Paul: Use the Hashtag #RepublicanResistance to resist the liberals


Resist - that's the only thing on Democrats' minds right now. They have no interest in legislating or putting forth constructive policies. 

They're only focused on getting back at Republicans after we defeated them soundly in the November elections. 

That's why they've flooded Georgia's 6th congressional district with over $10 million to try to flip the district as the first step in their "resistance" against our Republican government.

They think that winning this one race will create a domino effect stretching from coast to coast. 

This is our chance to stop them, Robert. 

I need you to join me RIGHT NOW in standing with Karen Handel, against Nancy Pelosi's handpicked liberal candidate, Jon Ossoff. 

Chip in $25 Immediately >>> 

Chip in $50 Immediately >>> 

Chip in $100 Immediately >>> 

Chip in $250 Immediately >>> 

Or chip in another amount via this secure link >>> 

This is an all-hands-on-deck situation, Robert. Democrats are salivating at the prospect of handing Republicans a loss following their defeat in the November elections. 

Please stand with me in support of Karen Handel right now. 


Speaker Paul Ryan 

P.S. The campaign has just notified that all donations made before midnight tonight will be double-matched. 

Take advantage of this incredible opportunity here.

Paid for by Handel for Congress, Inc.

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