
Showing posts with the label campaigns

TeamFoxx: "I think it's important that we acknowledge the harm that was caused

  Hi Robert, Neal here, the Digital Director for State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s re-election campaign. I want to share with you something that happened several weeks ago that exemplifies the type of leader State’s Attorney Foxx is. In the midst of a busy and challenging week, State’s Attorney Foxx took time to personally apologize to 12 men whose convictions were vacated this month. These men spent a collective 30 years in prison; they missed holidays, family birthdays, the opportunity every person deserves to freely live their lives—all due to the misconduct of a corrupt former Chicago law enforcement official. Support the campaign that puts justice first. In State’s Attorney Foxx’s own words, "I think it's important that we acknowledge the harm that was caused when we talk about these cases. It's not just these men. It's the erosion of the trust in the justice system when we allow for those to be wrongfully convicted based on the misdeeds of corrupt law enforcement.

Liz: Socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders will stop at nothing

Friend, As if the Democrats weren’t far enough to the left, now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has taken it upon herself to fill Congress with as many socialists as possible. She recently started a Political Action Committee aimed at replacing Democrats with even more radical Democrats. Ocasio-Cortez is performing a hostile takeover of the Democrat party!! She has access to millions and her new PAC could change the landscape of Washington D.C. as we know it. These are scary times, Friend! I need your help to make sure this band of radical socialists don’t take over the Democratic party in November! If you stand with me and against what they are doing will you make an instant online contribution to my campaign right now? <<< Donate now to help me stop AOC and radical socialists! >>> <<< DONATE $250 NOW >>> <<< DONATE $100 NOW >>> <<< DONATE $50 NOW >>> <<< DONATE $25 NOW >>> Socia

Jacky: I’ve created my own 2020 Senate Red to Blue crowdfunding slate with WomenCount.

Robert, There’s a new way for us to win a Democratic Senate and support women while we’re at it. I’m talking about WomenCount, the only crowdfunding site that raises money just for Democratic women. This mission is critical right now, when women’s rights are under immense threat -- and women themselves are running for office in greater numbers than ever before. In fact, Democratic women are front-runners in 6 of the 9-most-competitive states with flippable Senate seats this year. That’s why I’ve created my own 2020 Senate Red to Blue crowdfunding slate with WomenCount. Will you pitch in $5 or more to help me raise $2,020 ASAP for three women who could be my new Senate colleagues: Barbara Bollier (Kansas), Theresa Greenfield (Iowa), and Amy McGrath (Kentucky)? I’m also working really hard to put a Democrat in the White House, Robert -- and the eventual winner will need a Democratic Senate to implement an ambitious agenda of expanding health care coverage, tackling climate

Borris: I continue the fight for criminal justice reform

Recidivism is the rate in which ex-offenders relapse into criminal activities.  The National Statistic on Recidivsm shows that within 3 years of release 67.8% of released prisoners were re-arrested, and within 5 years of release the rearrest rate rose to 76.7%.  In the state of Texas, our recidivism rate is 22.6%. Incarceration weakens communities and tears apart families.   Unfortunately, many ex-offenders who served their time and have proven that they are ready to begin a new life find it extremely difficult to find a job or access to education because of their past.  By providing education to prisoners it makes them 43% less likely to repeat criminal acts.  As a sponsor of  HB 553 ,  we now have a task force set in place  to better assess and determine  certification programs,  i ndustry recognizable credentials , and  school credits  to inmates.  By supporting me today, we can tackle issues like high recidivism rates, while giving ex-offenders a second

Chuck: We need Democrat Cal Cunningham to win

End Citizens United is dedicated to electing Democrats, transforming our broken campaign finance system, and ultimately ending Citizens United. If you really want to receive only our most urgent emails or unsubscribe,  click here. Robert, something suspicious and dark is happening in the North Carolina Senate Election. We need Democrat Cal Cunningham to win this election or we won’t take back the Senate for Democrats. Trump knows this. That’s why he’s planned a massive MAGA rally to take Cal down. And now a GOP SuperPAC is running ads to disrupt Cal’s primary. It’s a devious scheme to manipulate voters and undercut Democrats. Cal is refusing Corporate PAC money, so I’m rushing to get him 2,000 donors before Election Day in a  couple weeks. So Robert I’m asking you: Even $5 could help us win this race and FLIP the Senate. Can you donate anything? I’ll Triple-Match it. 3X-Match: $5 >> 3X-Match: $25 >> 3X-Match: Custom Amount  >> The late

Adam: President Trump campaigned across the West Coast

Team, All of last week, President Trump campaigned across the West Coast, including my home state of California -- the most populous state in the Union. As he was landing aboard Air Force One, the White House Director of Domestic Policy called Trump’s visit a “power swing“ and that California was “occupied territory.” No, seriously: Attacks on California by the Trump Administration are nothing new. As he campaigns to raise money for his re-election, he’s also rallying support for GOP candidates challenging our House Democratic incumbents, saying he wants to flip seven seats in California in 2020. Here’s how you can fight back: Will you split a contribution to California Frontline Democrats facing competitive races this November to help us? If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: CHIP IN $10 NOW   CHIP IN $25 NOW CHIP IN $50 NOW   CHIP IN $100 NOW CHIP IN $250

Amy: I Shocked the Establishment!

  Hi, Wow. What an amazing night for our campaign. And it’s all because of you! Our strong showing in New Hampshire wouldn’t have been possible without your hard work and support. But even after such an exciting night, we can’t slow down. Will you make a donation now to help us keep our momentum going? If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: Contribute $5 >> Contribute $25 >> Contribute $50 >> Contribute $100 >> Another amount >> We’ve come so far together. We’ve been spreading the word about our optimistic plans for America and making the case for how  we’ll take on Donald Trump and win BIG.  And it’s working! But this is only the beginning. We still have  more primaries and caucuses ahead -- in Nevada, South Carolina and next month on Super Tuesday.  Chip in to keep our momentum going all the way through to November! Thank you for being on my team, Amy

Jacky: Eleven years ago,

Robert, Eleven years ago, we celebrated as President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, a historic piece of legislation that made it easier for women to seek equal pay for equal work. Today, women in Nevada earn an average of 83 cents for every dollar a man makes, and the gap is even wider for women of color. We clearly have more work to do when it comes to leveling the playing field and closing the gender wage gap in Nevada and across the nation. I’m fighting to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act because it’s long past time for us to right this wrong. Add your name if you’re with me in the fight for equal pay for equal work. We must ensure pay equity in this country because when women earn less than they deserve, they find it harder to support themselves and their families, and our entire community suffers. Like most women in today’s workforce, I witnessed the pay gap firsthand when I worked as a computer programmer. I know how important it is that we end wage d