Russ Feingold: never took our eye off the ball

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We saw more corporate meddling in this year's election than any election in recent memory. But don't expect it to let up any time soon.
Corporate interests and a handful of eccentric billionaires aren't just out to buy an election. They're out to buy what happens after elections: the policies that affect how all of us live our lives every single day.
That's why, together, we're fighting back right now against a right-wing lobbyist-backed deal to slash essential benefits for America's elderly, disabled, and poor.
That's why we speak out when corporate and wealthy interests try to rig the game by slanting the playing field in their favor -- both in and out of election seasons.
And that's why we must hit our year-end $100,000 goal. We have to be organized to take back the field.
Progressives United never took our eye off the ball in calling attention to some of the most egregious attacks on our democracy this year.
As a result, broad majorities of Americans have seen -- and rejected -- the politics of unlimited, corrupting corporate money. Together, we're creating the conditions for reform -- and we're doing it from the bottom up.
But corporate America is redoubling their efforts to take their spoils from sweetheart deals and favorable loopholes made at the expense of hardworking families when Congress meets in the New Year.
Already, we've stopped attempts to inflict damaging cuts to crucial programs. But further attacks are around the corner, and we have more to do -- it's time to play offense.
I'm excited for what we can accomplish -- just as we have time and again -- in the coming year. But we need the resources to succeed. Please contribute today.
Thank you for uniting as a progressive,
Russ Feingold
Progressives United

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