
Showing posts with the label nbip

Joe Biden: Barack and I need you.

Robert -- Look -- Barack and I need you. We recently found out that, as we head into the final push, Mitt Romney and the Republicans have $45 million more in the bank than we do. That's a problem, folks. In a race that's as close as they come -- and with Election Day almost here -- we're not willing to lose this in the end. The good news is we've got you. And if you chip in today, we can close that gap more quickly than you think.  Please help us out with a donation of $5 or more today: When you do, you'll be automatically entered to come out to Chicago for Election Night -- you and a guest will meet Barack and watch his speech from right up front.  Don't pass this one up, especially when your support is so critical. Thanks, Joe

Barack Obama: I'll be the first sitting president to take advantage of early voting.

Robert -- This afternoon, I'm casting my ballot in my hometown of Chicago. I'm told I'll be the first sitting president to take advantage of early voting.  And I can't wait. I know I can count on your vote. Now, it's on all of us to make sure our friends and family step up.  Reach out to folks you know in important early vote states. Look, this race is extremely tight. It's going to come down to which side can more effectively turn out the vote in these final days, and early vote is a huge part of that. Whether people get out to vote this year, in this election, is even more critical than the last time around. So this is serious, and I'm going to need your help if we want to win. Connect with your friends and urge them to vote early: Thanks, Barack P.S. -- Not on Facebook? Don't let that stop you from getting the word out. Ask your friends and family to get the information they need at  vote.barackoba

Maya Angelou: Go, rise up, VOTE

Robert -- I am not writing to you as a black voter, or a woman voter, or as a voter who is over 70 years old and six feet tall. I am writing to you as a representative of this great country -- as an American. It is your job to vote. It is your responsibility, your right, and your privilege. You may be pretty or plain, heavy or thin, gay or straight, poor or rich. But remember this: In an election, every voice is equally powerful -- don't underestimate your vote. Voting is the great equalizer. Voting has already begun in some states that President Obama needs to win. So please use this handy tool to make sure your friends in those key states know where to cast their ballot. You will be doing them a great favor. As a country, we can scarcely perceive the magnitude of our progress. My grandmother and my uncle experienced circumstances that would break your heart. When they went to vote, they were asked impossible questions like, "How many angels can dance on the hea

Sheryl Crow : I can't stand by and let someone like that represent my childhood

Hey Gilyard, Some people say music and politics don't mix. I disagree. A good song and a good candidate are a lot alike. Both draw from personal experiences and relate to the listener about issues that matter deeply to them. So whether I'm sitting down to write a song or standing up to speak out about the importance of the upcoming election, I'm drawing upon the same experiences — I'm a woman, a cancer survivor, a mother, a daughter of an aging parent, and someone who values the land. In the case of the Senate election in my home state of Missouri, there are a number of issues that I care deeply about: a woman's right to choose, access to affordable health care, higher education opportunities for our children, protection of Medicare and Social Security, and simply acknowledging the science of global climate change. And I don't have to remind you, if Todd Akin is elected we would lose everything I just mentioned. That's right — gone. That's

Barack Obama: I don't want to lose this election

Robert -- I don't want to lose this election. Not because of what losing would mean for me -- Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens. But because of what it would mean for our country and middle-class families. This race is very close. I'm not willing to watch the progress you and I worked so hard to achieve be undone. Don't wait. Donate $5 or more today: I believe in you. If you stick with me, and if we fight harder than ever for the next two weeks, I truly believe we can't lose. Thank you, Barack

Sandra fluke: Republicans tried everything to keep me quiet

robert, Extreme Republicans tried everything to keep me quiet: vicious insults, personal attacks, and outright lies. Anything to stop me from speaking up for basic equality for women. The GOP knows the best way to silence our concerns about birth control and choice is to replace our allies with anti-woman extremists and grab control of the Congress. Are you ready to let Republicans shut us up and erase our rights? I'm certainly not. That's why, with just 14 days left, we have to commit ourselves to electing the candidates who will fight back for us. Contribute to EMILY's List right now so we can elect candidates who will speak up for women and never shut us out. Republicans are dangerously close to winning both the House and the Senate, and the clock is ticking. We're counting on you to stand up for women across this country by electing our pro-choice, Democratic champions. Sincerely, Sandra Fluke

