Nancy Pelosi: hold Republicans accountable for every attack


Some scary news: Karl Rove and his special interest buddies dumped more than $2 million into critical House races -- races where EMILY's List candidates are in dead heats. That kind of money can turn an election on its head and fast.

So how do we beat Rove's millions and reclaim our majority? It's simple: we act, and we act fast. We need to add women like Val Demings, Christie Vilsack, Ann Kirkpatrick, and Julia Brownley to the House.

Contribute to EMILY's List right now to help us take back the House by keeping ads on the air and turning out the women voters who will get our candidates to victory.
From the moment John Boehner took the Speaker's gavel, it has been an unmitigated disaster for women and middle class families. From trying to redefine rape to nearly shutting down the government over Planned Parenthood, Boehner and his buddies like Steve King have only one focus: demolishing our progress.

We fight back with Val and Christie and Ann and Julia and many, many more. And EMILY's List is leading the way to victory for these women in these last 18 days -- and leading Democrats back to the majority! Their critical programs are turning out women voters in races with razor-thin margins and making sure they're voting for Democrats. But they don't stay on the air if you don't fund them right this minute.

We win with pro-choice, Democratic women and women voters -- but only if you do your part at these critical moments. Contribute to EMILY's List right now.
Thanks for helping me hold Republicans accountable for every attack in the last two years.

Nancy Pelosi

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