Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: it's our children -- our nation's future -- that we're all fighting for every single day.

EMILY's List
Dear robert,
I've said it before: as the mother of two young boys, finding the right balance between work and family isn't easy. But we do it, we figure it out, because it's our children -- our nation's future -- that we're all fighting for every single day.

I see it all the time in the amazing women I'm honored to serve with in the U.S. Senate. All of us are working to make sure that our daughters and sons -- and the daughters and sons of all Americans -- have the opportunity to prosper just as we've been able to. We're making sure that the rights and protections that previous generations fought for and won are not rolled back. And we're fighting for their ability to live out the American dream.

This Mother's Day, I can't think of a better way to honor all the mothers in the country -- past and present -- than with a contribution to EMILY's List.They're the ones working tirelessly to elect the pro-choice Democratic women who are making sure that our freedoms are protected for generations to come.

So, this year, join me in commemorating Mother's Day with a contribution to EMILY's List to help elect the Democratic women who will continue to secure our rights.

This weekend, let's remember and honor all the women who've come before us -- women who've fought for equal pay, fought for education, fought for their children and ours. And let's remember and honor all the women continuing those fights today.

On Mother's Day, let's get women involved and make sure they know who is truly fighting for them – the pro-choice Democratic women EMILY's List is working each day to elect to office.

Make this Mother's Day extra special. Honor mothers around the country with a contribution to EMILY's List.

I'm so honored to have such strong women in my life, in my family and in my career. From this mother to all of you: Happy Mother's Day. Let's make it one to remember.


Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

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