
Happy Juneteenth (Black New Year) by President Robert L. Gilyard

 First Of, I would like to thank all the people of different races that help us celebrate our freedom because my own people will not celebrate it in fear of upsetting whites and their feelings. Juneteenth means more to me than it does most of the people of my race because I know the historical background of it. My ancestors were the first victims of police brutality. I have been harrassed by police officers who have told me "They love getting Nggers like me." I have been arrested falsely several times and police have physically attacked me. There have been time where they have attempted to beat me to the ground. I stood my ground and never resisted. I always took my beating like a strong Black man while I watch others cry about police officers that talk to them the wrong way. I am not better, I am stronger. They fear that attribute about me. They will not get me to lose my self control and it frustrates them utill they have to be violent and create fake charges of crimes. Sla

What is 4th of July to Fort Smith Arkansas.

 When we still have Confederate monuments downtown. Where they have annual bike rallies in which they sell Confederate flags. When Confederates put flags on their trucks and intimidate our children up and down our streets. When Confederate flags wave through the neighborhoods of our children that are walking home from school. Where their dogs are barking at our children to harrass and terrorized them until they cannot move and we as adults have to stand and tell them that everything is okay. What is 4th of July to Fort Smith Arkansas. When we have a black mayor who does nothing for his own race and will celebrate America's Independence and ignore his own Freedom day that Juneteenth represents. The same mayor that used the platform of integration and segregation as a reason to be elected. And that same segregation and integration that is represented in Juneteenth was avoided. Will boast of white applause and ignore our black sisters in the streets who have questions of why there is

My black history was not white enough for the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith.

 It's me the President of the Black Independent Party. Robert  Gilyard.  First black man to get a law degree from the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith in 2007. The first class that graduated from the college.. I am black history in Fort Smith Arkansas. But the whites at the University of Arkansas is bringing their own form of black people to represent our city and they're supposed to be representations of black folks from our city. How can I respect my Alumni when I see the same issues that were there when I was a student. These black folks don't do nothing but go to a college. Then go home. They ignore us. But they are the white people's favorite. Now we have to listen another year and watch them applaud them people that don't give a fuk about us. Because that's how black folks are in this area. They're just like white people they just have black face on. Over a hundred years our people in this town are ignored. And when we finally get a little bit of a

Black Independent Party (BIP) BYLAWS

ARTICLE I: Name, Organization, and Purpose I.A. The name of this organization shall be Black Independent Party (BIP) and it shall serve as the official Black Independent Party organization in the Independent Party of America and shall be affiliated with all races and genders of Americans. I.B. The purpose of BIP Grassroots shall be: I.C.1. To promote the election of candidates who platforms match the BIP constitution; I.C.2. To provide assistance to voters and candidates for local, state and federal elective offices; I.C.3. To register Americans to vote, and to educate and inform voters; I.C.4. . To raise funds for campaigns with online and offline fundraising  I.C.5 To organize, conduct, and supervise events and campaigns of Black Independent Party affiliates and politicians I.C.6. To maintain an active base of volunteers for ongoing activities and encourage volunteers to become members of organizations; I.C.7. To make the official Black Independent Party endorsements of politicians

CONSTITUTION OF THE Black Independent Party (BIP):

  All persons held as slaves mental and/or physical within any country or designated part of a country are free; Not held down or restricted from thinking and acting with the Free Will The Lord Almighty Blessed us with from birth; and the Executive Government of Black Independent Party (BIP), including the military and naval authority granted by the United States, will recognize and maintain the freedoms of the Constitution of The United States of America, and will not act or represent acts to repress the United States and/or Global Countries, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom. And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-defense; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable wages. I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God. In Internet witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of Black


: We believe everyone should be free, no matter race, color, creed, sex, gender and All Civilians should receive rights and respect in all phases of America and the World. "Victory at Home, Victory Overseas, Victory for All".

United States Adjustment to ISIS

  United States Adjustments to ISIS CJA/454 Robert L. Gilyard September 2, 2014 Gary Howard United States Adjustment to ISIS This paper is an analysis on ISIS terrorism and how the American criminal justice system can adapt to the rising trend of terror. Suggestions to change the situation, proposed changes, positive, and negative effect of the change examination. Explanation and proposed usage of criminal justice management support, financial, training, and human resources tools available to combat terrorism. Situation: ISIS ISIS is a new organization with origination from 2006’s Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). The disbanding of Al-Qaeda organizations and other terror groups combined their resources and financial avenues into a new terror group called ISIS. They are not a new organization; it is a combination of the failed ones. The American media outlets are aiding in their emphasis on image terror. Using Bin Laden’s terror playbook and how he used video and random acts of terror during