Sherrod Brown: stand alongside Jeff in the Senate

Dear Robert L.,

You and I know better than anyone what happens when the special interests get mad. In the last election, they spent $40 million trying to defeat me.

But you and I also know that standing up to them is still the right thing to do. And that’s why I’m writing to you today on behalf of my friend Jeff Merkley.

Jeff is a dedicated progressive who’s taken on the toughest fights on behalf of the middle class. And just as my own progressive values put me at the top of the special interests’ target list in 2012, Jeff is sure to be hit with a ton of attacks as he fights for re-election in 2014.

I’m hoping you’ll stand with Jeff the way you’ve stood with me. His campaign is trying to raise $10,000 by January 31st to build his grassroots foundation. Can you contribute $5 or more to help?

Jeff and I serve together on the Senate Banking Committee. I've seen his work first-hand.

When Jeff takes on China's unfair trade practices and stands up to secure American jobs, when he fights corporate interests by committing to overturn Citizens United, when he pushes for filibuster reform, he’s fighting to make a difference for working people.

It takes real courage to be so outspoken, so passionate, so committed to making real progress for the middle class.

But courage isn’t enough when it comes to a fight like the one he’s facing. He needs grassroots support from fellow passionate progressives like you and me.

Help me help Jeff reach his $10,000 goal for January. Make a contribution of $5 or more today.

Right-wing special interest heavyweights like Karl Rove, the Kochs, and their big-money pals -- the same ones who came after us in 2012 -- will be going after Jeff in 2014.

I’m proud to stand alongside Jeff in the Senate -- and pleased to be helping him build a grassroots foundation. Let’s rally behind this progressive champion -- contribute today.

Thank you.


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