Nancy Pelosi: hold Republicans accountable for every attack

robert, Some scary news: Karl Rove and his special interest buddies dumped more than $2 million into critical House races -- races where EMILY's List candidates are in dead heats. That kind of money can turn an election on its head and fast. So how do we beat Rove's millions and reclaim our majority? It's simple: we act, and we act fast. We need to add women like Val Demings, Christie Vilsack, Ann Kirkpatrick, and Julia Brownley to the House. Contribute to EMILY's List right now to help us take back the House by keeping ads on the air and turning out the women voters who will get our candidates to victory. From the moment John Boehner took the Speaker's gavel, it has been an unmitigated disaster for women and middle class families. From trying to redefine rape to nearly shutting down the government over Planned Parenthood, Boehner and his buddies like Steve King have only one focus: demolishing our progress. We fight back with Val and Christie and Ann and Juli

Bill Clinton: Im Proud to be on Team Obama

Robert -- I know how President Obama feels right now because I've been there. These final 20 days will be the toughest of the whole campaign. We'll win this, but only if we go after every single vote. Right now, Barack needs everyone who believes in him to step up. If you do, that will see him through. Midnight tonight is the last FEC fundraising deadline of this campaign, and then all of our planning and building comes down to just one last test on November 6th . Let's bring it home for Barack. If you can, please make a donation of $5 or more today: President Obama was terrific last night, and I'm proud to be on his team. Today, he's counting on us to do our part. Thank you, Bill Clinton P.S. -- The other side has launched a massive ad blitz in battleground states, and we need to respond swiftly and powerfully. Please donate $5 or more today so that this campaign's grassroots operation has the resources it needs to compete an

Donna Brazile: fight back against someone with such extreme and harmful beliefs.

Gilyard, Claire's campaign just released some of the most compelling ads I've ever seen — and I've been watching powerful political ads for forty years. Diana, Joanie and Rachel — three survivors of sexual assault — in telling their poignant stories explain why victims of rape and incest must have the option of taking emergency contraception — and why Todd Akin's fundamental belief they should not have that option is so repulsive and dangerous. But, an ad is only as effective as the number of voters who see it. Make a $5 donation right now to help Claire's campaign keep these ads on the air and show Missouri voters the real-life impact of Todd Akin's extreme policies. As these three courageous women said in the videos: no politician should be allowed to make what is an incredibly personal decision for survivors of rape and incest. And certainly not Todd Akin. While most Missouri voters know about Todd Akin's comments about "legitimate rape," t

Ted kennedy Jr: thank you for standing

Dear Robert L., My dad, Senator Ted Kennedy, loved debates. And if you saw his debates against Mitt Romney almost 20 years ago, you know that a debate against Mitt can be as much fun to watch as it is to participate in. That’s why I’m looking forward to this year’s presidential debates. But the one I’m most excited about is taking place on October 22 -- because I’m going to watch that one with Sherrod Brown, Martin Sheen, Bradley Whitford, and maybe you! If you haven’t entered for your chance to win a trip to Cleveland to watch the debate with Sherrod -- and Martin, and Bradley, and me -- click here to make a contribution of any size and you’ll automatically be entered to win. I’m proud to support Sherrod because he stands for the same progressive values my dad championed. I’ve watched him take on the special interests and stick up for middle class families. And even as those same special interests have spent more than $19 million attacking him in this campaign, he’s stood firm. B

Barack Obama: Im Proud of Joe

Robert, How about Joe? If you're as proud of him as I am, let's do what needs to be done in the final push -- and let's win. This election could come down to what happens tomorrow morning. My team on the campaign is about to make some of the toughest budget decisions we've had to make. This is one of the last chances we get to expand our ground game for the final stretch, and what we have in the bank at midnight tonight will decide how big we can go. Can you donate $5 or more today, and drive this campaign forward? I know we've asked a lot of you over the last 18 months. I hear you. But too much is on the line, and now is the worst possible time to decide to hold back. Today, I'm asking you to dig a little deeper and say you're ready to fight alongside me and Joe. Donate $5 or more right now: Thank you, Barack

Kirsten Gillibrand: attacks are completely unwarranted.

