
Showing posts with the label black political party

A Latina for Governor?

    Robert, If you read the news at all these days, it’s clear that the 2022 Campaign Season is already ramping up into full gear. As one of our top supporters, our team wanted to share an  exclusive  poll with you about the current field of candidates in the race against Republican Ron DeSantis and his radical, right-wing agenda.  One thing is clear:  the race for governor is wide open.     It’s not surprising that, when voters learned more about Annette and her proven track record of fighting for Floridians, she jumped from 13% of the vote share to 40%!  We know Annette has always been a champion for our Democratic values in Tallahassee, has successfully fought back against false accusations  of socialism, and STILL won as a Democrat and a Latina in a tough swing district.    Now, more than ever, that’s what we need: a Democrat who can win. Are you with us?   Right now, Annette is taking some time to discuss the future of this campaign with friends, family, and constituents. She is t

ICYMI: Gov. JB Pritzker Signed Historic Criminal Justice Reform

      Hi Robert,   In case you missed it: activists, legislators, and advocates came together as Gov. JB Pritzker signed several landmark criminal justice reform bills into law. One of these bills, Senate Bill 2122, bans police officers from lying and using other deceptive tactics on minors during interrogations. This is a major step forward in creating a more just and equitable system. I was honored to join Gov. Pritzker and stakeholders as he signed this legislation. It was deeply moving to hear from victims of wrongful convictions. They are telling their stories in order to make sure future generations have the protections that they did not - I’m proud to support them. You can watch my full speech here:        The other bills that were signed are: - Senate Bill 64, which encourages the use of restorative justice practices. - Senate Bill 2129, which allows the State’s Attorney to petition for resentencing of an offender under certain conditions. - House Bill 3587, which creates the R

Dr. Ben Carson, American Cornerstone Institute

robert, You've heard me talk about the American Cornerstone Institute before, but I wanted to give you an update on everything that we have been doing. We have been staying quite busy trying to educate America about the far left's radical social agenda and unprecedented raiding of the treasury to support liberal causes and interest groups. Far left progressives are doing everything they can to fool the American public into thinking that their radical views are actually mainstream, including shouting "Racist!" in response to anything that is even remotely conservative. How can we get back to common ground if they are unwilling to even engage in a debate? That cannot be the way forward, and the American Cornerstone Institute is doing everything it can to reinvigorate the principles that made America the greatest country in the history of the world. I'm asked about the same thing every time I go on the news. I'm asked about how our nation got so divided and what

General Milley was absolutely right

  Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently called General Milley -- the  chairman  of the joint chiefs of staff -- a stupid pig. Meanwhile Tucker is the first to say how kneeling at a football game is disrespectful to our troops. Come on. If you’re pissed off and want to demonstrate your *ahem* strong feelings about Tucker Carlson, sign up to get this FREE sticker today. Just tell us where to send yours and we will ship it to you at no cost. General Milley was absolutely right in his testimony before Congress. It is important that we train our troops on how to combat white supremacy and extremism. And it is important that we stop Republicans from turning our military into a political tool just so they can complain about “woke” culture. Do you agree? Then get your free “F*ck Tucker Carlson” sticker today. We hope you display it with pride! - The Team at VoteVets GET YOUR STICKER   PAID FOR BY VOTEVETS ACTION FUND

new ways to celebrate the President and First Lady’s commitment to the arts

  Hi there, If you’ve followed Barack Obama’s career at all, you know that when it comes to music, books, art, and all things pop culture, he is something of a Tastemaker-in-Chief. As President, he and Mrs. Obama welcomed dancers, artists, and musicians into the halls of the White House for special performances and ceremonies—including a few where President Obama grabbed the mic himself!  An extension of his appreciation for a snappy lyric and an undeniable bass line, he put out his first-ever Spotify playlist in 2015. It quickly turned into a groovy tradition that’s still going strong.  This week, he dropped a new list of his favorite summer tracks and summer reads. Check it out.     Here at the Obama Foundation, we’re finding new ways to celebrate the President and First Lady’s commitment to the arts through the Obama Presidential Center. The campus will feature a recording studio for young musicians to perfect their craft, a new branch of the Chicago Library where kids can get lost

Michael Flynn posted a video of him and his family taking the QAnon oath

  We didn’t see your name on our petition. Add your name if you agree Michael Flynn should be recalled to active duty and court martialed for his sedition. We’re counting on you to make your voice heard. SIGN THE PETITION Robert - Michael Flynn posted a video of him and his family taking the QAnon oath and encouraging others to do the same. I cannot think of anything more disrespectful and outrageous than a member of our military -- who swore an oath to defend our Constitution upon joining our armed forces -- pledging allegiance to QAnon instead. Yes, this is the same Michael Flynn who called for a violent overthrow of President Biden. In other words, sedition. And to be absolutely clear – that is a treason that our men and women in uniform would never ever countenance. I’m calling for Michael Flynn to be recalled to active duty and court martialed for his sedition. Do you agree with me? Add your name today to say you support court martialing Michael Flynn for his treason. Let me clari

The Empowering Law Enforcement Act

  About Tim Services Media Center Legislative Work Welcome back to my Week in Review newsletter. In addition to these weekly updates, you can sign up to receive other issue-specific newsletters  here  . Also, please remember to follow me on  Facebook  ,  Twitter  ,  Instagram  , and  YouTube   for regular updates on how I am serving the people of South Carolina! Golden Entrepreneurship The American Dream doesn’t stop at retirement. Millions of older Americans have the potential to re-enter the workforce and continue building on their careers with the experience they’ve cultivated over the years. This week I introduced a bill to equip “Golden” entrepreneurs with the necessary tools to make their businesses—and their communities—thrive. Click the image below to watch my video introducing the  Golden-preneurship Act! Click to watch my video introducing the bill Empowering Law Enforcement Since President Biden came into office, his administration has continued to fuel illegal immigration w

Jim Jordan doesn’t give a damn about Ohio families

  Robert, My name is Jeff Sites. I’m an Army veteran and a working dad. And I’m the Democrat who is going to beat Republican Jim Jordan. I’ll tell you a little more about myself in just a minute, but if you can make a donation to support my campaign and VoteVets in this fight, here is the link to give: Robert, when I was growing up in Lima, Ohio, there weren’t too many job opportunities. So I joined the Army. After my service I moved back to Ohio and found a job. Then the Great Recession hit. My job was gone. My healthcare was gone. For weeks at a time I couldn’t afford my medications or even to fix my car when it broke down. I got back on my feet eventually -- but too many other Ohio families weren’t so lucky. And instead of working to make life easier for those families, Rep. Jim Jordan spends his time in Washington pushing Trump’s Big Lie and arguing with Dr. Fauci about masks. The truth is, Jim Jordan doesn’t give a damn about Ohio families. Bu

Our tax system is rigged for those at the top

  Tomorrow, Jeff Bezos — the wealthiest person in the world — will launch into space. Meanwhile, in America today, over half of the country lives paycheck to paycheck. Nearly 43 million people are saddled with student loan debt, preventing many from buying a home or starting a family. And for those who do start a family, the astronomical costs of child care are squeezing budgets even harder, forcing millions of young parents — especially women — out of the workforce. Our economy has worked better and better for the rich and powerful, and worse and worse for everyone else. How did we get here?  We got here in part because billionaires like Jeff Bezos and giant corporations like Amazon have spent years avoiding paying their fair share in taxes.  They’ve lobbied for loopholes, cooked up schemes with the best accountants money can buy, and hollowed out our government’s ability to invest in our people, from roads and bridges to child care and higher education. Our tax system is rigged for t