Black -- It’s time to move pulp and paper companies Beyond Paper Promises. After decades of work from frontline communities and supporters like you, corporations throughout the supply chain have promised to eliminate forest destruction and human rights abuses from their business. Still, not enough has changed for forests and communities. The goal of our new campaign, Beyond Paper Promises, is to amplify the voices of communities on the front lines of rainforest destruction, driving action to hold companies accountable to their policy promises.
Take a moment to explore and share stories from the frontlines at
This is Kristina br Hutabarat, from Aek Lung village, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The pulp company Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) took her ancestral land to plant a eucalyptus plantation, in order to produce the raw materials for rayon and viscose fabric:
“This land is our life and the lives of our future grandchildren. We are campaigning so that people will stop buying Toba Pulp Lestari’s products, because TPL has stolen our rights and our traditionally-owned land.”
 This is Mohammad Jais from Lubuk Mandarsah village, Jambi Province, Indonesia. His traditionally-owned land was taken by Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), and the community has faced violent intimidation in their fight to have their land returned:
“We want our traditionally-owned land that we have reoccupied to be returned to us...If the company wants to resolve this conflict, all it has to do is simply give us back our land.”
 All communities profiled on have asked to have their stories profiled internationally, and all individuals have given their explicit permission to have their images and stories shared. RAN will be working closely to monitor the situation on the ground and will continue our long-term efforts to support these communities. The people profiled on BeyondPaperPromises.orgneed your help; when you click on a picture, you’ll find it easy to share that story and amplify these powerful voices for change. Be sure to click ‘Take Action’, and send a powerful message to pulp and paper producers that broken promises won’t be tolerated. Learn from these stories and demand that corporations create real change for frontline communities and for the forest.In solidarity,  Brihannala Morgan Senior Campaigner Rainforest Action Network PS. Help launch Beyond Paper Promises by sharing it on Facebook and Twitter.