Liz: irresponsible big government policies -

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Democrats have shown they are incapable of leading. Radical Democrats have pushed irresponsible big government policies - Medicare for All and the Green New Deal - which will drastically increase the national deficit and cause our debt to skyrocket. These are programs our children and grandchildren will end up paying for. Donate now to help Republicans retake the house!

There is no plan to pay for these massive programs, but we all know what will happen. Liberal Democrats will raise taxes on middle class families. There is only one way to stop that from happening, and that is for Republicans to take back the House in 2020. Chip in now to support President Trump's conservative agenda.

After conservatives cut taxes for families and small businesses, we have experienced sustained economic growth, historic low unemployment, and more jobs. I want to continue with a pro-growth agenda which will ease the burden on middle class families and promote free market solutions.

Democrats wants the federal government to determine which products you have access to, which services are available in your area, and what you can eat. Help turn the House red by chipping in whatever you can now. 

Thank you for your support. I know we can do this.
Liz Cheney 


Paid for by Liz Cheney for Wyoming

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