Jim Messina: the President's accomplishments

Obama - Biden
Robert --

One of the first lessons I learned in politics is that when you're attacked, you have to defend yourself.

The Koch brothers and other Romney allies are running millions of dollars in false, negative ads against President Obama in critical battleground states right now -- six months out from Election Day.

We have a powerful story to tell about what we've done these past three years -- and we're not going to let anyone tell it for us.

Today, we're launching our own TV ad about the President, and it's a positive one, highlighting what we've done together in the last three years. It's a message we need every voter to hear.

Will you pitch in $5 or more to support the campaign and help get our message in front of voters today?

div align="middle">Watch our new ad

As we speak, the super PAC that spent an astounding $42 million helping Romney during the primaries is up with $4 million in ads touting their candidate, and Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity has dropped more than $6.1 million into ads currently on the air against us.

We're already being hit from all sides. It's cynical politics, for sure.

But we're not relying on outside groups to blitz the airwaves with attacks in this campaign. We're relying on supporters like you.

It's why we have a robust field operation in all 50 states, and more than 150 field offices nationwide. It's why we put the bulk of the money we raise into the field efforts to bring more folks into this organization.

We're not naive. We know the other side is pouring money into negative ads because they know it can actually damage us. But for all the effort we're putting into a campaign based on grassroots support, it'd be a real shame if we let these negative ads slowly chip away at our chances to win.

And believe me, if we don't fight back and run the best campaign we can, they could.

That's why I'm asking for your help to determine just how many people we can reach to describe all the good things we've done. We're going to tell our own story this year -- and let voters pick their candidate based on the truth.

Chip in $5 or more to make sure everyone hears about the President's accomplishments today:




Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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