Russ Feingold: it's you, me, and 50,000 of our friends vs. the special interests

Contribute to Sherrod Brown's "Buckeye Bomb"
This is incredible.
In Ohio, I just got word that dedicated progressive Senator Sherrod Brown has now been the subject of over $20 million in special interest attacks from Karl Rove, the Koch brothers, anonymous Tea Party billionaires, and more.
Sherrod has been one of progressives' biggest allies, not just when it comes to protecting working families, protecting Social Security and Medicare benefits, and protecting consumers from Wall Street -- but when it comes to fighting corporate special interest money itself and opposing Citizens United.
We have to help protect him.
Progressive supporters of Sherrod from around the country are coming together TODAY to support his campaign. In Wisconsin, we've always called it a "Cheddarbomb" -- but I like the Ohio version, too: a "Buckeye Bomb."
Will you join Sherrod Brown's "Buckeye Bomb" today by contributing $20 or more now?
The Buckeye Bomb is a challenge to grassroots progressives to raise one million grassroots dollars in a single day, $20 at a time.
It's no shock that all of these right-wing special interest groups have declared war on Sherrod. He's fighting to end Citizens United. He's stood up to Wall Street banks and Big Oil. He's fighting to end tax breaks for big corporations that ship jobs overseas.
Sherrod is not afraid to fight back for working families -- and because he has spent years opposing the corporate special interests, he's now what one news outlet called "the hunted Democrat" in this year's elections.
But despite all the attacks, Sherrod has remained strong in the polls -- so far.
We need to win the race the special interests have targeted the most heavily -- and we need to keep Sherrod's progressive voice in the Senate.
Be one of the 50,000 grassroots supporters to help Sherrod fight back against $20 million in corporate special interest attacks. Contribute $20 or more right now.
If this election comes down to Sherrod vs. the special interests, he could easily lose.
But if it's you, me, and 50,000 of our friends vs. the special interests, we'll win a landmark victory for progressives.
Thank you for uniting as a progressive,

Russ Feingold
Progressives United

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