Russ Feingold: Pres Reagan video against Social Security Cuts

News is breaking: Social Security benefits were put on the chopping block in the latest round of deficit talks in Congress.
But Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit.
Even Ronald Reagan said so.
So why are the Republicans who claim they want to close the deficit today demanding Social Security benefit cuts? And why are reports surfacing that these cuts are likely to be in the final deal?
Right now, our best chance to stop it will be in the Senate. We have to be ready.
Ronald Reagan: 'Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit.'
Social Security is not the cause of our deficit problem.
Any adjustments to social security must be done as a separate matter, without cutting benefits, not as a snake-oil solution to an unrelated deficit problem -- and never in exchange for allowing corporate interests and the wealthiest Americans to avoid contributing their fair share.
With your help, we can be ready to stop a bad deal that cuts Social Security benefits when it reaches the Senate. But if we don't act now, it will soon be too late.
Thank you for uniting as a progressive,
Russ Feingold,
Progressives United

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