Al: another round of amazing MVPs

Al Franken - U.S. Senator, Minnesota

It’s time to highlight another round of amazing MVPs. Today we’re focusing on our Senate Switchers. All four of these races are among the most competitive in the country. And with all four MVPs facing an FEC deadline at the end of the month, there’s no time to waste. Let’s dive right in.

ILLINOIS: Tammy Duckworth

You’ve probably heard about Tammy. She’s a war hero who lost both legs when her Blackhawk helicopter was shot down in Iraq.Yet the National Republican Senatorial Committee recently attacked her on social media for “not standing up for our veterans.”

Yeah, I had to read that sentence a couple times to believe it, too.

If that doesn’t prove Republicans are willing to go to desperate lengths to defeat Tammy, I don’t know what would. If you’re feeling inspired to help out Tammy’s team before the deadline, just click here and make a contribution.
OHIO: Ted Strickland

Ted’s already proven he’s an incredibly effective leader for Ohio families in the House of Representatives and in the Governor’s office. After all that, there’s no doubt he’d do fantastic in the Senate.

Special interests know that too, of course. And they don’t find it quite as endearing as we do. That’s why they’ve already spent millions of dollars against Ted -- and there’ll be millions more where that came from.

Ted’s team needs our help fighting back, $5 or $10 at a time. Make a contribution to help them out.

FLORIDA: Patrick Murphy

Down in the Sunshine State, Patrick Murphy -- one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet -- is in the midst of a tough primary. And without help from us the general won’t look any sunnier. In fact, it’s been reported Patrick’s race could wind up being one of the most expensive Senate races in history.

Patrick’s relying on a big grassroots effort to win this thing. His opponent is relying on the special interests. Which side do you want to win?

The answer is our side, of course. Give $5, $10 or more to help Team Murphy reach their goal this month.

WISCONSIN: Russ Feingold

This guy is the special interests’ worst nightmare. He literally has his name on the last major piece of campaign finance legislation to make it through Congress. I have a feeling if Russ makes it to the Senate, he’s going to make reversing Citizens United a huge priority.

I’m fairly certain the special interests think so, too -- which is why they’ll stop at nothing to make sure Russ doesn’t make it to the Senate.

Russ needs our support. So if you can, make a contribution to his campaign before the big deadline.

Thanks for helping out our Senate Switchers today!


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