For too many Virginia families, opportunities for health and success are out of reach.

Dr. Cameron Webb for Congress

Dr. Cameron Webb is a doctor, lawyer and father running for Congress in VA-05. You're receiving this message because you care about electing Democratic leaders with the moral clarity to address our broken health care system, the climate crisis, and the lack of social mobility for hardworking families.
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We hope that everyone is staying safe during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and that you continue to follow the range of recommended practices to protect your health and the health of your neighbors in these uncertain times. Team Webb is now working entirely remotely, and we’ve taken the step of canceling all in-person fundraising for the foreseeable future. These changes to our strategy—while necessary—do make grassroots online outreach and fundraising even more critical than before. Cameron and the rest of the team will continue working to ensure that all Virginians have opportunities for health and success, and we hope you will stay with us in this fight to flip VA-05.


I'm running for Congress because we need to prioritize the health and well-being of all Americans.

As a doctor, I've seen firsthand how inadequate health care hurts families. I've seen how health is about much more than health care. I've seen how it's shaped by employment, education, and even the environment.

Yet day after day, I see the human cost of our broken health care system. Just last year, Virginia's 5th Congressional District was home to the most expensive health insurance in the country. Washington has consistently put politics above patients—and I intend to put an end to that.

I want to go to Washington to be a leading voice on behalf of patients and actually get something done. I’m ready to fight! But I can’t get there without your help.

Will you join my team to help me fight for solutions to the health care system and the issues in equal access to education, our criminal justice system and immigration that heighten the lack of access to care?

I grew up right here in Virginia with five siblings. My mother was a school teacher. My father worked for the DEA. My parents showed me the value of living life in service of others. They taught me to dream big and work hard.

And that hard work paid off. After graduating from UVA and getting my medical and law degrees, I had the honor of serving in the Obama White House. In 2016, I was a member of President Obama’s White House Health Care Team—the only physician on that team in 2016. In the Obama administration, I worked hard with my colleagues to expand access to care, improve education, and reform our criminal justice system.

But for too many Virginia families, opportunities for health and success are out of reach.

Let's do something about that. I hope you'll join my team.


Fighting for you,


Dr. Cameron Webb is running for Congress to represent Virginia's Fifth District because access to affordable healthcare is a defining issue of our time. As a doctor, lawyer, and father, Cameron brings a critical perspective on the healthcare crisis and how it impacts equity and justice work. Will you support Cameron's bold campaign and make a donation now?



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Dr. Cameron Webb for Congress
P.O. Box 679
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Paid for by Dr. Cameron Webb for Congress

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