Jim Messina: do exactly what John McCain would not let us do

Obama - Biden
Robert --

A 54-page, $10 million proposal by top Republican strategists titled "The Defeat of Barack Hussein Obama" shows in vivid and gruesome detail what the President and all of us are up against.

The proposal laments that voters "still aren't ready to hate this president" but lays out a plan to portray him as "slick" and "cocky" -- and notes that they need to hire an "extremely literate conservative African-American" to insulate against charges of racism.

It says the President ran as a "metrosexual, black Abe Lincoln" and includes plans to spend millions on inflammatory TV ads using everything from Rev. Jeremiah Wright to images of the September 11th attacks to show the truth about Obama's alleged secret plan to destroy America.

In the words of one of these guys, they want to "do exactly what John McCain would not let us do" in the last election. And the plan was for it to be financed by a single billionaire.

This is going to be worse than we could have imagined. President Obama needs your help to stop it before it starts.

Pitch in today to fight these attacks and show them this only makes us stronger:




Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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