Kathleen Falk: I humbly ask for your vote Today. I want to save Wisconsin for our children's Future

Kathleen Falk for Wisconsin.

Open, Honest, Accountable. Bringing Wisconsin Together.

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I want to work for you. I ask for your vote Tuesday.
The odometer on my 10-year-old car is just about to hit 200,000 miles. All this last year, I have worked side-by-side with you as we have fought against Scott Walker's extreme agenda that hurts our basic Wisconsin values. I have heard your voices, your concerns, your worries and your hopes for a better Wisconsin in 28 days.
I remember the man in Wausau who no longer is considered "unemployed" -- he hasn't worked for so long he has given up hope now.
I think of the woman in Green Bay who worries about what she and her three children will do without health care.
The mom and dad of two young children in Milwaukee who see their kids' class sizes mushroom and worry about what next year's cuts to schools mean to their children.
Then there’s the man in Waukesha who pleaded to heal our state because his brothers and sisters don't even talk to each other any more because Scott Walker has torn our families apart.
During this campaign I am both humbled, and inspired, by the incredible grassroots support of almost every major organization that has chosen me as the strongest candidate to take on Scott Walker in 28 days. This unprecedented coalition of hundreds of thousands of citizens is what beats Walker’s $25 million.
Elected officials, the political establishment, worried we'd never get to this day.
But together, we did. We are here. Only together can we finish the job.
My record of job creation beats Scott Walker's record of job losses.
My record of working with people, negotiation, treating people respectfully, getting the job done has earned me the support of AFL-CIO, WEAC, EMILY’s List, AFSCME, SEIU, SEIU Healthcare WI, Clean WI Action Fund, AFT, UFCW, IBEW Local 159 and Local 158, Sierra Club, Building and Construction Trade Union of South Central Wisconsin, Women’s Campaign Fund, Young Progressives of WI and Voces de la Frontera.
I ask for your support. No one will work harder. Thanks for all you have done to get our state back on track. Let's get the job done. I humbly ask for your vote Tuesday.


Kathleen Falk

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