
Showing posts with the label The Black Independent Party

more news about groundbreaking this fall. — Barack

Dear friend, Yesterday, I visited Jackson Park, the future home of the Obama Presidential Center, and surprised some of the Center’s future neighbors.  Take a look. We can’t wait to bring this Center to the South Side. For Michelle and me, this project is about more than building a gathering space and museum—it’s an opportunity to bring jobs, investment, and economic opportunity to a neighborhood that’s given us so much.  But we also know that to be successful, this project needs to not just be for the community, it must be built in partnership with the community.    That’s why, this week, I spent time with local business owners at South Shore Brew coffee shop and got to hear from them directly about their hopes for the Center.  I also stopped by the Wolfpack youth football team’s practice and talked to some of the kids who use Jackson Park every day. I came away certain that by working together, we can build a space that will act as an economic catalyst for the community, create new j

you paid more in federal taxes than Elon Musk.

If you had a job in 2018, chances are you paid more in federal taxes than Elon Musk. You read that right: According to a new report by ProPublica, Mr. Musk — one of the wealthiest people in the country — paid precisely $0 in federal income taxes in 2018. The worst part? Under our broken tax system, it’s completely legal.  That’s because billionaires like Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mike Bloomberg don’t make their fortunes through income like working families do. Their wealth comes from assets — like stock portfolios, art collections, and super-yachts. And by hiring the savviest lawyers and accountants that money can buy, they’re able to take advantage of huge loopholes and special breaks to pay little to no income tax — even while their fortunes are skyrocketing. Our tax code is rigged for those at the top — you know it and I know it. We need to address the growing power of billionaires, corporations, and their lobbyists as they rig the system and rules in their favor. I’m fighting every day

VoteVets is supporting the Veteran Deportation Prevention and Reform Act,

Imagine serving your country in a warzone, far away from your friends and family, just to step off the plane at home and be deported after your service ends. This is the reality for the thousands of patriotic veterans who are at risk for deportation or have already been deported. That’s why VoteVets is supporting the  Veteran Deportation Prevention and Reform Act , which would prevent more veterans from being deported and bring certain eligible veterans who have already been deported back home. Will you join us and call on Congress to pass the  Veteran Deportation Prevention and Reform Act ? This is the least we can do to show our gratitude to the people who fought to defend our freedoms. ADD YOUR NAME Non-citizen veterans are actually deported at a  higher  rate than non-citizens who did not serve in the military. It’s a disgrace, and we need to do better. We need a clear path to citizenship for eligible men and women who join our armed forces. And we need to hold ourselves to the pro

Democrats having such a slim majority

  Today Val Demings 1 message No attachment 4:08 PM I'm running for the U.S. Senate to defeat Marco Rubio I'm Val Demings, and I'm running for the U.S. Senate to defeat Marco Rubio and win better, stronger leadership for the people of Florida. Senator Rosen said I could reach out because we're barely out of the gate, and election experts are already calling this a top battleground race for the Senate. Robert, I'm Val Demings, and I'm running for the U.S. Senate to defeat Marco Rubio and win better, stronger leadership for the people of Florida. Senator Rosen said I could reach out because we're barely out of th Brandon Wolf; Pulse Survivor 1 message No attachment 2:01 PM The day my life changed forever... Friend, I’m alive, but will forever be haunted by that tragic night at Pulse nightclub 5 years ago on Saturday. Seconds before it happened, we were all dancing to the pulse of the thundering music from the DJ. My boyfriend Eric and I had just left our frien