Robert L., It’s not rocket science: If we want Congress to stop threatening women’s rights, we need more women in Congress! Right now, we’ve got just 23 days left and no time to waste. Three incredible women – Val Demings, Tammy Duckworth and Christie Vilsack – are running in super-tight House races against extreme Tea Party candidates. And they really need our help. National Republicans are so desperate to keep control of the House they’re launching relentless attack after relentless attack. We can’t allow their attacks to rule the day. No; with our help, Val, Tammy and Christie can win – but only with our help. Please, rush your support to their campaigns. We’ve got to do everything we can to elect more women and take back the House. Click here to make your donation immediately. Be a part of our drive to help these three amazing women and recapture the U.S. House. The attacks are completely unwarranted. Tammy’s under fire for her brave service in the Iraq war, Christie for her

Gabrielle Giffords & Mark Kelly: strong women fighting to move our country forward

robert, Gabby and I have learned something really important in the past year and a half: being there for each other matters. And we can't think of anyone who understands that better than the EMILY's List community. You've fought for Gabby during every step of her journey from when she decided to run for office to the toughest days of her campaigns to the past 21 months of recovery. Now we are asking you, as members of one of the most powerful communities in America, to join us in fighting for women candidates who need us right now. Click here to contribute to EMILY's List today. Your donation will go right to work helping strong women candidates win the country's toughest races. We know we don't have to remind you what's at stake this year: making sure all women have access to preventative health care, lifesaving screenings, and maternity coverage. Protecting education. Caring for our veterans and seniors. No one will fight harder for these issues than

Joe Biden: I have one mission tonight

Robert -- I told Barack I have one mission tonight: tell the truth and stand up for what we believe in. Our side is always going to win when we do that. But, Robert, take a look at what we're up against this week: -- It's one of the last four weeks we have remaining. -- This week alone, the other side is spending nearly $37 million on Mitt Romney 's behalf in eight battleground states. -- The resources we have in the bank at midnight tomorrow will determine how big we can go for our final push. It's urgent that everyone dig deep -- and fast. That means you. Donate $5 or more right now, before I head up on that debate stage. I can't predict if Paul Ryan will follow Mitt Romney's lead tonight, hiding and flat-out denying their unpopular ideas, or if he'll come prepared to have a real debate about where this country should go. Trust me, I'm ready for anything, but I can't do this alone. Your donation will put us in the strong

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: As a cancer survivor

Robert -- At the debate, Mitt Romney looked the American public in the eye and said: "I do have a plan that deals with people with pre-existing conditions. That's part of my health care plan." His campaign quietly admitted afterwards that, no, it is not, in fact, a part of his health care plan. As a breast cancer survivor and someone living with a pre-existing condition, this statement was more personally offensive than any of his repeated promises to repeal Obamacare. This kind of say-anything dishonesty is typical from Mitt Romney and the Republicans. You can do something. Please give $5 or more today to help Democrats set the record straight about Romney and his allies. Voters need to know. When the other side makes empty, dishonest promises like this one, it's not only the worst kind of politics, it's toying with real people's lives. As a cancer survivor, I know just how much we used to be at the mercy of insurance providers. Obamacare protects us from u

