Truth Team: What President Obama Believes

Truth Team

Robert --

President Obama is wrapping up a campaign bus tour through northern Ohio and western Pennsylvania, where he's been talking to people about his commitment to investing in American workers and creating jobs here at home. Yesterday, he backed up his words with actions by standing up to China's unfair trade practices, and showed his faith in American workers and industry yet again.

As we've continued to learn this week, Mitt Romney has bet against America as a private citizen, as a businessman, and as an elected official. Check out this week's tipsheet for details, and be sure to let others know about the stark differences between President Obama's and Mitt Romney's records when it comes to protecting American jobs.

#1 Standing tall against unfair trade practices
Yesterday, President Obama filed a case with the World Trade Organization against China's unfair trade practices. China has imposed more than $3 billion in unfair taxes on more than 80 percent of our auto exports to China, including cars made in Ohio and Michigan. But while the President has stood up and enforced trade laws against China, Mitt Romney attacked the President's 2009 effort to stand up to China on behalf of the American tire industry, calling it "bad for the nation and our workers." Check out this blog post about the President's record of holding China accountable for its trade practices, and make sure people you know have the facts on the issue:
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#2 Map of Romney investments
A Vanity Fair article published this week revealed that Mitt Romney has heavily invested in foreign tax havens, raising questions about whether he's ever avoided paying U.S. taxes. We already knew that he had a Swiss bank account until just last year, and that he still owns a mysterious corporation in Bermuda. The article notes that Romney's finances are "deeply entangled" with Bain Capital, including investment funds in the Cayman Islands. We don't know all the details because he won't follow precedent by releasing his tax returns, raising a lot of questions about his finances that Americans deserve to know the answers to. Take a look at this map of Romney's known investments in offshore tax havens, and make sure others see it, too:
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#3 Do you have a Swiss bank account?
Do you have an offshore bank account? As far as I know, it's pretty unusual for any American to have one -- especially someone who wants to be president of the United States. But just to make sure we weren't missing anything, we asked some people on the street whether they have an offshore bank account. Take a look at the video, see what they had to say, and share it with your friends:
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#4 What a president believes matters
The campaign released a new TV ad this week that highlights a key difference in President Obama's and Mitt Romney's economic philosophies: The President believes in an economy that expands manufacturing and brings jobs back to America, while Mitt Romney's policies would encourage outsourcing, threatening the security of the middle class. Watch the spot, and share it with your friends and family:
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Lastly, the Romney campaign and the Republicans announced this week that they raised more than $100 million in the month of June. We're still crunching our June numbers, but for context, that's about what we raised in April and May combined. The President is counting on you, and he's betting that the grassroots organization you're helping to build can overcome Romney's unprecedented money machine. So thanks for stepping up -- now invite your friends and family to join the Truth Team as well:
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P.S. -- Time's running out to enter for a chance to have a cup of coffee with Vice President Biden. Donate $3 or whatever you can today to be automatically entered. 

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