Kirsten Gillibrand; The Pantsuits are Coming

Robert L.,Help elect women to congress. Goal: $25,000 - Deadline: Dec. 31 - Contribute now.
We made history.
In January, we will have 20 women in the Senate and 78 serving in the House. Not only that, but one-quarter of all new members of Congress are women.
You helped us raise more than $1 million for progressive women candidates in 2012, giving them the resources they needed to run winning campaigns.
But we can’t rest now. My Off the Sidelines PAC is preparing for 2014, so our Democratic women are ready for the far-right attacks we know are coming. We have to start this year strong to not only defend, but also to build upon our gains.
Help us raise $25,000 before the FEC deadline of December 31, so we can increase our numbers and keep control of the Senate.
I once said that if Congress were made up of 51 percent women, we wouldn’t be debating access to contraception—we’d be talking about jobs and the economy. But that’s not all. I can only imagine what a majority of women could pull off—from critical laws on gun control to solutions on climate change to better schools for our children.
We can get there. Women make up the majority of our society, so there’s no reason we can’t make up the majority of our legislative branch.
Give whatever you can today, before the December 31 deadline. Early support from people like you is what made it possible for me to win. Let’s give that same support to female candidates across the country.
I believe in the power of women to change our discourse in Washington and solve our most intractable problems. If you do too, please give today.
All the best,

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