Kirsten Gillibrand: stand with the capable women of our armed forces who are ready to serve

Secretary Panetta’s announcement that he is lifting a ban on women in combat was a long overdue step forward for women.
But already Republican Senator Jim Inhofe has threatened to introduce legislation to block it, saying that it could be “detrimental to our fighting forces and their capabilities.”
This is an insult to women everywhere. In Iraq and Afghanistan, 152 women have died and more than 800 have been wounded. They are already making the ultimate sacrifice.
Just like it was wrong to discriminate against servicemembers because of whom they love, it is wrong to deny credit for combat roles to qualified women solely because of their gender.
Allowing women to officially serve in combat roles opens up opportunity for women to fullfill their potential and rightfully take senior leadership roles within the Armed Services.
Today there is only one female four star general. Secretary Panetta's policy change will be an historic moment to change that inequity. We can't let Senator Inhofe block it.
Women are already fighting for our country, and we need to allow all of our best and brightest to serve if we’re going to have the strongest possible military.
Sign my petition today to stand with the capable women of our armed forces who are ready to serve on the front lines.
Thank you,

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