Liz: Socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders will stop at nothing

As if the Democrats weren’t far enough to the left, now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has taken it upon herself to fill Congress with as many socialists as possible.
She recently started a Political Action Committee aimed at replacing Democrats with even more radical Democrats. Ocasio-Cortez is performing a hostile takeover of the Democrat party!! She has access to millions and her new PAC could change the landscape of Washington D.C. as we know it.
These are scary times, Friend!
I need your help to make sure this band of radical socialists don’t take over the Democratic party in November! If you stand with me and against what they are doing will you make an instant online contribution to my campaign right now?
Socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders will stop at nothing...and after they are done cannibalizing their own party, they plan to take over our entire country.
I will do everything I can to stop the socialists’ hostile takeover of our country, but I need your help today. Will you fight with me, Friend?
Thank you,
Liz Cheney

Paid for by Liz Cheney for Wyoming

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