Kelli: we will make Arizona great again

Please find a special message from one of our sponsors, Kelli Ward for Senate, Inc.
Dear Friend,
Americans have had enough of Jeff Flake as he sits on the sidelines in Washington, road blocking President Trump’s America First agenda.
And Arizona’s residents have taken notice - the latest poll results show our campaign surging ahead of Flake by astronomical margins!
With results that favor me with 58% over Flake's 31%, it's clear that Arizona's residents are speaking up!
Flake abandoned Arizona's conservatives when he went to Washington. How can he call himself a conservative when he does not support our President or his agenda, and speaks negatively about putting America first?
Flake isn't a 'true conservative' --- he is a fake!
That is why I'm running to represent Arizona in the U.S. Senate --- I will champion the interests of Arizona residents, be tough on issues that are important like healthcare and immigration, and jobs and the economy. I will work to advance the ideas of freedom and liberty.
Are you ready to fight with Team Ward? Join here!
The residents of Arizona deserve a Senator who stands up for their interests and fights for their freedoms!
As a military wife, I understand how vital national security is to this country. By supporting President Trump's agenda and securing our borders, we will protect the rights and liberties of Americans.
It's time for Arizona to have a fighter in the U.S. Senate! We're through with lying, fake conservatives.
Your contribution proves to Fake Flake that he is not what Arizona needs. We need a 'true conservative' in Washington that is accountable to the people they are elected by.
Together, we will make Arizona great again!
For America,
Dr. Kelli Ward
1628 E. Southern Ave. #9329, Tempe, AZ 85282

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