Sara El-Amine Apply now to be one of our fall fellows

Friend --

I'm the national training director at Obama for America. My job is to develop the programs and resources our staff and volunteers use to teach others how to grow this campaign in their communities.

I'm writing because you or someone you know might want to be among a group of people who will play the leading role in our grassroots strategy this fall. They're called our fall fellows.

By now you've probably heard of our summer organizers program, through which more than 1,500 full-time volunteer organizers have stepped up as the next generation of leaders in this movement. These folks have been the focus and the heart of our movement all summer, and though each and every one of them will remain a part of this organization, their time as Summer Organizers ends next month.

The job of fall fellows is to pick their work up and carry it forward into the months to come.

Our fall fellows are going to engage new volunteers on front porches and over the phones. They'll register new voters and develop relationships with other organizers and supporters on campuses and in communities. The people selected will be on the front lines of the most important work we do as a campaign: bringing people together at the local level.

Apply to be a fall fellow right now -- or pass this message along to someone else you think would be great:

Organizing is tough work. I started out as an organizing intern in Iowa in 2007, and I can tell you firsthand that the hours can be long, often extending late into the evening and over the weekend. But this will be one of the most rewarding and inspiring things you'll ever do. It's through organizing that I've met some of my closest friends and learned the skills I use in my job every day.

So even if you're not in a position to join us part- or full-time in the months to come, I really hope you'll forward this message to someone you know who might be.

This kind of organizing isn't just how we plan to win this election. It's a reflection of the kind of politics that we believe in -- the kind the President himself practiced as a young organizer working with communities devastated by factory closings in Chicago.

No experience is required -- you might be a veteran organizer or a first-time volunteer. And if you happen to be a college student, you can work with your school to earn credit through this program.

Bottom line: No matter how old you are or where you come from, it's not too often you get a chance to do something like this.

Apply now to be one of our fall fellows -- or share this message with someone you think might be interested:

Thanks, and good luck,


Sara El-Amine
National Training Director
Obama for America

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