Martin Sheen: Sherrod is one of those fighters

Hello Robert,

I’m Martin Sheen. You know me best as an actor, but I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, and early on in life decided I wouldn't sit on the sidelines when it came to issues of economic and social justice. When a true leader crosses my path -- one who doesn’t just talk about progressive values but embodies them -- I act. And I hope you will, too, by supporting Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown.

Sherrod is dedicated to the middle class, to seniors, and to women and families. He doesn’t work for the special interests -- he works for the middle class people who make Ohio great.

Sherrod needs our help -- and this country needs the progressive voice of Sherrod Brown. This month, his campaign needs to raise $500,000. Click here to contribute today.

We place a sacred trust in our elected officials. We expect them to stand up with courage and conviction for the things we believe in.

That’s exactly what Sherrod has done. He showed up on Day One a fighting progressive who cared first, last, and always about Ohio’s working families -- and that’s the man he remains today.

Sherrod has already seen $10 million spent against him in his race. He needs to raise $500,000 this month to fight back. Can you contribute $10 or more to support him?

I played a President on TV who could change the debate with a single speech. But in real life, it doesn’t work that way. In real life, it’s up to progressive fighters to protect the vulnerable, hold the special interests accountable, and defeat a right-wing agenda so radical no screenwriter could conceive it.

Sherrod is one of those fighters. I hope I can count on you to join me in standing with him.

Thank you,

Martin Sheen

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