Black Independent Party (BIP) BYLAWS

ARTICLE I: Name, Organization, and Purpose

I.A. The name of this organization shall be Black Independent Party (BIP) and it shall serve as the official Black Independent Party organization in the Independent Party of America and shall be affiliated with all races and genders of Americans.

I.B. The purpose of BIP Grassroots shall be:

I.C.1. To promote the election of candidates who platforms match the BIP constitution;

I.C.2. To provide assistance to voters and candidates for local, state and federal elective offices;

I.C.3. To register Americans to vote, and to educate and inform voters;

I.C.4. . To raise funds for campaigns with online and offline fundraising 

I.C.5 To organize, conduct, and supervise events and campaigns of Black Independent Party affiliates and politicians

I.C.6. To maintain an active base of volunteers for ongoing activities and encourage volunteers to become members of organizations;

I.C.7. To make the official Black Independent Party endorsements of politicians in American political offices;

I.C.8. To elect politicians in a manner prescribed by rules and procedures of the Federal Election Committee.

ARTICLE II: Membership

II.A. The membership of BIP shall consist of the following: 

No membership Fees, Our Corporate Sponsors Finance the Black Independent Party thru Google adsense and Corporate Affiliate Contracts of Bondfiles Inc.

If you adhere to these laws. You are officially a Black Independent Party member. Welcome to the party!


Upon a 3/4ths vote of the BIP majority, BIP ByLaws may be amended.

This Week's 🔥Topics

Katherine Archuleta: Today President Obama announced a common-sense policy change that will make our immigration system fairer and smarter.

Katie: We did it

Andrew: hear more of Malorie's story, you can watch our conversation here

Gabby: look at how far we’ve come


Team Trump Pence: President Trump is pushing to rebuild American infrastructure

Cory: promise of opportunity.

Michelle: On the Day of the Girl and beyond,

I am dog-tired of hearing from Donald Trump

Bill, Chelsea, and I,