Amy K. Dacey: keep that pipeline of pro-choice, Democratic women going

It still takes my breath away when I think of all we accomplished this year -- and I know I'll never get tired of hearing the words

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Member ID: Pending
It still takes my breath away when I think of all we accomplished this year -- and I know I'll never get tired of hearing the words "Senator Elizabeth Warren" or "Senator Tammy Baldwin" or "Governor Maggie Hassan." The EMILY's List community made these historic victories -- and so many others -- possible, and I could not be more proud.

There's only one thing this community can't do, and that's rest for a single minute. Our stunning achievements in 2012 depended on early, strong support from all of you. That's why there's no time to waste in getting ready for the next cycle.

Become an EMILY's List member right now for the special rate of just $10. We need your strong and early support if we're going to succeed in 2013 and 2014.

We've got a lot of work ahead of us. We must re-elect senators Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire and Kay Hagan from North Carolina. We must fight to elect Democratic women governors as the last line of defense against the War on Women in the states. We must take back the House from John Boehner and Paul Ryan. And we must keep that pipeline of pro-choice, Democratic women going in order to create a more progressive America.

I know we can get all this done, but only if you join us. The far Right is already strategizing about how to undo all our progress, and we can't give them an inch.

So don't delay. Secure your EMILY's List membership right now for the limited-time rate of just $10 and make sure that we can keep fighting the toughest battles every day.

Thanks for everything you've done this year, and thanks for making sure we get off to a strong start this coming year.

Amy K. Dacey
Executive Director

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