch brothers  – who want to crush middle-class Americans everywhere they can.  So please, please be as generous as you can today, so we can fight back. You know they won’t stop i

Mike Langford: the impact of Hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey has exceeded $60 billion

Robert L., it’s December 11 and there are still New Yorkers who don’t have power or heat. And there are apartment buildings that remain closed. I know. I run the union of Con Ed workers who are still patching up our broken infrastructure. As Americans, few things are as tough to swallow as the idea that maybe we’re not ready for what is yet to come. But, it’s true. America isn’t ready for the dangers of rising sea levels, extreme weather, and a warming climate.  But we can be. That’s why the UWUA is working with the BlueGreen Alliance Foundation. We’re fighting to change all that.   Rush your tax-deductible contribution of $25, $50 or $100 to the BlueGreen Alliance Foundation by the end of the year  so that we can work together to ensure that America is ready to confront  climate change  head on.   Nothing put our nation’s failing infrastructure in more context than the impact of Hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey, where the damage has exceeded $60 billion and where

Steaphanie Cutter: Republicans need to stop using the middle class as a bargaining chip.

Robert -- Who will decide if your taxes increase in just 22 days? A few dozen members of the House of Representatives, that's who. Cutting taxes for the middle class shouldn't be difficult, especially when Republicans claim they agree with the President on the issue. But some Republicans are still holding middle-class tax cuts hostage simply because they want to cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires. Here's what's going on right now: President Obama is asking Congress to move forward on a plan that would prevent 98 percent of American families from paying higher taxes next year. The Senate has passed that bill, and the President is ready to sign it -- but the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives won't even bring the bill to the floor for a vote. House Democrats have filed a petition that would force a vote if it attracts 218 signatures. If a bill has enough votes to pass, Congress should vote on it and pass it. It's a pretty simple propos

Tom Harkin: let President Obama know that we will stand behind him to fight for the best deal

Dear robert l.,  The American public made it clear: Their top priorities are good jobs and a demand-driven, full recovery from the worst economic crisis to hit the country since the Great Depression.  With the so-called "fiscal cliff" looming, we have to ensure that any grand bargain rejects damaging cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid beneficiaries. It must ensure that the most affluent among us pay their fair share and reduce income inequality. It must put Americans back to work and shore up the middle class. And we must be prepared to accept no deal at all in the short term to get the best deal in the long term. Now we need your voice to help keep the pressure on as negotiations begin.  I, along with like-minded senators, communicated last month to Leader Reid and President Obama to urge that any deal on the so-called cliff reflects these core principles. Will you join us by adding your name to my petition at -- before we deliver it late

Russ Feingold: Now we must unite again -- the stakes are higher than ever.

Robert, These lame duck negotiations are a dangerous minefield for progressives. Senate Democrats' commitment to letting the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy expire seems to be strengthening -- thanks to the work over 53,000 of your fellow progressives did to pressure wavering members of Congress. But rumors are swirling in D.C. that Republicans might be willing to deal on tax rates for the wealthy -- if Democrats agree to  benefit  cuts from Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. That isn't a compromise; It's a complete surrender of the middle class. We need to act now to stop any deal that cuts these crucial  benefits. The first step is finding out where each senator stands. So members of Progressives United are joining with our friends at and other progressive partners to get senators on the record: Will they stand against cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security  benefits ? Use our easy, one-step tool to call and ask if your senato

Kirsten Gillibrand: only half the battle

Robert L., Today, in what I hope will be one more step toward true marriage equality for all, the Supreme Court has announced its decision to hear two same sex marriage cases, including a constitutional challenge to the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act" ( DOMA ) in the case  U.S.A. vs Windsor . This is truly historic. Over the last 6 months, both the first and second federal appeals courts have declared DOMA unconstitutional, and now, for the first time since DOMA was signed into law in 1996, the nation's highest court will make its voice heard. Momentum across the country is clearly growing towards recognizing the marriages of all loving and committed couples and finally putting the discriminatory DOMA policy into the dustbin of history. But even as DOMA heads to the Supreme Court, it is still incumbent upon Congress to pass the Respect For Marriage Act, which would not only repeal DOMA, but would also put in place much-needed protections for legally married

Kirsten Gillibrand: an important step toward opening combat roles to women.

Dear Robert L., This week, the U.S. Senate came together to pass the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2013. In an age when it's difficult to get things done across party lines, I'm heartened by the spirit of cooperation that went into the passage of this bill, including many amendments from both parties. I'm extremely proud of an amendment I introduced that is included in the final legislation, which mandates that our military health insurance program cover treatments for the disabled children of our military and veteran families. This coverage will be funded for one year while we study the long-term cost of this essential care. As a result, our military and veteran families will no longer have to pay out-of-pocket to treat their children for autism and other disabilities. I was particularly pleased that this amendment won the support of all 17 women in the Senate – both Democrats and Republicans – overcoming opposition from some Senate Republica

Jennifer Petty: make sure Elizabeth Warren is appointed to the Banking Committee

Dear robert l. , You and I fought long and hard to get Elizabeth Warren elected Senator in Massachusetts.  But before she is even sworn in as Senator, Wall Street lobbyists and Far-Right Conservatives are fighting tooth-and-nail to keep her off the Senate Banking Committee!  And while she is just coming off a campaign where the Republican Party and their Far-Right Allies attacked her daily for over a year, now Wall Street Bankers are doing the same thing!  It’s because they are scared she is going to be fair -- simple as that. Please sign our Petition to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, telling him to stand his ground and make sure Elizabeth Warren is appointed to the Banking Committee where we need her to be. Sign Our Petition to Harry Reid Today As an American bankruptcy law expert, she is perfect to serve on this committee. She helped to establish the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which made her an enemy of Wall Street – and that’s why they are fighti

Kirsten Gillibrand: 19,000 military women are sexually assaulted each year

Robert L., All American women should have the same right to make decisions about their family and their reproductive health. But they don’t. The 400,000 women in the armed forces are being unfairly denied coverage for abortions, even in the case of rape and incest. Considering that 19,000 military women are sexually assaulted each year, this situation is tragic and unjust. The Shaheen Amendment, named for my colleague, will ensure the courageous women fighting for our country are given access to reproductive health care through an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. I need you to join Senator Shaheen, Senator Boxer, EMILY's List, and me in calling on the Senate to protect the rights of our brave servicewomen by keeping this amendment in the bill. The vote could happen this week, so we can’t delay. Click here to add your voice and join the growing coalition demanding military women be given the same rights as every other woman. With the vote coming so