Jill: Democrats keep looking for that long lost spine.

Jill 2016
Dear Friend,
It sounds too good to be true.
But it's not.
And it couldn't come at a better time.
Just as Donald Trump and his billionaire Cabinet begin wreaking havoc and Democrats keep looking for that long lost spine... along comes a super-powered Green candidate, running a breakthrough campaign in an absolutely winnable race.
This is the game changer we've been waiting for. So please. Just for a moment. Drop everything.
Check out Cheri Honkala, my 2012 VP running mate extraordinaire, who's running in the March 21st special election for Pennsylvania State Representative for the 197th district.
Please make a donation to Cheri's campaign by going here and clicking on the donate page. Do your part to help win this Green revolution at the ballot box.
If we each do a little something, we can indeed change everything.
And here's the show stopper. if we can raise $40,000 this week to show her “viability”, Cheri has been assured the assistance of key networks that will make her virtually unstoppable in this race!
So please, right now, make a donation to Cheri's campaign by going here and clicking on the donate page.
And this is no ordinary special election.
Cheri is running to replace the second Democratic Representative in a row to plead guilty to fraud charges! Needless to say, the Democrats enter this race hobbled by corruption and conflict. The door is wide open for a Green victory.
Recruited to run by her supporters in one of the poorest districts in Philadelphia, Cheri has long fought for oppressed communities of color with whom she founded the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign.
If 1500 people receiving this email each contribute $27, we can make this happen right now!
As a leader of eviction blockades to defend desperate homeowners, and picket lines to stand up for struggling workers, Cheri knows what it means to stare down unjust power.
As a Green State Representative, she will transform the political landscape and give new meaning to fighting for justice in the halls of power.
Please make a donation to Cheri's campaign by going here and clicking on the donate page.
Please sign up to canvas if you're near Philadelphia, or to phone bank if you're anywhere else, by going here and clicking on the volunteer page.
As people pour into the streets by the millions, the resistance is growing like we haven't seen in generations. A new political force is emerging. Cheri can lead that force into the halls of power. Let's make this the breakthrough campaign we all deserve!
Thanks so much for leading the charge.
Upward together,
Jill and Ajamu

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