Stephanie Cutter: Truth Team Special Report: Result of Romney's First Day on the Job for Mass

Truth Team

Robert --

President Obama gave a speech in Cleveland on Thursday laying out the clear choice in this election -- between moving forward and creating an economy built to last, or going backward to the policies of the past decade.

Those are the policies that Mitt Romney supports. He believes that if you take away protections for consumers and workers and cut taxes even more for the wealthiest Americans, the market will solve all our problems on its own. We tried that approach over the last decade, and it benefited a few -- but it also crashed our economy and hurt the rest of us. It didn't create good jobs or pay down our debt -- it caused the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

We don't want to go back to that.

We have to talk with our friends, families, and neighbors about the choice we have in this election, and I think there's a lot of good stuff in this week's tipsheet that will help you do just that.

#1 Setting the record straight on spending
Time and again, the Romney campaign has shown its willingness to make false claims about President Obama, regardless of how often they're debunked by independent fact-checkers. That's why the Truth Team is so important to this campaign, and it's why I recorded a video responding to Romney's distortions and outright inventions about the level of government spending under President Obama. Take a look, and make sure you share this with others:
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#2 Mitt Romney: Out of touch
Romney recently said that President Obama is "defining what it means to be detached and out of touch with the American people." I can't even begin to tell you how eager I am to have a debate with Mitt Romney about what it means to be "out of touch." Let's start by taking a look at this video of his greatest out-of-touch hits, and sharing it with others:
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#3 Video: It didn't work then, it won't work now
President Obama's jobs plan would put teachers back in classrooms and first responders back on our streets -- it's part of his plan to create up to a million new jobs that Congress left on the table last year. But under Romney Economics, the priorities are clear: When it comes to firefighters, cops, and teachers, Romney says "it's time for us to cut back." It's the same plan he enforced in Massachusetts as governor. Massachusetts officials who served during Romney's tenure explain how Romney's cutbacks didn't work for communities then, and how they won't work now -- take a look and pass it around:
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#4 What Romney Economics meant for Massachusetts firefighters, cops, and teachers
As governor of Massachusetts, Romney didn't just cut jobs for teachers and first responders. He vetoed funding for student fire safety education, increased fees for police training, and redirected grant money meant for first responder equipment. Take a look at this blog post about Romney's record, and share it with others:
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#5 Why Romney's "repeal and replace" plan for Obamacare would fail millions of Americans
Romney has been very clear that he would repeal Obamacare -- including its requirement that insurers cover those with preexisting conditions -- but he's never given a good answer about what he would replace it with. In fact, as policy director James Kvaal explains in this blog post, the centerpiece of Romney's plan for health reform has actually been the law since 1996. Check it out, and make sure others know about Romney's empty promises to fix our nation's health care system:
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P.S. -- The First Lady is putting together a Father's Day card for President Obama andshe'd like you to sign it. Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there.

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