Russ Feingold: it's you, me, and 50,000 of our friends vs. the special interests

Robert, This is incredible. In Ohio, I just got word that dedicated progressive Senator Sherrod Brown has now been the subject of over $20 million in special interest attacks from Karl Rove, the Koch brothers, anonymous Tea Party billionaires, and more. Sherrod has been one of progressives' biggest allies, not just when it comes to protecting working families, protecting Social Security and Medicare benefits, and protecting consumers from Wall Street -- but when it comes to fighting corporate special interest money itself and opposing Citizens United . We have to help protect him. Progressive supporters of Sherrod from around the country are coming together TODAY to support his campaign. In Wisconsin, we've always called it a "Cheddarbomb" -- but I like the Ohio version, too: a "Buckeye Bomb." Will you join Sherrod Brown's "Buckeye Bomb" today by contributing $20 or more now? The Buckeye Bomb is a challenge to grassroots progressiv

Kirsten Gillibrand: Kathy has proven she’s not afraid

Robert L., When John Boehner announces he’s coming to western New York for a fundraising breakfast this weekend, we need to take notice. Boehner has made Tea Party extremist Chris Collins’ race against Rep. Kathy Hochul a top priority. Now he’s taking a page out of Karl Rove’s playbook and opening a so-called GOP “Victory Center” to turn out their right-wing base. This is serious. Polls show this race absolutely deadlocked – and far-right groups have bought more than $775,000 in TV airtime to attack Kathy. If we want to take back the House, we must make sure Kathy wins. I’ve set a goal of raising $30,000 this week to help give Kathy the resources to win her tough new district. Are you with me? Click here to donate directly to Kathy – with less than a month before Election Day, she’ll be counting on us to help her fight Tea Party attacks and turn out her voters. This is a DCCC Frontline race for a reason. Kathy has proven she’s not afraid to stand up to Boehner and Paul Ryan a

Barack Obama: many times in my life when I've been counted out

Robert -- There have been many times in my life when I've been counted out -- told that I couldn't do it, told not to speak out for what I believe in, told to not even run in the first place. I've only gotten this far because I've had people like you with me every step of the way. Right now the other side is trying to obliterate the hard work we've put in on the ground in this campaign by flooding the airwaves with factually inaccurate, negative attack ads. If they win, they're going to dismantle everything we've accomplished together over the past three and a half years, and turn back the clock to the same failed policies that got us into this mess in the first place. We cannot let that happen. Please donate $5 or more today: Thanks. It means a lot to know you've got my back. Barack

Martin Sheen: as passionate about politics as I am

Dear Robert L., No way I’m missing this. I’m coming to Cleveland on Monday, October 22 for Sherrod’s Great Debate Watch Party. Will you enter for a chance to join us? To be automatically entered for a chance to win airfare, hotel, and a plum seat at the party, click here and make a contribution of any size right away. Presidential debates are always exciting -- even without a team of Hollywood writers scripting every word. And it’s even more exciting to watch them with people who are as passionate about politics as I am, especially folks like Sherrod and his supporters. I promise, no matter how many debates you’ve watched -- real and staged -- you’ve never seen one the way you can at the Great Debate Watch Party. And since Sherrod’s campaign will cover your airfare and hotel, all you have to do is enter ( you can get automatically entered by clicking here to make a contribution ) and then think about which lucky friend is going to get to come with you. You’re not going to get an

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: I sure came out of the debate last night fired up

Robert -- Anyone who watched last night's debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney saw just how stark a choice the American people face in this election -- and that President Obama is the right choice to keep moving this country forward. On one hand, you have Mitt Romney, who offered absolutely no specifics for how he'll achieve any of the promises he made during the debate. His arguments are based on myths and bad math. And on our side, you have President Obama, who has not only shown that he knows how to get our economy back on track, but has offered real and concrete steps to continue to build the middle class, create jobs, and foster the growth of small business. This is the kind of leadership our country needs -- and it's up to us to make sure he wins on Election Day and has a Congress he can work with. Donate $5 or more today to make sure President Obama and Democrats across the country have the resources they need to win. I don't know about you, but I sure